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    Miss_B reacted to Esther E. for an entry, IC5: Extensions   
    We've been dropping hints about various development features that haven't yet made their appearance in our previous blog entries. Now that hooks are no longer a possibility, we've expanded our Extensions system to allow developers to integrate with other areas within the framework.
    This blog entry will give an overview of our new Extensions. We are working on updating our developer documentation to include these changes.
    Allows you to add tabs to the Account Settings page. This extension contains two methods:
    Returns the key for the tab (or null to hide) getContent
    The tab content  
    This extension was created primarily to allow you to load Javascript and CSS files in areas outside of your application, but has since been expanded to include other functionality. It is essentially an extension on the Dispatcher.
    Available methods:
    Returns an array of CSS files to load js
    Returns an array of JS files to load checkForRedirect
    Redirect users to another location. This is especially useful for custom applications that would have previously bypassed an existing controller. customError
    Show a custom error message to the user instead of the standard IPS error messages.  
    This is used to allow your application's content to the Search Index. Previously, the framework relied on the ContentRouter extension for this, and the use of the \IPS\Content\Searchable interface. The interface has been removed, and searchable classes are determined by the new extension.
    The SearchContent extension contains one required method, supportedClasses. You can also use this extension to override our default search logic for your content.
    Other New Extensions
    Allows you to create additional Login methods UIComment/UIItem/UINode/UIReview
    UI Extensions, described here, here, and here UserMenu
    Allows you to add content to various menus. Additional information can be found here.  
    New Commerce Extensions
    The following new extensions have been added to Commerce:
    Allows you to create new payment gateways LicenseKey
    Allows you to add new methods for generating and managing license keys Payout
    Allows you to create gateways for payouts  
    Deprecated Extensions
    The following Extensions are no longer supported and have been removed:
    BBCode ContentModeratorPermissions (use ModeratorPermissions instead) CreateMenu (replaced by UserMenu) IncomingEmail MemberForm  
    Reminder: Send us your Feedback
    Send us your questions or use-cases by submitting a topic here. Please note that this is a private forum; you will not see topics posted by others, so you are free to share code samples if necessary. We will review your questions, and then aggregate them into an FAQ. The deadline for your question to be considered for the FAQ is October 15. After that you may still submit questions in the Contributor forum, where we will do our best to respond.
  2. Like
    Miss_B reacted to Esther E. for an entry, IC5: UI Extensions, Part III   
    By now you might be getting a little tired of hearing about our UI Extensions, but we still have a few more features to talk about. We showed you how to add CSS and data attributes to content. We discussed how to add form fields and menu items. In this final entry on this tool, we'll talk about working with Nodes.
    ACP Tools
    Nodes are different than the Items and Comments, as they are typically managed in the ACP and not on the front-end. Therefore, we needed additional extension methods to allow developers to handle custom actions.
    Let's take a look at Nodes in the ACP.

    There are a few areas where developers may need to insert custom logic. The UINode extension includes the following methods:
    Returns an array of action buttons that will be added to the control strip on the right. This method functions identically to the Model::getButtons() method. rowHtml
    Inserts custom HTML to the left of the control strip. rowBadge
    If a badge should be displayed, return an array with the CSS class and language string. Note that anything defined in the base class get__badge() method will take precedence over your extension.  
      No Entry
    It is important to note that not all Node classes support the form-related methods. We have of course added support for all content containers, such as Forums and Calendars. We will consider including support for other classes upon request, however, nodes that handle infrastructure (e.g. Theme, Lang) will not be supported.
    We have also locked down some system-level classes (not all) where any extension is potentially destructive. Classes such as Application and Module cannot be extended.
    OK, so what CAN I still do? AMA (well, almost anything).
    We still have a few more tools to show you, but at this point we'd like to hear from you. We know there is still a lot of uncertainty around how to migrate your modifications from v4 to v5, and we're here to assist with that. Send us your questions or use-cases by submitting a topic here. Please note that this is a private forum; you will not see topics posted by others, so you are free to share code samples if necessary. We will review your questions, and then aggregate them into an FAQ. The deadline for your question to be considered for the FAQ is September 1. After that you may still submit questions in the Contributor forum, where we will do our best to respond.
  3. Like
    Miss_B reacted to Esther E. for an entry, IC5: UI Extensions, Part II   
    In our  previous blog entry, we described the UI Extension and its overall capabilities. Today, we'll talk about how to use this new tool to extend content forms and menus.

