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Everything posted by Adam_S

  1. Thats awesome, thanks so much for looking into that! A description would also be great!
  2. Hi, I was wondering if this app has the ability to "pop-out" the playback, so for example, you could select to play an uploaded mp3 then click the "pop-out" button and it would open in a new window and continue playing in that window while you were browsing the site in the original window. (Does this make sense?) I also wondered whether you may consider integrating some form of reporting into it, such as an approx geolocation and/or date/time it was downloaded / played, and make this information visible to the uploader.. If thats at all possible? Thanks Adam
  3. Hi @HeadStand I've created a newsletter to email out upcoming events over the next week from a specific calendar, however the newsletter itself isn't sorting the events by date, even though i've selected Recently Updated with a cutoff of 7 days. How can I have it only send out the events over the next 7 days? I've also noticed that the Newsletter is showing events that have passed in the calendar too. Is there a way to only show future events? Thanks
  4. Hi @Fosters Love the app, however i'm having some weird issues with the tasks running on the back end. I've got multiple tasks that have started and are running but aren't completing for the Inactive Members app. Can you assist on clearing these out and getting it working? Thanks Adam
  5. Hi @HeadStand, I'm also keen to know when a version for 4.2 will be released
  6. I use Sparkpost and the Mail Bouncer app, seems to process them nicely.
  7. I'd also like to know if it works with the latest IPB
  8. I ended up just copying the template from the actual app and using that But now for some reason, i can't seem to get it to display the images horizontally. Anyone have any idea what i'm doing wrong? My code is: <HR> <div> <h3>{$params['title']}</h3> {{foreach $items as $item}} {{$image = \IPS\File::get( 'gallery_Images', $item->thumb_file_name );}} <a href="{$item->url()}"> <img src="{$image->url}" style="width:100px;height:100px;" alt="{$item->mapped( 'title' )}" title="{$item->mapped( 'title' )}"> </a> {{if $params['show_author']}} {$item->author()->name} {datetime="$item->mapped( 'date' )"} <br> {{endif}} {{if $params['show_content']}} {{if $params['max_chars'] > 0}} {{$content = \strip_tags( $item->content() );}} {truncate="$content" length="$params['max_chars']"} {{else}} {$item->content()|raw} {{endif}} {{endif}} {{if isset( $params['show_views'] ) && $params['show_views']}} {$item->mapped( 'views' )} views {{endif}} {{if isset( $params['show_comments'] ) && $params['show_comments']}} {$item->mapped( 'num_comments' )} comments {{endif}} {{endforeach}} </div> But it appears like the attached image in the newsletter preview. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks Adam
  9. Firstly, awesome app! This looks like it'll do exactly what i need. But i might need a bit of guidance if thats ok when it comes to customising the custom templates. Does anyone have any customised template for the Gallery section (or can point me in the direction of one) that I could use which is similar to what exists by default, but lists the photos horizontally instead of vertically? Thanks
  10. What about allowing the uploader to disable downloading on their particular individual upload? But keeping the remaining tracks as downloadable. What about the case where it might be a primary genre of music, but there's multiple sub-genres, and the global IPS tags have those sub-genres already in there I have a Description field in the extra fields, but it appears on the right hand side, not beneath the track, and there doesn't appear to be a way to get it to move it to under the track.
  11. Ok, thanks I'm not sure whats involved in writing an app, but surely adding the IPS global tags, allowing the uploader to disable downloading, and adding a description field wouldn't be so complex? A reporting system would be, but perhaps its something you can consider as a longer-term addition to the app?
  12. This is a great app! However, can i offer some suggestions on things to add in upcoming releases: - More detailed reporting for the person who uploaded the song (such as a separate page for the uploader which shows them information like: approximate or accurate geolocations of who listened to the song with a google maps overlay; a graph option which shows how often over the past week, month, and year that its been played; a list to show which members have played it the most, etc) - Restrict who can download songs (according to membership groups) - Allow the uploader to enable / disable Downloading for their specific song - Integration with the IPS Tag system (so songs can use the global tags) - A description field which is listed directly under the song on the song page
  13. Hi @onlyME, I've found that my custom fields are not showing when a user is uploading a track. Is there something that I need to do to make sure they show? Thanks Apologies, i just figured out what was wrong - operator error!
  14. Hi @HeadStand, Will send you a private message so we can work on this issue together and find out whats going on. But you can see the bug in action by visiting my website at https://ozclubbers.com.au/calendar/ and trying to create a new event. As you've highligted, there appears to be no javascript errors relating to your app, so i'm guessing there's a bug somewhere with the app somehow? Hoping we can work to get it fixed so the app works on my site.
