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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Fosters

  1. Funny that you're mentioning this. We've indeed coded something similar as part of a bigger custom application for somebody. The admin could create custom forms and additional to moving groups or creating a topic or post, the member could be added to a closed club once the application was approved. Is this what you mean: Or do you mean that each club owner should be able to create his own form?
  2. You don't need to use the forum, this app includes a navbar extension :) ACP => System => Menu Manager. Add a new tab with type "Open Applications". This should address your concerns.
  3. This should indeed work this way! Did you probably play around and have you probably applied to the one which is missing? Is the "Allow your members to apply only once" enabled? If yes, it will be hidden and not accessible anymore to the user who applied. What happens when you try to visit the form? (just open the other form and then change the id in the url) If you want, I can take a look. I'll just need the URL to your commmunity and an admin account:)
  4. Nice catch and sorry for the inconvenience caused by this, I have released a new version addressing this.
  5. What's the URL you're linking to?
  6. Is anybody still seeing issues with the title being bypassed?
  7. Hm, I dislike the black icon on the dark background... You COULD change this with some custom CSS, but one of the upcoming releases will also include a color chooser for the FA icons, so it will be much easier than
  8. Oh god, sorry for this. 1. I thought that we changed the colors and that we removed the fosters branding (gold and black).. This was removed now. 2. The size bug was fixed too 3. The broken FA icon selector for medals was fixed too ( actually.. it was never implemented there, we wanted and we're still going to remove them in the future, but as long as we haven't finished the trophy logic we'll keep them..)
  9. I've uploaded a new version fixing this.
  10. A new version was released. Changehistory
  11. Pagination issue fixed (stupid testing 🙈 ) I've also implemented the first part from @Azza276, will need to make some further minds and planing about
  12. This would require custom coding
  13. A new version was released. Changehistory yes
  14. Yes! The official reply is:They won't come! Joking. Well, no not really joking. I'm going to kill this app and release a new one where you'll be able to manage the share services, add as many as you want without having to install dozen extra applications and each service will be configurable ( show on mobile / show on desktop, FA icon selector, etc...)
  15. Hopefully this weekend! I've noticed some other issues with CiC environments and their database read/write separation which need to be fixed.
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