    Form Fields
    A popular modification request is to add fields to a Content Item, such as a Topic. All UI extension classes contain the following methods:
    Returns an array of form elements that will be added to the form. Note: Unlike other UI Extension methods, the first parameter of this method can be NULL, if you are creating a new item.
    Allows you to process the fields that were added in the formElements method. Note that this method is triggered after the form is saved. Note: This method has the same function as the ContentListener method onCreateOrEdit, but we've added support for it here as well to avoid the creation of multiple classes, and to keep related code in the same place.
    Element Placement
    By default, all new form elements will be inserted at the end of the form. However, there are times that you may want to insert your fields into specific positions within the form. You can use the new FormAbstract::setPosition() method to specify where the element should be inserted.
    Let's look at an example.
    public function formElements( ?BaseItem $item, ?Model $container ): array { return [ 'my_new_field' => new Text( 'my_new_field', $item ? $item->new_field : null, true ) ]; } The above will append a Text field called "my_new_field" at the end of the Topic form.
    public function formElements( ?BaseItem $item, ?Model $container ): array { $field = new Text( 'my_new_field', null, true ); return [ 'my_new_field' => $field->setPosition( Topic::$formLangPrefix . 'tags', Topic::$formLangPrefix . 'mainTab' ) ]; } By using setPosition, I've placed the new field after the "tags" field, on the main tab in the form.
    Extending Content Menus
    In this blog entry, we introduced our new approach to building menus. With UI extensions, you can add your own items to Item and Comment menus using the following methods:
    UIItem::menuItems UIComment::menuItems We will discuss nodes and their menus in a future blog entry.
    Extending Item Badges
    Similarly, you can use the UI Extension to add badges to the item header. The UIItem::badges() method returns an array of badges and/or icons to be appended to the badge display.
    This concludes our discussion of UI Extension features related to Items and Comments. In our next blog entry, we'll discuss Nodes and what additional methods are available.
  4. Like
    Miss_B reacted to Esther E. for an entry, IC5: UI Extensions, Part I   
    Only a little over a week into our development tools announcements, and there is already lots of buzz about our new UI Extensions. The UI Extensions handle a variety of functionality, and we will discuss them all in detail, over the course of multiple blog entries. For today, we'll start with an introduction and an overview of some of the basic usage.
    Features and Functionality
    UI Extensions are extensions to a single content class - Nodes, Items, Comments, or Reviews. With a UI Extension, you can:
    Add custom CSS classes and data attributes Add options to content menus Add badges to content item headers Add fields to content forms ACP-related functionality (for nodes) And a couple of other small things that we'll cover here.

