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  1. Thanks for the info. If the support ticket system gets removed, this feature would be quite essential to have.
  2. The rest api reference is a bit vague on this - is there any way to run a full refund of an order via api?
  3. For context: I sell a multiplayer PC game on my site. Custom url protocols would allow sever owners to create 1-click links for players to connect to their servers.
  4. Same suggestion as 7 years ago. Would greatly appreciate if this feature were made available.
  5. It's a template hack as mentioned. In nexus/front/checkout/paymentForm I replaced <input type="radio" {{if (string) $input->value == (string) $k or ( isset( $input->options['userSuppliedInput'] ) and !\in_array( $input->value, array_keys( $input->options['options'] ) ) and $k == $input->options['userSuppliedInput'] )}}checked{{endif}} {{if $input->required === TRUE}}required{{endif}} {{if $input->disabled === TRUE or ( \is_array( $input->disabled ) and \in_array( $k, $input->disabled ) )}}disabled{{endif}} {{if isset( $input->options['toggles'][ $k ] ) and !empty( $input->options['toggles'][ $k ] )}}data-control="toggle" data-toggles="{expression="implode( ',', $input->options['toggles'][ $k ] )"}"{{endif}} id="elRadio_{$input->name}_{$k}" name="{$input->name}" value="{$k}"> with {{if $k==9}} <input type="radio" {{if (string) $input->value == (string) $k or ( isset( $input->options['userSuppliedInput'] ) and !\in_array( $input->value, array_keys( $input->options['options'] ) ) and $k == $input->options['userSuppliedInput'] )}}checked{{endif}} {{if $input->required === TRUE}}required{{endif}} {{if $input->disabled === TRUE or ( \is_array( $input->disabled ) and \in_array( $k, $input->disabled ) )}}disabled{{endif}} {{if isset( $input->options['toggles'][ $k ] ) and !empty( $input->options['toggles'][ $k ] )}}data-control="toggle" data-toggles="9-9_card,{expression="implode( ',', $input->options['toggles'][ $k ] )"}"{{endif}} id="elRadio_{$input->name}_{$k}" name="{$input->name}" value="{$k}"> {{else}} <input type="radio" {{if (string) $input->value == (string) $k or ( isset( $input->options['userSuppliedInput'] ) and !\in_array( $input->value, array_keys( $input->options['options'] ) ) and $k == $input->options['userSuppliedInput'] )}}checked{{endif}} {{if $input->required === TRUE}}required{{endif}} {{if $input->disabled === TRUE or ( \is_array( $input->disabled ) and \in_array( $k, $input->disabled ) )}}disabled{{endif}} {{if isset( $input->options['toggles'][ $k ] ) and !empty( $input->options['toggles'][ $k ] )}}data-control="toggle" data-toggles="{expression="implode( ',', $input->options['toggles'][ $k ] )"}"{{endif}} id="elRadio_{$input->name}_{$k}" name="{$input->name}" value="{$k}"> {{endif}} not sure if k==9 is the same for you. Might be a different value for you. You should be able to see it when you inspect the payment form html in your browser. and below {{endforeach}} I added this <div id="9-9_card" class="" style="display: none;"> <div style="display: block;"> <div data-role="errorMessage" class="ipsMessage ipsMessage_warning">Please be aware that Payment via SEPA / Klarna will withdraw the money right away, but it can take up to 14 working days for the payment to complete. On average it takes about 3 working days. Your order will be in a 'Pending' state for this duration.</div> </div></div>
  6. While its nice that Stripe offers payment by bank transfer via "Sofort", compared to other payment options the process is rather awful. Customers get charged immediately, but the order remains in a Pending state for multiple days. I lost count how many customers were contacting us as to why their money is gone but did not receive the product. It's especially infuriating for germans because "Sofort" in german means "Instant" - but its the exact opposite of instant. There are many ways to improve this, but at the very least I would suggest to properly communicate this with the customer. I added a warning via template hack. Would be nice if it were a default feature. Would likely save hundreds of support tickets a year without much effort.
  7. You can upload one, but trying to replace a svg file errors with "Allowed file extensions are: js, css, txt, ico, gif, jpg, jpe, jpeg, png, mp4, 3gp, mov, ogg, ogv, mp3, mpg, mpeg, ico, flv, webm, wmv, avi, m4v, webp, m4a, wav, pdf"
  8. I second this. I have over 1000 sales monthly and no ability to download all invoices. Quite startling.
  9. When you edit an image in the editor there is a field named "Image title", but it populates the <img> alt tag instead of the title tag, which doesn't display the image title when you mouse over it in Firefox, and likely every other major browser. I think it would be best to set both, the alt and title tag with the image title value.
  10. To prevent phishing attacks, clicking on a link should warn the user that they are now leaving the site. We already got some Link settings in the back-end, this should be a third option
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