  15. I have the following error: Error in event handler for (unknown): TypeError: Cannot read property 'command' of undefined at chrome-extension://fhplmmllnpjjlncfjpbbpjadoeijkogc/js/hooks/content.min.js:1:228 If i follow that link, this text is exposed function init(){getPage_url();setInterval(function(){getPage_url()},1E3)}function getPage_url(){var a=document.location.href;curHref!=a&&(curHref=a,chrome.extension.sendRequest({akce:"Page_URL",url:a},function(a){"Get_Links"==a.command?getAll_URLs(a.tip,a.answer,a.tabId):"Get_VK_Audio"==a.command?getVK_Audio_URLs(a.tip,a.answer,a.tabId):"Get_VK_Video"==a.command?getVK_Video_URLs(a.tip,a.answer,a.tabId):"Get_DM_Video"==a.command&&getDM_Video_URLs(a.tip,a.answer,a.tabId)}))} function getDM_Video_URLs(a,f,g){a=document.location.href;aURLs.length=0;var d=document.head.getElementsByTagName("meta");if(d)for(var c=0;c<d.length;c++){var b=d[c];if("twitter:player"==b.getAttribute("name"))var e=/([^\/]+)$/.exec(b.getAttribute("value"))[1]}e&&chrome.extension.sendRequest({akce:"Get_DM_Video",answer:f,tabId:g,url:a,videoId:e},function(b){})} function parse_str(a){a=a.split("&");for(var f=[],g=0;g<a.length;g++){var d=a[g].split("=");f[unescape(d[0])]=unescape(d[1]).replace(/[+]/g," ")}return f} function getVK_Video_URLs(a,f,g){function d(b,a,d,g,e,f){c.push({url:b,title:a,ext:g,format:d,quality:e,downloadName:a,type:"video",groupId:0,orderField:0})}var c=[];a=document.location.href;var b=document.getElementById("video_player");if(!b)return!1;var e=document.getElementById("mv_min_title").textContent,b=b.getAttribute("flashvars");null!=b&&(b=parse_str(b),"0"==b.hd?(""==b.no_flv&&(-1!=b.host.search(/(vkadre.ru)/i)?d("http://"+b.host+"/assets/videos/"+b.vtag+""+b.vkid+".vk.flv",e,"Low","flv", "240p",a):d("http://cs"+b.host+".vk.com/u"+b.uid+"/videos/"+b.vtag+".flv",e,"Low","flv","240p",a)),"0"==b.no_flv&&(-1!=b.host.search(/(vkadre.ru)/i)?d("http://"+b.host+"/assets/videos/"+b.vtag+""+b.vkid+".vk.flv",e,"Low","flv","240p",a):-1!=b.host.search(/(psv4.vk.me)/i)?d(b.url240,e,"Low","flv","240p",root_url):d("http://cs"+b.host+".vk.com/u"+b.uid+"/videos/"+b.vtag+".flv",e,"Low","flv","240p",a)),"1"==b.no_flv&&d("http://cs"+b.host+".vk.com/u"+b.uid+"/videos/"+b.vtag+".240.mp4",e,"SD","mp4","240p", a)):"1"==b.hd?(d("http://cs"+b.host+".vk.com/u"+b.uid+"/videos/"+b.vtag+".360.mp4",e,"High","mp4","360p",a),d("http://cs"+b.host+".vk.com/u"+b.uid+"/videos/"+b.vtag+".240.mp4",e,"SD","mp4","240p",a)):"2"==b.hd?(d("http://cs"+b.host+".vk.com/u"+b.uid+"/videos/"+b.vtag+".480.mp4",e,"High","mp4","480p",a),d("http://cs"+b.host+".vk.com/u"+b.uid+"/videos/"+b.vtag+".360.mp4",e,"High","mp4","360p",a),d("http://cs"+b.host+".vk.com/u"+b.uid+"/videos/"+b.vtag+".240.mp4",e,"SD","mp4","240p",a)):"3"==b.hd&&(d("http://cs"+ b.host+".vk.com/u"+b.uid+"/videos/"+b.vtag+".720.mp4",e,"HD","mp4","720p",a),d("http://cs"+b.host+".vk.com/u"+b.uid+"/videos/"+b.vtag+".480.mp4",e,"High","mp4","480p",a),d("http://cs"+b.host+".vk.com/u"+b.uid+"/videos/"+b.vtag+".360.mp4",e,"High","mp4","360p",a),d("http://cs"+b.host+".vk.com/u"+b.uid+"/videos/"+b.vtag+".240.mp4",e,"SD","mp4","240p",a)));chrome.extension.sendRequest({akce:"Get_VK_Video",answer:f,tabId:g,url:a,link:c},function(b){})} function getVK_Audio_URLs(a,f,g){a=document.location.href;aURLs.length=0;for(var d=document.querySelectorAll(".audio"),c=0;c<d.length;c++){var b=d[c],e="",k="",l="",h=null,m=b.getElementsByTagName("input");m&&(h=m[0]);if(h&&h.id&&-1!=h.id.indexOf("audio_info")){e=h.value;if(!e)continue;e=e.split(",");if(!e)continue;e=e[0];l=h.id.substr(10,h.id.length)}if(!(4>e.length)){if(h=b.getElementsByClassName("title_wrap")[0])k=h.textContent;b.getElementsByClassName("duration");aURLs.push({url:e,title:k,value:l, type:"audio"})}}chrome.extension.sendRequest({akce:"Get_VK_Audio",answer:f,tabId:g,url:a,link:aURLs},function(b){})} function getAll_URLs(a,f,g){var d=document.location.href;aURLs.length=0;if(-1!=a.indexOf("all")||-1!=a.indexOf("link")){for(var c=Array(document.links.length),b=0;b<document.links.length;b++)c.push(document.links[b]);addLinksToArray(c,d)}if(-1!=a.indexOf("all")||-1!=a.indexOf("image")){c=Array(document.images.length);for(b=0;b<document.images.length;b++)c.push(document.images[b]);addImagesToArray(c,d,"image")}if(-1!=a.indexOf("all")||-1!=a.indexOf("embed")){c=Array(document.embeds.length);for(b=0;b< document.embeds.length;b++)c.push(document.embeds[b]);addEmbedsToArray(c,d)}if(-1!=a.indexOf("all")||-1!=a.indexOf("video")){var e=[];if(c=document.getElementsByTagName("video")){for(b=0;b<c.length;b++)e.push(c[b]);addImagesToArray(e,d,"video")}}if(-1!=a.indexOf("all")||-1!=a.indexOf("audio"))if(e=[],c=document.getElementsByTagName("audio")){for(b=0;b<c.length;b++)audio.push(c[b]);addImagesToArray(e,d,"audio")}if(-1!=a.indexOf("input")&&(c=document.getElementsByTagName("input"))){e=[];for(b=0;b<c.length;b++)e.push(c[b]); 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Thats the only error on the page
