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  1. Thanks
    kRSB got a reaction from AlexJ in Group Mention   
    Sorry for late reply, seem to have missed it. I can look into adding this as a new free plugin since it shouldn't be much work but I rather keep the group mention plugin specific to groups.
  2. Like
    kRSB reacted to Aldro in Group Mention   
    Yes! He found the bug and fixed it in the latest release 🙂
  3. Like
    kRSB reacted to Jordan Miller in Announcement as notification   
    I like this! Jotted this feature down.
    @Joel R mentioned this already but this should accomplish what you want no? 
    Another great tool is the group mention plugin:
  4. Like
    kRSB got a reaction from OptimusBain in Group Mention   
  5. Like
    kRSB reacted to bfarber in Slow performance - optimization request   
    1) Convert MyISAM tables to InnoDB
    2) Make sure that your MySQL server is tuned for InnoDB.
    3) Follow the general recommendations
    Beyond that, you haven't really clarified - are you sure MySQL is the problem? There are many web server optimizations that can make a huge difference too. Do you use a CDN of any sort, or reverse proxy caching?
  6. Like
    kRSB got a reaction from Aldro in Group Mention   
    Hey Aldro, if possible could you pm me your ACP details so I could take a look at what goes wrong?
  7. Thanks
    kRSB got a reaction from Afrodude in Group Mention   
    @Afrodude @breatheheavy @Erosik
    I have pushed an update where the group notifications will be send via the background queue system of IPB, this should fix the timeouts of groups with a large number of members. I tested it myself on a group with 40k members and it worked.
    In your setting of group mentions there is a new checkbox which you can toggle to enable this

    You can also follow up the background task in your acp dashboard:

    Hopefully it fixes it as well for you guys
  8. Like
    kRSB reacted to Makoto in What are the optimum settings for Invision on CloudFlare?   
    Your cache level should definitively be Standard, the default setting. Using anything else will break IPS' cache busting feature, which is needed to recache static assets.
    Cache TTL can come down to a matter of preference. Considering important resources like CSS and Javascript assets are cache busted as needed, it's safe to use values up to even 30 days if you so wish.
    The potential concern with this is, if image attachments are deleted but left embedded into posts as an example, they will still display as cached in the users browser for however long you set this to. So, it can be a minor privacy concern, as IPS currently does not automatically remove image embeds from posts when attachments are deleted from the users control panel.
    That's really the only thing to keep in mind. Otherwise, I recommend at least 7-days personally.
    Outside of these, there are several useful features Cloudflare provides that I recommend taking advantage of.
    Note, some of these features are Pro only, but if you're a Free user, use the ones that aren't. They help if even a little bit and there's no reason not to.
    Now, if you have a high traffic website and you can afford it, I personally believe it's worth upgrading to the Pro plan.
    But to get started with the optimizations, under the Speed tab, go to Optimization and make sure these settings are enabled.

    Polish with WebP enabled can be hugely useful if you have a lot of PNG attachments / avatar uploads on your site, as WebP can provide substantially better lossless image compression compared to PNG.
    Auto Minify is disabled by default and you should enable it. The actual performance improvement is small, but it's still an improvement with no risks, so there's no reason not to use it.
    Brotli, again, small improvements, but no risks and and no reason not to use it for clients that support it. All the overhead involved in performing the compression is handled by Cloudflare here after all.

    Enhanced HTTP/2 Prioritization and TCP Turbo are again zero risk performance improvements and if you have access to them you should enable them.
    Mirage can be great in theory for mobile browsers by automatically optimizing images on slow networks. It's in beta, but I do definitely recommend enabling this. Roughly half the of the internets traffic today is mobile. These optimizations can yield huge benefits to your users.
    Rocket Loader I do not recommend enabling, as it can cause functional and perceptional issues with IPB. It makes things look and act in strange ways, and can potentially just break things. Rocket Loader is one of those things that works well for some sites, but is awful for others. It's not great for IPB in my experience. I say the same for PageSpeed JS optimizations and so on as well.
    Under the Network tab, make sure these settings are enabled.