    The Application Developer Center has 4 new options in the Extensions tab:
    UIComment UIItem UINode UIReview To add a UI extension, simply create a class under the appropriate extension type.
    Note: We are working on improving this process, however, those changes will likely be introduced at a later date.
    The default extension file will be generated in the appropriate directory within your application's extensions folder. All UI Extensions are abstracted, so if you omit a method from your class, or if new methods are introduced later on, your extension will not throw an error.
    All UI Extension methods receive the object as the first parameter.
    UI Extensions for... UI
    The idea for UI Extensions was born when we were reviewing the most common third-party development hooks. With the removal of theme hooks, we needed a way for developers to add custom CSS and attributes to areas such as topic rows, the author panel, among others. Even with the theme hooks in v4, the way to accomplish this was less than ideal. Adding a CSS class typically required at least 2 hooks per template - one to determine the correct class (usually based on custom logic) and one to insert the class as a variable. It was tedious and finicky at best.
    All UI Extensions include the following methods:
    Returns an array of CSS classes that will be applied to the object dataAttributes
    Returns an array of data attributes (as "key=value", "key=value") that will be applied to the object To insert those values into the appropriate location, our templates now contain the following syntax:
    {$object->ui( 'css' )} and
    {$object->ui( 'dataAttributes' )} Let's examine the Content::ui() method (identical to Model::ui().)
    public function ui( string $method, ?array $payload=array(), bool $returnAsArray=false, string $separator = " " ) : array|string The ui method accepts 4 arguments: the method name, an optional payload (determined based on the method being called), the option to return as an array (vs a string), and an optional separator (when data is returned as a string). The defaults for this method were set for the simplest, shortest syntax within the templates, as seen above. You may also see syntax like this:
    foreach( $this->ui( 'menuItems', array(), TRUE ) as $key => $link ) { $links[$key] = $link; } As you can see, in this case the ui method will return the results as an array.
    Class-Specific Methods
    Some of our extensions include methods that are applicable only to objects of that type.
    Returns HTML that will be included in the contextual sidebar when viewing the item UIComment::authorPanel()
    Returns HTML to be inserted into the author panel of a post Note: All methods in the UIComment extension are also available in UIReview.
    We hope this entry gave you a glimpse into what will be available with this new tool, and a better understanding of the direction we are taking with our toolkit. We will discuss the other features of this tool in upcoming blog entries.
  5. Like
    Miss_B reacted to Esther E. for an entry, IC5: Menus   
    Action and Moderation Menus can be one of the most tedious development tasks, while also being critical to user experience.
    For example, we may add support for pinning/unpinning content, then we need to remember to include the ability to pin/unpin that content in all the HTML templates. 3rd party developers add screens inside their applications, and then they need to add a link to the User Menu to make that accessible.
    With Invision Community 4, this would require a template hook targeting fairly complex classes and children that was susceptible to structural changes to templates between versions.
    In Invision Community 5, we have made significant changes to menu creation in order to streamline the process, and also to allow 3rd party developers better accessibility.
    New Helper Classes
    Menus are now built using helper classes, rather than relying on lengthy HTML templates. A menu is created by initializing a new Menu object.
    $menu = new Menu( 'AccountMenu' ); We can then add elements to the menu.
    $menu->addTitleField( 'menu_content' ); $menu->add( new Link( $member->url(), 'menu_profile', icon:'fa-solid fa-user' ) ); $menu->addSeparator(); $menu->add( new Link( Url::internal( "app=core&module=system&controller=markread", "front", "mark_site_as_read" )->csrf()->addRef( Request::i()->url() ), 'mark_site_read', dataAttributes: [ 'data-action' => 'markSiteRead', 'data-controller' => 'core.front.core.markRead' ], icon: 'fa-solid fa-eye' ) ); The most common menu element is the Link. This will generate the appropriate <li> element within the menu. You can define the URL, CSS class (default is ipsMenu_item), data attributes, icon, title, among other properties.