  16. My custom made app (thanks fiverr) uses Google Firebase for push notifications to both Android and Apple apps that i've had developed. I can manually send a push notification, but it would be good if a developer made one that interfaced with it for IPS. I'd pay for the app even
  17. Hi, I was wondering whether it would be possible to include some form of push notifications via REST API in a future developmental release of IPS that could be used to develop a custom mobile apps for a community? Thanks Adam
  18. I'll check tomorrow and let you know
  19. Each of my calendars only have one set anyway. And the calendar is already selected, but it still is greyed out. Is it possible to at least let it select the default set and display that?
  20. Hi, I love this application, this is just what i need for my community, however I'm having some issues with it. If, for example, i've got fields added to a Calendar template, the sets aren't showing until i change the Calendar that the entry is going in to. The box which normally displays the Set name is just blank and disabled. Once i change the Calendar, (even if i select a different one and then the original one again), then the dropdown box which displays the Set name becomes enabled and selects the default set for that Calendar's container. Please see example in this link: https://ozclubbers.com.au/calendar/submit/?do=submit&id=9 Thanks Adam
  21. Yeah i thought it might.
  22. So basically, the second one first (as it'll make more sense): When a person add a new quiz, they have the option of adding their own feedback at the end of the quiz (similar to the feedback section you have added on the ACP). They can write their own text in there and its allocated to that quiz only. When a person is entering questions and answers into a quiz that they've created, they also have the option of giving it a value. At the end, the values are totalled up, and compared against the feedback in the previous paragraph, the user is given customised text. So for example. 3 questions with 3 answers each: Q 1: What colour is the sky? A1: Grey (value 2) A2: Yellow (value 4) A3: Blue (value 6) Q 2: What is the colour of water? A1: Blue (value 6) A2: Green (value 4) A3: Pink (value 0) Q 3: What hair colour do you see the most? A1: Blonde (value 3) A2: Brunette (value 4) A3: Black (value 2) Then if you have customised feedback values for each quiz: If the total value is between 1 and 5, they would get feedback "You should get checked for colour blindness". If the total value is between 5 and 10, feedback string would be "Close but no cigar!". If total value was over 10, feedback string would be "Wow, you are just awesome!". If a person answers with answers 1, 1, and 3, their total would be 10, and they'd get feedback "Close but no cigar!". If they answered with answers 2, 3, and 1, their total would be 7 and would get feedback "You should get checked for colour blindness". This way, with custom feedback and values, people who create the quizzes could really go crazy with anything they wanted with your app! Does this all make sense (sorry for the long post!)
  23. So much awesome! Thanks @Adriano Faria! Can i offer some suggestions for future releases: - Increase the number of questions from 15 to something a bit higher (maybe 20 or 30)? - Have the option where a quiz can be on a points scale, and each answer is worth a certain number of points, which is tallied up at the end - Have each quiz have its own feedback rating, possibly even customisable by the end user who adds the quiz - Set a time limit per question - Set a time delay per question (so you can't answer the next question until x seconds have passed)
  24. Hi @Adriano Faria, Since the upgrade to version 1.0.3, my registration is now broken and new users cannot register when the plugin is enabled. The received error is "EX1048" Can you please assist. Thanks
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