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Andrey S

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  1. That is, I can only sort by database categories? Is it impossible to do this by fields separately using Ajax? Is it only possible to make a drop-down menu using ntml and add links to categories there, make similar templates for each category and thus implement your idea? Or use javascript to make a separate sorting via data-filter='7.62' 😕
  2. How to filter by additional fields in a template? I cannot understand how to filter by additional fields in the "Featured Records (First page when viewing a database set to show featured articles)" template? Filtering (sorting) is available in the "Categories" template, but I can't do it in the news list ... Prompt or push on the right idea. Thanks in advance.
  3. Hi if you have a hosting lease then go to the folder php-bin-php7xx, there is a file php. ini here is an example content [ISPmgr] date.timezone = 'Europe/Moscow' magic_quotes_gpc = Off mail.log = "/var/www/u0000000/data/mail. log" max_execution_time = 300 max_input_vars = 100000 memory_limit = 1024M pcre.recursion_limit = 14000 post_max_size = 256M realpath_cache_size = 32M session.save_path = "/var/www/u0000000/data/bin-tmp/" upload_max_filesize = 256M display_errors = Off disable_functions = exec,system,passthru,pcntl_exec,popen,proc_open,shell_exec what I highlighted in bold should be added to the php.ini file
  4. Hi at least MySQL 5.6, and I recommend putting 5.7, as well as update php 7.3.6😊
  5. You better put CentOS 7 + Nginx + PHP 7.3.6 + MySql 5.7.30 on VPS and choose at least 2 cores and memory from 2 GB RAM, or rent hosting for money may even be cheaper with less problems
  6. membres - grops select a group there on the tab Social, Can view Display name history off
  7. Hi go to the file conf_global and there edit your database username password path to the database as well as the port😊,Addresses in the database must also be changed by finding/replacing them.If you enabled keyCaptcha it can also return this error if the domain was moved and you can still check the php version))
  8. Hi how to add cookies, here is an example at the bottom of the forum?)
  9. OO update, only the name font looks bold😉
  10. you need to write to support
  11. not how, also searched for how to view users anonymously and did not find the translator incorrectly translated
  12. Hi when authorizing, disable anonymity, also uncheck the groups and all the buzz in groups, and I did not find a way to look☹️
  13. You need to extend product support and also ask a question directly to the developers of well + a major update is coming soon😉
  14. I don't recommend touching the site maps😉
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