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Everything posted by Matt

  1. Matt posted a post in a topic in Feedback
    It's something that came up in alpha testing, and I think at some point we might re-add them, but it's not a simple task and on our backlog.
  2. Matt posted a post in a topic in General Questions
    We're aware of the delay that affects Safari desktop, Chromium browsers seem fine. We are working on this. It looks to be a rendering issue with Safari as the content loads, but it just takes an age to style it.
  3. Thanks _Day! We have a great team and we have daily mini-meetings to assess what's coming in, what's critical and what's in the POTD (patch of the day 🤣)
  4. Matt posted a post in a topic in Feedback
    It's been moved, but it's still here.
  5. Matt posted a post in a topic in Feedback
    Cheers, I'll whizz that off to our bug tracker on GitHub. Looks like that is the issue.
  6. It's been a very eventful week here at Invision Community, with the launch of Invision Community 5 and I wanted to take a minute to give an update on what has happened and what we've learned this week. Fixes and PatchesDespite being a brand-new platform, Invision Community 5 has had a very low number of critical issues, primarily thanks to months of careful testing and preparation before this release. We have made two patches this week that fix the following issues: An issue where some Cloud sites would block .svg and webp images when uploaded. An issue where updating the approval queue during the v4 to v5 upgrade could fail. An issue where the Policy Page would show an error when Send Grid is enabled. An issue where some template hook locations were missing. An issue where PayPal attempts to use a full name even when it's not required. We've been reading all your posts about your experiences upgrading to Invision Community 5, and there is one area where we think we can improve. Pages UpgradesRight now, once the v4 to v5 upgrade has completed, your Page Databases retain their custom templates. However, because the CSS framework has changed, those pages look broken. We plan to rename all v4 Pages templates containers and reset the defaults on all the databases very soon (likely 5.0.2) so your pages do not look broken after the upgrade. You can then choose from one of the new default views or move your customisations back into the default templates. We will also add this information to the Invision Community 4 "Prepare for v5" page in the Admin CP. In the meantime, reverting custom Pages Templates will solve broken views. Next ReleaseWe want to continue releasing regular releases as we fix issues. Invision Community 5.0.1 is expected to be available early next week. Before I go, I just wanted to mention that I've heard some customers looking forward to upgrading this weekend. Just keep in mind that support is limited over the weekend, and we always recommend taking at least a database backup before you run the upgrader. Thanks again for all your help this week!
  7. Matt posted a post in a topic in Feedback
    We have no plans to restore it at this time.
  8. Matt posted a post in a topic in Feedback
    I've looked at your package, and you should. Give me a bit and I'll investigate. Enjoying the collaboration.
  9. Matt posted a post in a topic in Feedback
    RIght, difference between .htaccess or not.
  10. Matt posted a post in a topic in Feedback
    You can do it yourself in about 45 seconds. This post shows you how to add the Mark Site Read link in the footer.
  11. Matt posted a post in a topic in Feedback
    Same steps as above, the JS is: <script type="text/javascript"> document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { let newLi = document.createElement("li"); let newLink = document.createElement("a"); newLink.href = ipsSettings.baseURL + 'markallread/?csrfKey=' + ipsSettings.csrfKey; newLink.innerText = "Mark Site Read"; newLink.setAttribute( 'style', 'padding: .8em'); let newIcon = document.createElement("i"); newIcon.classList.add("fa", "fa-solid", "fa-eye"); newLink.prepend(newIcon); newLi.appendChild(newLink); let ul = document.querySelector('nav.ipsBreadcrumb--bottom a[data-action="defaultStream"]').closest("ul"); if (ul) { ul.appendChild(newLi); } }); </script> I did it first without recording, then removed it but didn't refresh the page before recording, that's all.
  12. Matt posted a post in a topic in Feedback
    Yeah, it's super easy in Invision Community 5. Barely an inconvenience. The javascript I paste in is this: <script type="text/javascript"> document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { let newLi = document.createElement("li"); let newLink = document.createElement("a"); newLink.href = "#"; newLink.innerText = "Back to Top"; newLink.setAttribute( 'style', 'padding: .8em'); let newIcon = document.createElement("i"); newIcon.classList.add("fa", "fa-arrow-up"); newLink.prepend(newIcon); newLink.addEventListener("click", function (event) { event.preventDefault(); window.scrollTo({ top: 0, behavior: "smooth" }); }); newLi.appendChild(newLink); let ul = document.querySelector('nav.ipsBreadcrumb--bottom a[data-action="defaultStream"]').closest("ul"); if (ul) { ul.appendChild(newLi); } }); </script>
  13. Matt posted a post in a topic in Feedback
    That is an incredibly bold and somewhat bleak statement to make. I don't think any one person has the agency to speak on behalf of all customers. We do of course care what our customers think. We spend a lot of time talking and listening to our customers. The truth is that you cannot make everyone happy. You just can't. Take this one topic for example. One customer is upset at having username log in taken away after we announced it 3 years ago and others have said it's not a big deal and some see the benefit. The best we can do is do what we think is right for the majority of customers. Most of our customers are inside that red circle, with a few outside of it. Does that mean that we don't care about those outside of it? Of course not but we listen to all customers, and combine it with our strong vision for what a community platform would be, and a strong vision is essential for any product. Not everyone will align with it, but a strong vision allows you to build strong, robust and confident foundations and build a cohesive and logical product that follows the rules of that vision. With a strong vision you can build something special. Even if it means not adding every feature that everyone wants. Without a strong vision, and accepting every idea that is passed before us, you get a much weaker product that has no cohesion or identity. Invision Community 5 has been in some form of testing since June 2024 and we've had hundreds of conversations that have shaped the final product. To say we don't care about customers is pretty wide of the mark in my opinion.
  14. Yeah, this may be an oversight. I'll move it in to our bug tracker.
  15. Yes, I will look in the next 15 minutes.
  16. Ok, I figured it out. Fix in the next release.
  17. What happened to your Pages? They should be upgraded ok even if they look a little odd if you have custom templates.
  18. Thanks, I'm having some trouble with the FTP. It keeps prompting for the password, or times out when listing a directory. Is there anything I should be doing?
  19. Matt posted a post in a topic in Feedback
    Yes. We are using Postmark for Invision Community Cloud and have been very impressed with its speed, security and support and felt it was a better alternative to SendGrid. However, we understand many are using SendGrid already and they can continue to do so.
  20. Can you update your client area with your test site Admin log in and FTP please? I'd like to take a look.
  21. Matt posted a post in a topic in Feedback
    If you use Sendgrid, you can continue using Sendgrid without any issues.
  22. Matt posted a post in a topic in General Questions
    I can take a look at this for you tomorrow morning.
  23. Ok, thanks - we'll deal with it in the ticket.
  24. I'm not sure what you're experiencing. I just checked your site and it's resolving fine. You are welcome to open an email ticket if you have any concerns or issues that I'm not able to replicate.
  25. Matt posted a post in a topic in Feedback
    Yes, this makes sense. From my point of view, I was talking on behalf of how Invision Community is put together as a public facing platform.