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Zaretta Hammond

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Everything posted by Zaretta Hammond

  1. I restored the databases from the day before we did the update and it didn't fix the issue. What other options do we have for fixing this? Is there a way to actually talk to someone from support? I emailed support but they didn't offer any help, just said what I already knew the problem to be.
  2. We had initially done the update but it broke the connection between wordpress and the forums so we restored a backup. It was working fine after the backup restore though initially.
  3. EX1054 Something went wrong. Please try again. Does anyone have any guidance on how to fix this? TECHNICAL DETAILS EX1054 Something went wrong. Please try again. TECHNICAL DETAILS REPLACE INTO `core_sys_cp_sessions` ( `session_id`, `session_ip_address`, `session_member_name`, `session_member_id`, `session_location`, `session_log_in_time`, `session_running_time`, `session_url`, `session_app_data`, `session_cookie_key` ) VALUES ( '0ae8afa42c3723c4f92bed0b48d59985', '', 'Guest', 0, 'app=core&module=system&controller=login', 0, 1611598587, IPS\Http\Url\Internal::__set_state(array( 'seoPagination' => NULL, 'base' => 'admin', 'isInternal' => true, 'isFriendly' => false, 'url' => 'https://crebydesign.com/community/admin/''adsess=0ae8afa42c3723c4f92bed0b48d59985&app=core&module=system&controller=login&ref=YXBwPWNvcmUmbW9kdWxlPXN5c3RlbSZjb250cm9sbGVyPWxvZ2luJnJlZj1ZWEJ3UFdOdmNtVW1iVzlrZFd4bFBYTjVjM1JsYlNaamIyNTBjbTlzYkdWeVBXeHZaMmx1Sm5KbFpqMD0=', 'data' => array ( 'scheme' => 'https', 'host' => 'crebydesign.com', 'port' => NULL, 'user' => NULL, 'pass' => NULL, 'path' => '/community/admin/', 'query' => 'adsess=0ae8afa42c3723c4f92bed0b48d59985&app=core&module=system&controller=login&ref=YXBwPWNvcmUmbW9kdWxlPXN5c3RlbSZjb250cm9sbGVyPWxvZ2luJnJlZj1ZWEJ3UFdOdmNtVW1iVzlrZFd4bFBYTjVjM1JsYlNaamIyNTBjbTlzYkdWeVBXeHZaMmx1Sm5KbFpqMD0=', 'fragment' => NULL, ), 'queryString' => array ( 'adsess' => '0ae8afa42c3723c4f92bed0b48d59985', 'app' => 'core', 'module' => 'system', 'controller' => 'login', 'ref' => 'YXBwPWNvcmUmbW9kdWxlPXN5c3RlbSZjb250cm9sbGVyPWxvZ2luJnJlZj1ZWEJ3UFdOdmNtVW1iVzlrZFd4bFBYTjVjM1JsYlNaamIyNTBjbTlzYkdWeVBXeHZaMmx1Sm5KbFpqMD0=', ), 'hiddenQueryString' => array ( ), )), '4d0f9970687c735de2e816f294c6c552', ? ) IPS\Db\Exception: Unknown column 'session_cookie_key' in 'field list' (1054) #0 /home/ready48/crebydesign.com/community/system/Db/Db.php(968): IPS\_Db->preparedQuery('/*IPS\\Session\\_...', Array) #1 /home/ready48/crebydesign.com/community/system/Session/Admin.php(123): IPS\_Db->replace('core_sys_cp_ses...', Array) #2 [internal function]: IPS\Session\_Admin->write('0ae8afa42c3723c...', '') #3 /home/ready48/crebydesign.com/community/system/Session/Session.php(149): session_regenerate_id() #4 /home/ready48/crebydesign.com/community/applications/core/modules/admin/system/login.php(210): IPS\_Session->setMember(Object(IPS\Member)) #5 /home/ready48/crebydesign.com/community/applications/core/modules/admin/system/login.php(99): IPS\core\modules\admin\system\_login->_doLogin(Object(IPS\Member)) #6 /home/ready48/crebydesign.com/community/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(96): IPS\core\modules\admin\system\_login->manage() #7 /home/ready48/crebydesign.com/community/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(152): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #8 /home/ready48/crebydesign.com/community/admin/index.php(14): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #9 {main} These details only show because you are logged in as an administrator. These details only show because you are logged in as an administrator. These details only show because you are logged in as an administrator.
  4. Thank you! For some reason, I missed that. I was trying to do it through permissions and was getting no where. That was what I needed! Thanks again.
  5. We have the community installed on our site and the Wordpress SSO set up to connect to the wordpress registration but the community page is openly visible to all. We want the page itself to require then to login to view anything on that page. How is that accomplished? I'm not finding it in settings or on any other threads in the forums here.
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