Reputation Activity
Jim M got a reaction from David N. in Can't find a user in the ACP when searching for display name?How are you searching this? The three characters may not be enough (generally, MySQL search requires 3 or more characters) or you may be exceeding the amount of results due to too generic of a term.
Jim M got a reaction from Verto in how to increase the session expiration time, in the Admin CP?Can look in init.php for all constants. ACP_SESSION_TIMEOUT is in seconds to consider the session valid for. Generally, I do not recommend extending this unless you are in a local or secured development/testing environment.
Jim M got a reaction from Verto in migrate the forum to a self-host, no see mys postsIf it continues to happen, watching your server logs to see if something is happening while these are writing may be important. Whether that's a server restart, high resource process, etc... anything that could interrupt or slow down your server writing.
Jim M reacted to AintNobody in Updated dev site to v5 license key issueOh, clearing my browser cache fixed the issue.
Jim M got a reaction from zenzoidman in Analytics button in topic view gives theme error even in default themeThank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
Jim M got a reaction from ANONYMOUSKOREAN in Pre-sale question about Invision 5.The real-time features are only available on our Cloud as they interact with our services there and are not just PHP/Javascript.
We do have polling to be as close to real time as that limited technology will allow. This will let users know that they have notifications or a new post on the topic has been made but not things like "Someone is typing" or instant appearing of replied posts while viewing.
We do not recommend directly modifying our code. It likely is possible to make a custom application to do so but this would be outside our scope of support.
Jim M got a reaction from Marc in Spam bots attack...Glad to hear that its behind you 🙂 . Hope you continue to do better.
Wouldn't go too crazy over it. Think you just need to avoid math questions, things outside of your niche which may be easy like "Who is the President of the USA?", what color is the sky, etc... I would also say that including questions related to your niche which may not be easily Googled or ChatGPT'd but also your audience would instantly know are good things.
The goal is a happy balance of stopping (most) spammers and not frustrating your users. Some spammers are going to get in regardless of what you do as these are human spammers too so having a strategy maybe of putting a user's first post into a moderation queue may also be a good thing.
Jim M got a reaction from savannahjan50 in Problems after migrationYou can check the PHP version in ACP -> Support. That will tell you directly what our software is using in case you may have multiple configurations.
Your hosting provider would need to provide these settings for you or tell you the best way to send mail on their server. Host name is generally the server you are connecting to. If you provide these fields to your hosting provider, they should be able to tell you the corresponding values.
Jim M got a reaction from AintNobody in Updated dev site to v5 license key issueThe theme being an unmodified theme? Just wanted to verify
Jim M reacted to Day_ in Beta 9 is now on the table!Not sure what's more sad here, the fact someone was working on Christmas Day, or you've even had to defend yourself here.
Whilst I know not everyone celebrates Christmas, for Western countries it's been fairly common period of time off with family, too much food and alcohol.
I'd like to think most customers like myself have not expected to see any Beta or final release over Christmas!
Crack on now though, it's over with, get us our final release yeah? Chop chop!
Jim M got a reaction from SeNioR- in API to query the posts?Let us know if we can be of assistance 🙂
Jim M got a reaction from Mike G. in [Suggestion] CAPTCHAI forgot how unforgiving old school games were but give the scum of the world some time and they'll develop an aim bot for the spammer bots 😄
Jim M reacted to Marc in Beta 9 is now on the table!We are? Awesome! Thanks for letting us know 🙂
Jim M reacted to Mike G. in [Suggestion] CAPTCHAThink about all the extra free time you’ll have!
Jim M got a reaction from tforums in Errors after Server MoveAs a software provider, we do not provide hosting support. Software does not control this but rather your hosting configuration does. If you are unsure, you would want to hire a server administrator to help you.
Jim M got a reaction from tforums in Errors after Server MoveThis would be dependent on your server configuration. We cannot tell you this as server configuration support is outside our scope of support. Only your hosting provider or server administrator can tell you why it's not working.
Jim M reacted to Marc in constant.php - admin + template filesJust to add to the above, if you are trying to ensure your admin area is secure, we advise on using 2 factor authentication to do this. You can see a guide on this here
Jim M got a reaction from Marc in CSRF protection key did not matchYou will want to check your server's caching. It looks like it is caching whole pages or sessions which should not be done in a dynamic website.
Jim M got a reaction from Miss_B in constant.php - admin + template filesWe recommend keeping it as the default admin folder as this will be removed in version 5. You can find more info below though:
We only provide the latest release of supported versions. It would not be recommended or supported to run anything else as they will have bugs and security issues.
Jim M got a reaction from Ticaga in Invision Community 5 Open Beta TestingYou will continue to be able to use version 4. We will make an announcement when we will require version 5. However, that is likely once version 4 is no longer supported and version 5 has matured.
While I'm sure many clients will jump into version 5. We respect that some will want to wait for it to mature or have third party services they need updated, etc...
With that said, we likely will have a cutoff period once version 4 is no longer supported as technology has to keep innovating and remaining secure 🙂 . When that is though, I don't think we have a date in mind as we are still in version 5 beta phase.
Jim M got a reaction from AlexJ in Beta 8 - Reduced performance mobileBlocks are cached when a user views it for the duration set. There is no background tasks updating data based on that timeframe.
Jim M got a reaction from RCITGuy in Pages with redirect (Google Analytics)The format above there is intended to redirect to an anchor as it goes to a particular comment. It is not a bad thing that it does as it isn't something really intended to be indexed and our robots.txt included in the software actually directs robots to not index it.
Jim M reacted to aXenDev in Invision Community on Netflix - La PalmaI've been watching La Palma series the first episode and I found this commercial for IPS 😄 Congrats!
Jim M got a reaction from Allan - TheTechTribe in forum refresh if multiple tabs openThis would be highly irregular and likely the cause of an issue too.
Ultimately though, this sounds more like an issue with your SSO than an issue with our software. You will either need to work with your SSO provider or disable IP session checks in our software to resolve this.
These examples would likely be irregularly happening in the middle of a session, though possible. Unless someone is on your community all day long without breaking the 20 min session timer. At which point, I would expect the session to break and re-try to create with a new one, which is best practices. The software really has no clue whether or not the individual there is legitimately changing their IP address for these reasons or an attacker is coming in so revalidating the session is required.
Jim M reacted to Matt in Beta 9 is now on the table!Use your "Find My" to locate your laptop, then open your laptop.
Kidding aside, we will continue to build on this basic implementation.