    Titles and Separators are added using the Menu::addTitleField() and Menu::addSeparator() methods respectively.
    You can also insert custom HTML into the menu using the Menu::addHtml() method.
    In your HTML template, you would then simply display the menu object as a string.
    {{if $menu->hasContent()}} {$menu|raw} {{endif}} The menu templates will include the link that opens the menu, as well as the menu itself.
    You'll notice that the above contains a call to the hasContent() method. This method will check if the menu object has any elements inside; if a user does not have permission to any of the elements, nothing will be displayed.
    Content Menus
    Almost all content items and comments (and reviews) require some kind of menu for moderation. Previously, this meant creating large chunks of redundant HTML code throughout the codebase. We've implemented \IPS\Content\Item::menu() and \IPS\Content\Comment::menu() to build these menus in a central location. The new methods include checks for whether a feature is in use and whether the user has permission to perform this action.
    if( IPS::classUsesTrait( $this, 'IPS\Content\Pinnable' ) AND $this->canPin( $member ) ) { $links['pin'] = new ContentMenuLink( $this->url()->csrf()->setQueryString( array( 'do' => 'moderate', 'action' => 'pin' ) ), 'pin' ); } Now, the HTML template simply contains:
    {$entry->menu()|raw} (Note: Yes, these content menus can be extended using... you guessed it. UI Extensions.)
    Other Menus
    We have also migrated the following menus to the new structure:
    User Menu Mobile Menu Create Menu  
    Another area with redundant HTML was our content badges. For example, pinned topics will display an icon on both the topic list and the topic header. We have created helper classes for badges and badge icons to centralize this logic. Within the new Item::badges() method, we build an array of icons that will be shown.
    if( IPS::classUsesTrait( $this, Featurable::class ) AND $this->isFeatured() ) { $return['featured'] = new Icon( Badge::BADGE_POSITIVE, 'fa-solid fa-star', Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( 'featured' ) ); } The above generates a badge icon with the badge type ipsBadge--positive (constants have been declared for all common types, but any class can be used), the star icon, and the "featured" language string as the tooltip.
    In our template HTML, we now have
    <div class='ipsBadges'> {{foreach $entry->badges() as $badge}}{$badge|raw}{{endforeach}} </div>  
    UserMenu Extension
    Now that we've moved the menus into the codebase and out of the templates, we needed a way to allow 3rd party developers to insert their own menu items. We've introduced a new extension called UserMenu.
    The UserMenu extension contains the following methods:
    This method allows you to add menu elements to the user menu. The method includes a parameter to allow you to add elements in one of 3 places within the menu: content, settings, or logout. mobileMenu
    Allows you to add elements to the mobile navigation menu. All elements are inserted before the "sign out" option. createMenu
    Replaces the CreateMenu extension, which has been deprecated. accountSettingsLinks
    Allows you to add links to the inner sidebar in the Account Settings overview tab (under the link for Notification Settings). Note: No, this does not add tabs to the Account Settings page, but fear not, that's coming. (Not in the UI Extension.)
    This method will insert HTML in the user bar, to the left of the Create Menu. mobileNav
    Similar to the userNav method, but inserts HTML into the mobile navigation header.  
    What do you think of our changes to the Menus? Let us know in the comments below.
  6. Like
    Miss_B reacted to Esther E. for an entry, IC5: Introduction to Listeners   
    I'm very excited to be posting my first blog entry for IPS, and thrilled that this is what I get to post.
    When we started planning the new development tools for v5, we looked at existing resources - from the marketplace, from some contributors, and from our own managed clients - and asked, what is it that developers find themselves doing the most often? Matt’s previous blog entry gave a brief summary of some of those functions. Today’s blog entry is going to focus on one of our powerful new tools, Listeners.
    One common reason for a code hook was to execute custom code when a specific action occurs. For example, when a topic is created, or when a new reply is posted. Listeners allow you to execute your code at key points in the workflow, without the worry of finding exactly the right hook location.
    Here is an excerpt from the BlogComment listener in our Cloud application:

