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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Beh

  1. I tried both GD and Imagemagick, but the problem persists. But today I found out that the problem was caused at the client side in the browser. I'm using Firefox with tracker blockers and a plugin called "Privacy Settings": https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/privacy-settings/ https://github.com/schomery/privacy-settings/ This plugin has a setting called "websites.resistFingerprinting", to restrict browser fingerprinting for improved privacy. More details about this feature in Privacy Settings: http://blog.add0n.com/2016/03/23/html5-apis-fingerprint-users-how-to-prevent.html Apparently, the drag-and-drop feature in Invisionpower uses a certain browser web api (maybe Screen api) when uploading images, which is restricted with the privacy plugin, which causes this distored image problem when restricted. This problem doesn't occur in plain HTML form input-element file uploads. Disabling the "websites.resistFingerprinting" setting in the privacy plugin, solves the problem.
  2. Yes, on all newly uploaded images, like png and jpg. (Including existing images when downloaded and reuploaded again.) I'm using GD. On April this year, it was working fine. Then my license got expired, which I left for some time in this state, without really using the forum. (I'm still the only person on that forum, apart from spammers.) I recently renewed the license, did a manual update by uploading the files myself, and then noticed the image problem. The requirements test ips4.php says: I'm using Centos 8 and MariaDB 10.3.17, which is equivallent to MySQL 5.7, if correct.
  3. When I upload images to my forum, they are distorted, unrecognizable. Is my forum missing a PHP plugin or other software? Or is this a file system permission problem? Below is the result of two uploaded images to my forum.
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