Reputation Activity
Jim M got a reaction from PoC2 in [Feature Request] Private Messages Attachment Review for Online Safety Act ComplianceImages are deleted in the core software via a background task so may not be gone right away after deletion.
Jim M got a reaction from Ibai in What is the distinction between a blue or white unread dot?This may be a CSS issue in Fluid mode when there is a forum color used. I have reported this internally.
Jim M got a reaction from Alex Duffy in Welcome to Invision Community 5There is no time table at this time. I would assume once version 5 has matured and version 4 is in EOL.
Jim M got a reaction from Marafa in Different IPThis would be the only way to edit the constants.php file to remove the IP address validation.
Jim M reacted to Jan Reidar Storelvmo in Various questions regarding v5Okay, I’ll probably do this using SQL. Just wanted to check if there was an option in the admin cp.
That answered all my questions. Thanks for the quick reply! 👍
Jim M got a reaction from AintNobody in VPS OS and RecommendationsApache is still only full supported.
Jim M got a reaction from Thomas P in Delete members awaiting validationYou would utilize the bulk purge tool. Go into advanced search in ACP > Members > click the cog wheel > enter a search to bring up users you want to purge (this can be a date range of join time) > search > click validating > in the blue bar click purge results found.
Be sure to take a back up prior to performing.
Jim M got a reaction from Donnie95 in 5.0 V4 customs apps.The system will automatically disable them in the upgrade to version 5. If they have no data attached to them and the authors aren’t continuing them, you can uninstall them to do a little cleanup.
Jim M reacted to Marc in Fix for Unread/Mark ReadI understand the sentiment, but I’m not sure I’d agree with it being “significantly harder”. Sure, you have to click into a menu.
Please remember that everything is new. We are concentrating on getting final out at present, rather than making changes. However this is not to say that there wont be changes coming over subsequent releases, based on feedback. ☺️
Jim M reacted to Square Wheels in Fix for Unread/Mark ReadDaily on several sites.
I have my favorite set to Unread Content.
I right click on topics I want to read, then I need to scroll to the top, click my name, find the link, and click it.
In the past, I read the topics, was at the bottom of the page, and simply clicked the link.
First world issue, but this is now significantly harder to do.
Jim M got a reaction from G17 Media in Invision Community 5 Open Beta TestingYou have access to the files in your Client Area. As a self-hosted client, you are self-managed for updates like this. Be sure to take a full backup of files and database prior to attempting.
Jim M got a reaction from Gary in v5 update on hereIt really provides no other disadvantage than you don’t get the background full width here on our website. While we understand your feedback and brought it internally, as you can respect, it isn’t the most pressing thing with getting version 5 out that we make a change to it only on our website 🙂.
The average consumer likely won’t even notice at that as well. I’m not the average consumer and can say I didn’t on my 4K monitor.
Jim M reacted to Ryan Ashbrook in Error Codes Directory RestoredThe error codes are mostly for our reference. If, for instance, there is a bug causing an error to show inadvertently (such as a user not allowed to view a topic, however all of their permissions say that they can), then it gives us an easy and direct starting point for debugging. This is why we recommend contacting support if a user is experiencing an error and you’re not sure how to resolve it - we can either instruct on what to do, determine if there is a bug, or sometimes even determine the experience resolving the issue can be improved in the software itself, even if there is no technical issue present.
For day to day cases, the error message that is displayed should suffice. As Marc said, in your specific example, that is a generic 404 page indicating a page does not exist in the software at all.
The previous error code database really only contained the codes and the same message that was displayed or something generic like “user did not fill in all required fields”, with a few exceptions. In many cases, this is already handled within the software itself - if you encounter an error as an admin, it will sometimes give you instructions on what to check to resolve, if it’s relatively simple to do so (such as if there are no payment gateways set up). If a specific field is required, the form will not submit and tell the user, etc.
Jim M got a reaction from Ticaga in Invision Community 5 Open Beta TestingYou will continue to be able to use version 4. We will make an announcement when we will require version 5. However, that is likely once version 4 is no longer supported and version 5 has matured.
While I'm sure many clients will jump into version 5. We respect that some will want to wait for it to mature or have third party services they need updated, etc...
With that said, we likely will have a cutoff period once version 4 is no longer supported as technology has to keep innovating and remaining secure 🙂 . When that is though, I don't think we have a date in mind as we are still in version 5 beta phase.
Jim M got a reaction from bosss in 4.7.20 Beta 5Chrome or Edge are likely your best options.
Jim M got a reaction from bosss in 4.7.20 Beta 5For starters, don’t use Brave 🤣 (I’m half kidding). Most browsers, you can open this by hitting F12 on your keyboard or right click → inspect element (or equivalent info). Unfortunately, we do not provide support to browsers so you will want to research this information for your particular browser/OS.
Jim M got a reaction from Stuart Silvester in 4.7.20 Beta 5What is the error you’re getting? The attached image shows that the upgrade is still processing.
Jim M got a reaction from filmix in Members' Post Counts in ACPThink you were making more work for yourself to do it the way you were doing it. You can easily automate use group promotion. Assign the image as group icon for a group and then use group promotions to promote regular members to this new member group when they reach x posts.
You can read more about it here:
Jim M got a reaction from AintNobody in Upgrade and app questionThe application will cease to function but you will still be able to upgrade. Many applications will need to go this route as you can’t install version 5 files prior to being on version 5 so we have to allow for data to persist while disabling the version 4 application files.
If users cant find it from Matts direct link, its unlikely they ever will lol
Jim M got a reaction from David N. in One member reporting having to sign in again every time they re-open their browser?There’s really nothing, outside of the user’s computer, which is causing this. So it is a matter of the user finding out what exactly it is.
Jim M got a reaction from David N. in One member reporting having to sign in again every time they re-open their browser?If it impacts his browser, yes. I would suggest disabling it to test.
Jim M reacted to Matt in Welcome to Invision Community 5Use the new bug tracker: https://invisioncommunity.com/invision-community-5-bug-tracker/
Jim M got a reaction from David N. in One member reporting having to sign in again every time they re-open their browser?Is the user using Incognito mode or have it set to delete browser cookies on close? That would explain not having the cookie there when reopening the browser.
Jim M got a reaction from teraßyte in One member reporting having to sign in again every time they re-open their browser?Is the user using Incognito mode or have it set to delete browser cookies on close? That would explain not having the cookie there when reopening the browser.