    Creating Listeners
    Let’s start with the application’s Developer Center.

    We’ve added a new tab for Listeners. This tab lists all your existing listeners, as well as the class on which it is listening.
    You’ll notice that each listener can only observe a single class. While this may seem slightly tedious, the idea here was that as a developer, you should be conscious of what class you are working with. It also eliminates the need to check what type of object is being passed preventing accidents and unintended consequences when missing class checks.
    When you add a listener, there are several listener types available. We will discuss each one in detail.

    Content Listener
    This listener is fired on an Item or Comment (or Review) class. When adding a Content Listener, you must specify the class you are observing. When you hit Save, there is a validation check in place to ensure that the class exists, and that it is a valid class for the selected listener type.
    Content Listeners have the following methods available. All methods are included in the default listener file that is generated.
    Triggered when an object is loaded (in Content::constructFromData) NOTE: Be careful! This event could be fired at unexpected times. If you’re executing code here, you may want to check the dispatcher instance to verify that your code is running where you expect.
    Fired when a form is submitted, before it is saved. This is the equivalent of Item::processBeforeCreate and Item::processBeforeEdit. This method includes a parameter to indicate whether this is a create or edit. onCreateOrEdit
    Fired after a form is saved. This is the equivalent of Item::processAfterCreate and Item::processAfterEdit. This method includes a parameter to indicate whether this is a create or edit. onDelete
    Fired after an object is deleted. onStatusChange
    Fired when any moderation action occurs. For example, when an item is pinned/unpinned, locked/unlocked. The moderation action is passed as a parameter so that your code can take that into account. onMerge
    Triggered AFTER an item is merged. onItemView
    Triggered when an item is viewed and the view count is incremented.  
    Invoice Listener
    An Invoice listener is fired only on the \IPS\nexus\Invoice class. This listener does not require you to specify a class to extend.
    The Invoice listener includes a single method, onStatusChange. This is fired when the invoice is saved and the status changes (pending/paid/expired/canceled).
    Member Listener
    The Member listener will be familiar to many of you. We have taken the MemberSync extension and moved it in its entirety to a listener, as it was a better fit for this structure. All the previous methods that were available are still available here. We have also added the following new methods:
    Fired when a member joins a club. If approval is required, this is fired after they are approved. onLeaveClub
    Fired when a member leaves or is removed from a club. onEventRsvp
    Fired when a member responds to an event. The response is included as a parameter to this method.  
    Commerce Package Listener
    The Commerce Package listener is fired on any implementation of \IPS\nexus\Invoice\Item. You must specify the class that you are observing.
    The methods are the same as those that are available in an item extension.
    onCancel onChange onDelete onExpireWarning onExpire onInvoiceCancel onPaid onPurchaseGenerated onReactivate onRenew onTransfer onUnpaid  
    Some Technical Notes
    All listener files will be generated in a “listeners” directory within your application. Your application’s data directory will include a listeners.json file that defines all your listeners. The json file is automatically generated when you add/remove a listener. All listener methods are optional. The default class that is generated will include all available methods, but they do not have to be present in your file. All listener methods are return type void. If a listener method fails, an exception will be thrown when IN_DEV is enabled. In production, the exception will be logged with a reference to the listener class and the event on which the exception occurred.  
    Firing Events
    Your code can fire any existing event using the Event::fire method.
    Event::fire( 'onBeforeCreateOrEdit', $comment, array( $values ) ); The Event::fire method is called statically and accepts an event name, the object on which the event will be fired, and an array of additional parameters (varies according to the event that you are triggering).
    This concludes our introduction to Listeners. We do intend to implement additional listener types and events based on your feedback and as the need arises.
  7. Like
    Miss_B reacted to Matt for an entry, Introducing Invision Community 5's development tools   
    When planning Invision Community 5, we knew we had a unique opportunity to hit the reset button.
    It's hard to believe, but how we work with the framework has been the same since 2013. The priorities we held a decade ago no longer align with our current vision.
    The landscape of modern frameworks has evolved, and we have adapted accordingly.
    When we initially designed the Invision Community 4 framework all those years ago, our goal was to create an open development platform. We aimed to empower you with the ability to extend virtually every function we built, granting complete freedom to shape our UI, workflows, and functionality according to your needs.
    However, over the decade, we have realised that this freedom has inadvertently become a prison. While monkey patching allowed the overloading of any method we had written, it came at a significant cost. Even the slightest change to our original method signatures could break an entire community, forcing you to update your applications.
    Ironically, the more we strived to enhance our framework, the less stable your applications became.
    We dismissed requests for proper workflows like extensions, webhooks, and event listeners, urging you to rely solely on method overloading, often having to copy chunks of code just to add a few lines of your own.
    Invision Community 5 represents a much-needed reset. It is a moment to reassess everything we know about extending frameworks and construct definitive pathways and workflows that serve you better.
    Our aim is for you to continue crafting exceptional applications that bring fresh functionality to the Invision Community while protecting the integrity of our core functionality.
    Change can be intimidating, but let us embrace this opportunity to bid farewell to outdated and fragile tools and pave the way for a collaborative future with precision-designed resources instead.
    In the coming weeks, we will delve deeply into the new development tools offered by Invision Community 5, but today, I wanted to give you a brief overview of what's to come for code development. We will do a near-future entry on creating themes with Invision Community 5.
    Out with the old
    Monkey patching via code hooks was the primary way to add functionality to Invision Community. However, it meant that we could not update our code base without risking breaking many popular applications, a situation that will only get worse as PHP starts to lock down type hinting and casting.
    Furthermore, IDEs have a tough time working out relationships between classes requiring special tools to create alias files to allow full use of many advanced tools of PHPStorm and other editors. Finally, monkey patching relied on heavy use of eval() which is not a very efficient PHP method.
    Monkey patching has been removed in Invision Community 5.
    Your IDE with Invision Community 4.