    All of these are, again, zero risk performance optimizations. No reason not to use them.
    Argo tunnel can potentially be useful as well, but note that it can be extremely expensive depending on your bandwidth requirements. It's an additional $0.10/GB of bandwidth. Do not enable it until you have at least a months worth of bandwidth analytics logged from Cloudflare so you have an idea of how much you can expect to pay if you enable this feature.
  9. Like
    kRSB reacted to AlexJ in Group Mention   
    Yes why not add support for single person in post? You are already supporting groups, why not single post 🙂
    Something like this? 

  10. Like
    kRSB got a reaction from AlexJ in Group Mention   
    I'm planning to look into this, so the notifications can be send in a queue when it's lots of them
    Submitted app update for 4.5. It's under review currently
  11. Like
    kRSB got a reaction from root88 in Group Mention   
    Hey @root88
    You can easily change that with placing this CSS in your custom css:
    1) To change the text color for all groups you can use:
    a[data-mentionid] span {
    color: white !important;
    Where white is the color you want (by looking at your screenshot it's set to white
    2) If you want to change it for only a specific group:
    a[data-mentionid='18'] span {
    color: white !important;
    Where 18 is the group id
    Hope it helps!
  12. Like
    kRSB got a reaction from alexxis in Group Mention   
    @ArmaCoopCorps @Gesundheit
    Please download the new version (1.0.3). It will now show a list of members in the group when you hover over it (max 5 people to not clutter forums)
    Keep in mind that it will only be for NEW group mentions though
  13. Like
    kRSB got a reaction from alexxis in Group Mention   
    Hey @root88
    You can easily change that with placing this CSS in your custom css:
    1) To change the text color for all groups you can use:
    a[data-mentionid] span {
    color: white !important;
    Where white is the color you want (by looking at your screenshot it's set to white
    2) If you want to change it for only a specific group:
    a[data-mentionid='18'] span {
    color: white !important;
    Where 18 is the group id
    Hope it helps!
  14. Thanks
    kRSB got a reaction from markwylde in Password manager   
    Will look into adding it into a future update, but can't promise a date 😛 
  15. Like
    kRSB reacted to aXenDev in Password manager   
    This forum version isn't yet available.
  16. Thanks
    kRSB got a reaction from ArmaCoopCorps in Group Mention   
    Thanks for reporting!
    I have identified the problem, I will bring out a fix ASAP
  17. Thanks
    kRSB got a reaction from ArmaCoopCorps in Group Mention   
    @ArmaCoopCorps @Gesundheit
    Please download the new version (1.0.3). It will now show a list of members in the group when you hover over it (max 5 people to not clutter forums)
    Keep in mind that it will only be for NEW group mentions though
  18. Thanks
    kRSB got a reaction from Gesundheit in Group Mention   
    @ArmaCoopCorps @Gesundheit
    Please download the new version (1.0.3). It will now show a list of members in the group when you hover over it (max 5 people to not clutter forums)
    Keep in mind that it will only be for NEW group mentions though
  19. Thanks
    kRSB got a reaction from Gesundheit in Group Mention   
    Thanks for reporting!
    I have identified the problem, I will bring out a fix ASAP
  20. Like
    kRSB got a reaction from AlexJ in Group Mention   
    @AlexJ you can now mention groups by simply typing @! Please download the new version 😛

    @liquidfractal it should now also work for blogs since it hooks into the user mentions (so everywhere you can do user mentions you can do groups)
  21. Like
    kRSB reacted to LiquidFractal in Group Mention   
    Awesome,,,works great.  Many thanks for the update. 😁
  22. Thanks
    kRSB got a reaction from LiquidFractal in Group Mention   
    @AlexJ you can now mention groups by simply typing @! Please download the new version 😛

    @liquidfractal it should now also work for blogs since it hooks into the user mentions (so everywhere you can do user mentions you can do groups)
  23. Like
    kRSB got a reaction from DSystem in Group Mention   
    @AlexJ you can now mention groups by simply typing @! Please download the new version 😛

