Everything posted by Matt
5.0.0 Beta 14.2
Changed Long ID to 5000048 Changed Release Date to 02/03/2025
Status updates have been removed in v5
Yes, at some stage we'll put that into an upgrade step as an option.
Beta 14.1 logo problem
I'll do a patch today for this.
Please stop removing features
Removing features is never easy and it's something we don't take lightly. I understand the argument that we could just leave everything the way it is, but that won't help us progress. And progress we must. We have finite development resources, this means that we have to focus on toolsets which are needed for the current age. We announced the username log-in deprecation in 2022. It's not something new with v5. All we have done is followed up on the deprecation. Status updates were put into Invision Community during the boom time for social media where we felt we needed to add social tools to remain competitive. However, on most communities these are unloved areas of the community full of throw away comments and unanswered questions. I know that a small number of communities thrive on status updates which is why we've kept the data and our considering migration options. In the mean time, the third-party developers have stepped up with different solutions. Finally, a reminder that v4 will remain a viable platform for quite a while yet so there is no urgent rush to upgrade to v5 if you need more time to plan your upgrade and find solutions to deprecated features.
Plan for Converting Status Updates in V5?
Our plan is for a fairly soft and quiet 5.0.0 release and then focus on the needs of those moving from v4. We keep all the status data, so it's trivial to convert it into a forum, or whatever if/when we wanted to do that. If the need isn't huge, I might just do a one-off app or something that does it rather than bake it into the product, but we won't know until more people start upgrading.
The 14th Beta is already here
Yes, it's been reverted while we work out some issues with it. The column can remain, that's fine.
The 14th Beta is already here
Just released a little update to fix a few things. #3463: Fixes an issue where in some cases forumRow will throw an error #3449: Restore IPS Template Highlighting Outside of Editor #3457: Removed refresh button from Android PWA #3459: Use featured color for indicator
Error After Upgrade to Beta 14
Changed Status to Fixed I'll do a patch today for this.
The "Invision HTML Template" syntax hihglithing for code boxes doesn't work out side of editors
Changed Status to Fixed
Ajax polling for new replies doesn't work
Changed Status to Not a bug
Ajax polling for new replies doesn't work
The old style Ajax polling has been removed in v5. It is not terribly efficient and it's generally better to push when there is new data rather than constantly pull. This is what we do with Invision Community Cloud.
[Beta 14] Default IPS theme - issue
Changed Status to Fixed Thanks, all sorted for the next beta.
[Beta 14] Default IPS theme - issue
It isn't funny, I think Esther just meant that it considers its own theme to be invalid silly. Do you have your v5 site credentials stored in the client area? I'd like to take a look.
I just want to say thanks.
Thanks! We really appreciate the feedback and I'm pleased that you're enjoying it. 5.0.0 is just the beginning, we're excited to develop it further over the year.
iOS PWA Just Opening Safari (Beta 13)
If you DM me the URL, I can take a look.
Mark as read
Are things marked when you manually refresh the page?
The 14th Beta is already here
There is a fix that we're testing in this Beta.
Mark as read
I just used it and it marked it all as read. Can anyone else reproduce this?
The 14th Beta is already here
Two days is a long time in Invision Community: Beta 14 is out. We've only gone and released Beta 14 a mere 48 hours after releasing Beta 13! This has some fixes for the achievements form, custom image setting fields and last post information. We wanted to get some extra testing done. It's almost like we're preparing for something soon. 🤔
5.0.0 Beta 13
Changed Current Release to No
5.0.0 Beta 14.2
This is the latest release of Invision Community 5.
Q&A Mode?
- Namespace conflict with mb_ucfirst and WordPress plugins using symfony/polyfill-mbstring
This is effectively fixed in v5 as we moved it into class scope.- Invision Community 5: Tagging Reinvented
We see all our products as different packages, not so much "Self hosted versus cloud". If the feature is showing on a tier that is not the self hosted version, then it will not be available in the self hosted version.- Invision Community 5: Tagging Reinvented
The new features have been added to the purchase page. - Namespace conflict with mb_ucfirst and WordPress plugins using symfony/polyfill-mbstring