    Your IDE with Invision Community 5.

    Template hooks, as you know them, have also been removed. I only mention this now as they often go hand-in-hand with code hooks to add items to menus, data-attributes to blocks and CSS classes to many areas. We will do a more thorough blog on theme editing soon, but we still retain a way to hook into key areas.
    In with the new
    We will write a series of developer blogs to look in more detail at the new systems, but here is a quick overview of the new tools and a brief description of what they are capable of.
    Content Menus
    We have removed much of the menu logic for content items and comments from templates and created a simple, extensible way to add links to commonly used menus, such as the item moderation menu and the per-post 'three dots' menu. You no longer need a template hook to perform such a basic task.

    This framework provides you with an easy way to add CSS, data-attributes and even templated HTML into specific areas within nodes and content items/comments. A common reason to create template hooks was to tweak the CSS classes or add data-attributes for client-side scripting.

    In the same way that we've stripped menus out of templates, we've removed the content item badges (pinned, hidden, etc.) and into the UIExtension making it easy to add your own badges to this area without the need for template or code hooks.
    Finally, UIExtension can add form fields into Invision Community content forms.
    Event Listeners
    The easiest way to describe this is like MemberSync but for content (items and comments), members, Commerce invoices and Commerce packages.
    Do you need to run your code each time a forum post is made? Not a problem. Do you need to run your code when a topic is locked? Perhaps when an item is viewed? All this and more is possible via the new listeners.
    The advantage is that you don't need to copy chunks of our code when overloading a single method in a hook. You write your clean code in an object-specific listener.

