Everything posted by Matt
Activity stream RSS sharing no longer works
TypeError: iterator_to_array(): Argument #1 ($iterator) must be of type Traversable, array given (0) #0 /var/www/html/debug-a319035-5000043/applications/core/sources/Stream/Stream.php(618): iterator_to_array(Array) #1 /var/www/html/debug-a319035-5000043/applications/core/sources/Stream/Stream.php(453): IPS\core\Stream->_getOurClubs() #2 /var/www/html/debug-a319035-5000043/applications/core/modules/front/discover/streams.php(758): IPS\core\Stream->form(Object(IPS\Helpers\Form), 'Text', false) #3 /var/www/html/debug-a319035-5000043/applications/core/modules/front/discover/streams.php(200): IPS\core\modules\front\discover\streams->_buildForm(Object(IPS\core\Stream)) #4 /var/www/html/debug-a319035-5000043/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(139): IPS\core\modules\front\discover\streams->manage() #5 /var/www/html/debug-a319035-5000043/applications/core/modules/front/discover/streams.php(98): IPS\Dispatcher\Controller->execute() #6 /var/www/html/debug-a319035-5000043/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(169): IPS\core\modules\front\discover\streams->execute() #7 /var/www/html/debug-a319035-5000043/index.php(16): IPS\Dispatcher->run() #8 {main}
$member parameter cannot be passed into the template for some unknown reason.
Are your details up to date in the client area?
Welcome to Invision Community 5
We can’t really allow the content to stretch so there's little choice. Not many have full screen width browser windows open these days.
$member parameter cannot be passed into the template for some unknown reason.
Changed Status to Not a bug
$member parameter cannot be passed into the template for some unknown reason.
I’m not really sure what to do with this. It’s not really a bug report as such, but there’s clearly some investigation to be done. Did you manage to upgrade?
Theme differences
Changed Status to Duplicate
Theme differences
Closing, but it’s been moved to our internal ‘post update’ tracker.
No possibility to translate the options list in the editor
Changed Status to Moved to Github Changed Github Link to https://github.com/InvisionPowerServices/Invision-Community/issues/3298
Bug with the language selection dropdown
Changed Status to Moved to Github Changed Github Link to https://github.com/InvisionPowerServices/Invision-Community/issues/3283
When sending an attachment, the description overlaps with the progress bar
Changed Status to Moved to Github Changed Github Link to https://github.com/InvisionPowerServices/Invision-Community/issues/3299
When sending an attachment, the description overlaps with the progress bar
What browser/OS are you using please?
Emoji's slow
Changed Status to Moved to Github Changed Github Link to https://github.com/InvisionPowerServices/Invision-Community/issues/3297
Tiptap editor replacing single/double quotes
Changed Status to Moved to Github Changed Github Link to https://github.com/InvisionPowerServices/Invision-Community/issues/3295
Badges when hovering on someone's display name
Changed Status to Moved to Github Changed Github Link to https://github.com/InvisionPowerServices/Invision-Community/issues/3294
Badges when hovering on someone's display name
Unread stream includes items I cannot see anymore
Changed Status to Not a bug
Unread stream includes items I cannot see anymore
I’ll clear those out. It’s due to me moving stuff around in the database.
Theme Hooks
Changed Status to Not a bug
Theme Hooks
As above, it’s not really a bug in the software.
Welcome to Invision Community 5
- Default forums view? Moves a lot below the fold and creates long scroll...
Yes, you can use the theme editor to change the layout.- New public bug tracker
Thanks. I’ll fix that.- New public bug tracker
As we move to public testing on our forum, we’ve re-opened the Invision Community 5 bug tracker. Please use that to post your bugs, thanks! You don’t need to report anything already reported, that’s all been moved to Github.- Welcome to Invision Community 5
Use the new bug tracker: https://invisioncommunity.com/invision-community-5-bug-tracker/- Welcome to Invision Community 5
Which browser/OS are you seeing this? - Default forums view? Moves a lot below the fold and creates long scroll...