    @liquidfractal it should now also work for blogs since it hooks into the user mentions (so everywhere you can do user mentions you can do groups)
  24. Like
    kRSB reacted to AlexJ in Group Mention   
    Purchased - to support you u updates! 
  25. Like
    kRSB reacted to ASTRAPI in Community Guide on Setting Up Wasabi and CloudFlare   
    (This is a community guide on how to setup Wasabi and Cloudflare, as a significantly cheaper replacement for Amazon S3 and Cloudfront.  The author has no affiliate arrangement with any of the companies listed in the guide and offers the guide as a free community resource.  You should consult with your hosting provider and / or server administrator before proceeding with the guide.)
    Invision Communities contain rich content, from forum attachments to gallery images to download files.  These resources add up over time. 
    Here are real examples of communities that I provide server administration for:
    - Website A: 400 GB of total storage and 1.2 TB of total monthly bandwidth 
    - Website B: 800 GB of total storage and 14 TB of total bandwidth
    Invision Community allows a file storage configuration with Amazon S3 and a content distribution network (CDN) of your choice:
    Wasabi Cloud  is faster and cheaper than Amazon S3 for object storage, offers unlimited egress for bandwidth, and compatible with Cloudflare.  One of the biggest hidden expenses of using Amazon S3 is not the cost of storage itself, but the bandwidth to deliver objects in and out.  Wasabi does not charge for egress bandwidth, which can save on the majority of the true cost of Amazon S3. It also provides an S3-compliant interface, which means it can be used as a perfect drop-in replacement for Amazon S3 storage and immediately usable on all Invision Communities.   

    Wasabi is 80% cheaper and 6x faster than Amazon S3, with 100% data immutability protection, and no data egress fees or API charges. Created by Carbonite co-founders and cloud storage pioneers David Friend and Jeff Flowers, Wasabi is on a mission to commoditize the storage industry. Wasabi is a privately held company based in Boston, MA.
    In March of 2018, Wasabi pioneered the cloud storage industry’s first ‘unlimited free egress’ pricing plan. We are excited to join forces with Cloudflare and the Bandwidth Alliance, validating that the early business models of Cloud 1.0 vendors no longer applies in a world that expects unlimited everything.  What this means in practice is that you can use Cloudflare services (including the free plan) like blazing-fast DNS, WAF firewall, performance improvements on the fly, and much more.  Forums users will request a topic, and all static content can be picked up from Cloudflare's optimized services that will connect to Wasabi.

    At the moment, Wasabi offers three Datacenters:

    One price. Lightning fast speed. No hidden fees.

    You can check and compare the prices above.
    Step 1: Create a CName at CloudFlare
    We start by creating a cname at Cloudflare:
    cname -> cdn -> cdn.yourdomain.com.s3.eu-central-1.wasabisys.com  <--For Europe datacenter
    cname -> cdn -> cdn.yourdomain.com.s3.us-west-1.wasabisys.com  <--For US-WEST datacenter
    cname -> cdn -> cdn.yourdomain.com.s3.wasabisys.com  <--For US-EAST datacenter
    Like this:

    Step 2: Create a bucket on Wasabi
    First we sign up for a free account at Wasabi Cloud: https://wasabi.com/sign-up/
    Then we create a bucket:

    It is important to name it as: cdn.yourdomain.com

    Then keep default suspend Versioning and Suspend Logging:

    Then click CREATE BUCKET:

    Step 3: Retrieve your Access Keys
    Go to the menu on top left and click Access keys on the left. Click on "Create New Access Key."

    Copy / save the access key and the secret key:

    Step 4: Setting up a new file storage in ACP
    Login to Admin Control Panel and navigate to Overview at the Files category and then click at the right side at Storage settings:

    Then we click at Configurations and at the right side at Create New:

    We select Amazon s3 and we add the following info:

    Save it.
    Step 5: Set the new storage at storage settings
    Navigate to Storage settings and select from the drop down menu the new Amazon s3 bucket.

    Keep only at your server your theme resources:

    *Attachments and Downloads doesn't work out of the box as it seems there is some hardcoded code at Invision related to S3...
    To make them work you just need to install the addon bellow: (tested with Invision 4.4.4).
    Then wait for any Invision background tasks to finish and check.
    I hope that you will benefit from this tutorial and get better performance while saving a lot of money 🙂
    If you are already using S3 then it is very easy to move straight to Wasabi by following the above tutorial as it is NOT needed to move back your files to server and then to Wasabi.
    Credits to @Joel R for giving me the motivation to write this tutorial and providing screenshots from his Wasabi account and for editing the topic.
    Thank you
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