    What else?
    We have also undertaken a long overdue code clean-up. Every single file has been updated to update return types and function signature types and to use aliases instead of fully qualified names (for example, new Url() instead of new \IPS\Http\Url()).
    Many methods have been removed from the Content classes and moved into traits. Likewise, many interfaces are now traits to reuse code properly, reducing the behemoth-sized classes.
    Elsewhere, all the search indexing logic that was entwined in content and node classes has now been moved to the extension system, further reducing the noise and volume of key classes.
    A Quick Recap
    Generic broad reaching tools such as monkey patching and template overloading have been removed. New precision tools with a specific use-case have been created. There are less opportunities to overwrite and change our UI and functionality but easier ways to extend and create new functionality. The future
    We have worked hard on these development tools to ensure that most of what you do now can be achieved in Invision Community 5. We have had input from various stakeholders, including those who regularly create modifications for Invision Community to ensure our new tools are fit for purpose.
    Through the alpha and beta testing phase, we want your feedback, and we will listen to your suggestions. We cannot promise that you can do everything with Invision Community 5 that you currently do, which is intentional, but we are confident that you can still hit all the major beats. We want to protect our UI and functionality a little more but encourage you to build amazing new functionality to work alongside Invision Community 5.
    Together, we will shape the next era of Invision Community.
  8. Like
    Miss_B reacted to Matt Finger for an entry, Development update for August 2022   
    Welcome to our August (and June and July) developer's Update!
    We've had a busy summer so far, with our team working on the final touches to 4.7 which introduced range of new Cloud specific features. In our August release we also added a way to schedule topics.
    @Jordan Miller announced the new solutions improvements here, this will be included in our September release (4.7.2)
    PHP8 Compatibility Scanner
    We are excited to announce that as a platform we (finally) are starting the process of migrating from PHP7 to PHP8 in order to keep the software secure, modern, and performant.
    Since PHP8 includes some breaking changes from PHP7, we've built a Method Scanner that will iterate through third party apps and plugins to find fatal issues, disabling any such customizations on upgrade. The apps and plugins disabled in this manner will not be able to be re-enabled until they are updated with the fixes. Developers, please make sure that your resources are fully tested with PHP 8+ and the method signatures match.
    For developers, the main issue the scanner looks for is instances in which a method's signature is altered when extending a class; this can cause fatal errors that make even the AdminCP inaccessible. Violating code can be found both in your hooks as well as other PHP classes your app/plugin uses. See the PHP8 Incompatible Apps and Plugins in the AdminCP Support Page to see exactly the issues identified and how to resolve:

    Pre-Upgrade Resource Checker
    We're also introducing a new AdminCP upgrade step to check installed resources for whether compatibility updates are available for version they're upgrading to.

    Here is the full changelog for our upcoming September release.
    Core - Added ACP Tool to scan all hooks to identify PHP8 fatal errors related to method overloading. - Added AdminCP new search terms to guide admins to the new areas. - Added a pre-upgrade Marketplace compatibility check. - Fixed an issue where a large number of profile field options can break the page layout on the member stats overview page. - Fixed an issue where members following an item may not be following the remaining item after a merge. - Fixed an issue where word filters could cause an item to be held for approval even if the author had more than the required number of posts to bypass. - Fixed an issue with hCaptcha where an incorrect language override could be requested. - Fixed an issue where it was possible to create an alert with forced reply from a moderator/admin account with a disabled messenger. - Fixed an issue where editing the ACP => System => Postings page with disabled registrations would throw an exception while the submission. - Fixed an issue where some alerts were not shown if they had an end date. - Fixed an issue where post to Twitter could potentially result in an uncaught exception - Fixed an issue where the oauth configuration page was missing the required css files. - Fixed an issue where a report title may appear in trending content (does not expose any sensitive data). - Fixed an issue where removing a manually added badge would not remove the badge - Fixed an issue where the rank progression chart may not work when non-default ranks are used. - Fixed an issue where the achievements rebuild may fail. - Fixed an issue where content tags from content created by the RSS Import feature could be associated with a guest account. - Fixed an issue where alerts could not be dismissed if they had long titles. - Fixed an issue where search options may break on profiles when status updates were disabled. Pages - Fixed an issue where orphaned categories could break syncing from topics. - Fixed an issue when using the REST API to fetch records where fields may not have the image lazyload removed. Forums - Added multiple improvements to "Mark as solution" including a re-engagement email, new UI to prompt authors to mark a reply as the solution and new stats. - Fixed an issue where the default forum views may not be used for guests. - Fixed an issue where soft deleted items may be archived and then subsequently deleted leaving orphaned reports. - Fixed an issue where a malformed findComment link caused a 404 error instead of loading the topic from the start. Commerce - Fixed a typo on the invoice settings page. - Fixed an issue on the credits page - Fixed an issue where deleting a subscription package would leave some orphaned data in the database. Changes affecting third-party developers and designers - Fixed an issue where plugin index.html files may get included as CSS causing a browser rendering issue.