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Bill in CA

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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by Bill in CA

  1. 19 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    You can change the logo on your site from your theme in Customization>Themes, by clicking the edit icon. There is no 'cover photo' as such if you mean a background for the header section on the whole site. Thats something you would need to theme in if you wished to add one

    It's the latter , Mark - adding a photo into the theme so it appears at the top of the page, preferably not appearing  for phone users. Is there a guide online as to how that's done, even if just how to add the photo?

  2. I did another clearing of cache not long before your test (thanks very much for doing those) and I haven't seen the problem since.

    The database errors came up when I had upgraded to 6.11 earlier today, but seem to have stopped after I then did the 6.12 upgrade.

    So, right now, fingers crossed, it looks like things may be working OK. I will see what happens more more uses start using it now that I've told them the upgrades are done.

    Many thanks for the help and the promptness.

    Oh - any idea why RECOVERY MODE didn't work? I put the line as the first entry in the constants.php file as shown in another post.

    Oh, I also had run the background job to complete indexing.

  3. I am seeing intermittent errors when trying to create posts or add comments since I did the 6.12 upgrade. It looks like short posts are working but longer messages are causing errors.

    1) I don't have any plug ins installed

    2) I cleared cache in the control panel

    3) I tried to use RECOVERY MODE but get this error message:

    1S107/3 Before you are able to use the Admin Control Panel, you must edit 'constants.php' and remove the following line:

    define( 'RECOVERY_MODE', TRUE );

    4) Nothings is showing in the System Log or Error Log

    5) Restored to default theme, no change

    Any suggestions on where to look next?

  4. Thanks, Marc. I have converted everything to InnoDB and the upgrade to my test system seems to have worked. It's building some indexes now so I'll check back on it later, but at least the upgrade went through and the test looks functional.

    Just a suggestion - if your upgrade job could scan the database for things likely to kill the job and warn the user before anything is committed it might save a few heads from being pounded on the wall.

  5. I started an upgrade to my site and quickly got an error message

    Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes

    ALTER TABLE `ibf_core_attachments_map` ADD KEY `map_lookup` (`location_key`(250),`id1`,`id2`)

    I read up on that error and apparently a table type needs to be changed. I really wish that the upgrade program would check for things like that before changing anything.

    In the upgrade program I have two options - retry and continue. Both lead to a repeat of that error, no option to abort.

    Trying to access the board gives this:

    Site Owner
    This message means an upgrade is in progress. If this is not correct, try visiting the upgrade process again (usually /admin/upgrade) and choose either continue or restart. If the upgrade shows nothing to upgrade, visit the AdminCP and run the Support tool. You can also contact Invision Community support for assistance.

    In accessing the AdminCP it just gives me the continue option to continue. 

    I was able to do a restore of my site so I'm back in business for now, and will look into changing that table tomorrow, but is there any way to see what else may need to be changed before going through all this again?

  6. My site is currently running 4.4.10. I inherited it from someone else who never cleaned up the file system from an old upgrade from another vendor, had some personal stuff scattered around, etc. It's working fine but I would like to do a clean install to get it neat and tidy.

    Can I do that with the current database? In other words will a fresh install of 4.6.7 work on a 4.4.10 database, or is any conversion needed?



  7. 9 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    I cant actually see one under this email address, however if you have emailed in to support then it would indeed have been received and you should have had confirmation of this via email also. Was this submitted from an email other than the main one on your account?

    No, should be from bcotter@xxxx.com. Site is worldsfaircommunity.org. I just had to restore the site to get it operational so the upgrade job/loop has been fixed, but I would like to get the core problem addressed so I can do the upgrade. The ticket was opened on your site and not by my sending in an email if that helps.

    I also just now submitted a request through the admin panel, which I didn't have access to while the system was down.

  8. Marc, I have a problem with my site and opened a ticket earlier today at the Get Support link, and still have some time left it appears for mail support. Any way to tell if the ticket actually got to someone or if there's something I need to do further? I was trying an upgrade and am getting this with no way to get out of an endless loop:

    Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes

    ALTER TABLE `ibf_core_attachments_map` ADD KEY `map_lookup` (`location_key`(250),`id1`,`id2`)

    I'd just like to know if this is on someone's radar, and when I might hear back, or if there's anything I can do on my end. Looking at past threads I didn't see anything suggested other than support has to fix it.



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