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[[Template core/front/profile/profileHeader is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]]

Reputation Activity

  1. Sad
    WP V0RT3X reacted to marco2306 in jQuery Recent Topics Ticker   
    Unfortunately, the problem is with the chat box.
  2. Like
    WP V0RT3X reacted to newbie LAC in (NB45) Content Tabs   
    I added this in TODO list
  3. Like
    WP V0RT3X got a reaction from Daniel F in Restrict search to Marketplace   
    Go to Marketplace Topics and search This Forum. Or search Downloads globally.
  4. Like
    WP V0RT3X reacted to batarjal in ThreadStarter: Movies   
    Thanks for the feedback! I’ll look into your suggestions for the next update.
  5. Haha
    WP V0RT3X got a reaction from Sonya* in Hide Ignored Content Completly   
    Ingore me, refresh and you'll see 
  6. Like
    WP V0RT3X got a reaction from Miss_B in Hide Ignored Content Completly   
    Ingore me, refresh and you'll see 
  7. Like
    WP V0RT3X got a reaction from kmk in Clubs for directory use   
    You can use reviews and/or comments. Also you can change the author of the record in the AdminCP. Both core features of Pages.
    The main reason why we have chosen Pages as the basis for this directory is primarily to ensure compatibility with future IPS updates. In contrast to a standalone application only minor adjustments will be necessary and the future of your directory is secured.
    We're still beta testing a little bit, but this will be availiable for purchase soon.
  8. Thanks
    WP V0RT3X got a reaction from NAWAC in Feature Request: "Mark as Unread" or "Favorites Folder"   
    How about this?
  9. Like
    WP V0RT3X reacted to DawPi in (DP43) Grid View per Forums   
    this plugin will be rechecked this week again. Sorry and please be patient. I'm here.
  10. Like
    WP V0RT3X reacted to opmows in Videos Support   
    Thank you, it works 🙂
    Best wishes,
  11. Thanks
    WP V0RT3X got a reaction from Michael.J in Videos Support   
    You can fix that with some custom CSS. Try width 100% in class .video-js
    Result -> https://prnt.sc/v15qbe
  12. Haha
    WP V0RT3X reacted to TSP in Mobile menu should include your member name   
    Someone deserves a raise! 
    I'm working on an upgrade to 4.5 now where I'm updating a custom theme, and as a result I saw that this bit of feedback has finally been resolved 😄
    Sorry for the bump, but I had a slight squeal of joy as I saw this, as it has been one of those annoying little pet peeves I've had with the default theme for some years now. 
  13. Like
    WP V0RT3X reacted to pjfry in RSS-Import to Database Author bug?   
    I can confirm this problem on my website too. 
  14. Like
    WP V0RT3X got a reaction from Maxxius in RSS-Import to Database Author bug?   
    I noticed something weird today. I'm importing shortnews from several external sites to a database. The author is set to my account because the fake account I've set up for the import didn't work at all, it always used mine (UserID 1).
    Later I noticed other imports had other authors, regular members that can't even create articles in that database at all...
    Looks to me like that are the accounts that triggered the task.
    When I import feeds to threads instead, it always uses the correct author (the already mentioned fake account).
  15. Thanks
    WP V0RT3X got a reaction from pjfry in RSS-Import to Database Author bug?   
    I noticed something weird today. I'm importing shortnews from several external sites to a database. The author is set to my account because the fake account I've set up for the import didn't work at all, it always used mine (UserID 1).
    Later I noticed other imports had other authors, regular members that can't even create articles in that database at all...
    Looks to me like that are the accounts that triggered the task.
    When I import feeds to threads instead, it always uses the correct author (the already mentioned fake account).
  16. Like
    WP V0RT3X reacted to pjfry in Birthdays this month "block"   
    That is a solution:
    in the block template search for:
    <span class='ipsType_light ipsType_small'>{lang="widget_member_joined_date" htmlsprintf="$member->joined->html()"}</span> {{if $member->last_activity}} <br><span class='ipsType_light ipsType_small'>{lang="widget_member_last_active_date" htmlsprintf="\IPS\DateTime::ts( $member->last_activity )->html()"}</span> and replace this with:
    <span class='mt_Title'><i class="fa fa-birthday-cake" aria-hidden="true"></i> {lang="mt_bday"}:</span> <span class='mt_Content'>{$member->birthday}</span>  
    Many thanks to @V0RT3X666 providing me this solution!
  17. Like
    WP V0RT3X got a reaction from Noble~ in Books   
    As user I prefer IGDB
    Alternatives would be
  18. Like
    WP V0RT3X got a reaction from RObiN-HoOD in Books   
    As user I prefer IGDB
    Alternatives would be
  19. Thanks
    WP V0RT3X got a reaction from Adriano Faria in Books   
    As user I prefer IGDB
    Alternatives would be
  20. Thanks
    WP V0RT3X got a reaction from ChrisTERiS in Club categories   
  21. Thanks
    WP V0RT3X got a reaction from ChrisTERiS in Club categories   
    Have you tried the 4.4 addon in 4.5? Haven't tested that one, but many work without any problems.
  22. Like
    WP V0RT3X got a reaction from Sonya* in Connecting Multiple Communities (Content, not Logins)   
    Works not only with WordPress 
  23. Like
    WP V0RT3X got a reaction from sobrenome in Share button location   
    Okay, quick and dirty again... go to template forums -> topics -> post and search for
    {{if \count( $item->commentMultimodActions() ) and !$comment->mapped('first')}} <li><span class='ipsCustomInput'> <input type="checkbox" name="multimod[{$comment->$idField}]" value="1" data-role="moderation" data-actions="{{if $comment->canSplit()}}split merge{{endif}} {{if $comment->hidden() === -1 AND $comment->canUnhide()}}unhide{{elseif $comment->hidden() === 1 AND $comment->canUnhide()}}approve{{elseif $comment->canHide()}}hide{{endif}} {{if $comment->canDelete()}}delete{{endif}}" data-state='{{if $comment->tableStates()}}{$comment->tableStates()}{{endif}}'> <span></span> </span></li> {{endif}} ABOVE that add
    <li><a href='{$comment->item()->url()}' title='{lang="share_this_post"}' data-ipsDialog data-ipsDialog-size='narrow' data-ipsDialog-content='#elSharePost_{$comment->$idField}_menu' data-ipsDialog-title="{lang="share_this_post"}" d='elSharePost_{$comment->$idField}' data-role='shareComment'><i class="fa fa-share-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></li> And there it is

    I don't have 4.4 anymore, so this is basically the new share post code, I only changed the text with a Font Awesome icon.
  24. Thanks
    WP V0RT3X got a reaction from Morgin in Connecting Multiple Communities (Content, not Logins)   
    Works not only with WordPress 
  25. Thanks
    WP V0RT3X got a reaction from Eric BXL in Share button location   
    I can take a look tomorrow, already afk for today. 
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