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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by virap1

  1. Thank you @Daniel F. That part of the code looks like this:


    			$date_tmp = new DateTime();
    			$date_tmp->modify('-24 hours');			
    			//$formattedDate = $date_tmp->format('Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z');			
    			$formattedDate = $date_tmp->format('Y-m-d');
    			$data2 = array(
    			"status" => "published",
    			"category" => $cat_id,
    			"author" => $author,
    			"fields" => $fields2,
    			"image" => $zzz_image,
    			"date" => $formattedDate,
    			"hidden" => 1, 
    		$curl2 = curl_init( $communityUrl . 'cms/records/7' );

    You will notice there are 2 formattedDate variations, one is commented out. Neither one worked for me.

  2. On 8/19/2024 at 8:08 AM, teraßyte said:

    That should be a valid format. 🤔


    Maybe try only with the date to see if that works first?


    Thank you. This would not be an ideal solution for me, but even this did not work.

    Does anyone else have this issue? Any solutions. 

  3. Hello. The api documentation says that for creating a database record we can pass the date as datetime.

    When I try to pass the date formatted like this 2024-08-18T19:19:06Z it does not seem to work and the record shows the current date.

    Every other field, aspect of rest api works fine. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks.

  4. Thank you. Can you please include a picture showing how the cover photo will appear within pages? At the moment in v4 this is handled terribly and I hope this is changed.

    Will we be finally be able to add meta information like description/keywords via rest api?

  5. 30 minutes ago, Stuart Silvester said:

    There isn't currently, what kind of functionality would you be looking for?

    Thank you. For me it would be important to be able to create a course along with all sub-elements like media/images, text, quiz via api.

  6. Thank you @Randy Calvert. Yes, and they are doing a great job. My suggestion was to do a better planning based on their abilities and vision and better communicate those plans and roadmaps. Right now I am paying a solution (pages app) that has terrible presentation solution so I like many were relying on third party plugins to overcome that. My understanding is there is not going to be any plugins in v5, so where does that leave me and others who use the pages app? That is where a road map and communication would help to plan for the future.

  7. Here are few more things to see incorporated in future releases:

    1. advertisements: ability to target/exclude specific content areas (forums, pages, databases, commerce...) and specific categories within those sections.

    2. complete redesign of pages/database record view template.

  8. Here are few things I would like to see in the future:

    1. Ability to post, get meta description and keywords of pages app using the rest api

    2. Within reported content be able to filter by specific user whose content was reported or who reported.

    3. A way to see reported content in profiles of users where they reported or their content was reported/flagged.

  9. I trying to figure out what would be the best way of using the rest api:

    1. upload images to pages media when adding a database record

    2. imbed this images within the content of the database record.

    I can certainly do this manually using the 'Insert Image from URL' feature, but I don't see anything in the api documentation about doing this using the api.

    Also I am not sure about embedding part. Would i just insert image url between the paragraphs and headings?

    If it is not possible to use the api to upload the image then I could upload them to a subdomain. But how can I then insert the images into the content so the image tag is properly formatted?

    At the moment they look like this

    <img alt="9666-1.webp" class="ipsImage" data-loaded="true" data-ratio="58.50" data-src="https://content.invisioncic.com/e322713/pages_media/9666-1.webp" height="571" src="https://www.enotalone.com/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" style="height: auto;" width="1000">

    So, will inserting simply img tag be automatically formatted to add the data-loaded, data-ratio, style etc? 

    Thank you.

  10. That part of the code looks like this

    			echo '<br>img: <a href="'.$zimg.'">'.$zimg.'</a>';
    			$image_data_base64 = base64_encode($image_data);
    			$data2 = array(
    			"status" => "published",
    			"category" => $cat_id,
    			"author" => $author, 
    			"fields" => $fields2,
    			"tags" => $article_format['tags'],
    			"image" => $zzz_image,
    			"hidden" => 1,


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