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  1. There is no pages section on the ACP: https://gyazo.com/8558315c307a6fecf23aa441a52134b5
  2. Okay, where do I install the template? I have the latest IPS and the most recent version of pages application. I installed the settings.xml, now where do I install the templates if no menu popped up on the ACP?
  3. I have the plugin installed: https://gyazo.com/bef952396d4151595022711a36757471 However nothing has popped up on the ACP: https://gyazo.com/6d8c3a4f5a052f98bc4c64df75df765b (Ignore the orange tone, it's flux.) I haven't installed the templates, I don't even know where to find that. Is this normal?
  4. Hello, I installed the settings.xml file on the plugin section of the ACP panel. However, I do not see any pages settings or a new section for it. The plugin appears to be installed however there is no indication when I search it on the search bar. It only appears as installed on the plugins section.
  5. Alright, thanks. I forgot an important detail.
  6. I seem to have issues installing it, I've tried in ACP -> System -> Plugins and installing the Supergrid_Plugin.xml but nothing seems to be happening. The installation seems to be successful, but no new options have appeared (that I know of). I can access the settings that come with that xml file but no more than that. No clue where to go and what to do. Any help is appreciated, thanks.
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