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Jim M

Invision Community Team
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  1. Haha
    Jim M reacted to Matt in Invision Community 5.0.0 Released   
  2. Haha
    Jim M reacted to Day_ in Invision Community 5.0.0 Released   
  3. Haha
    Jim M reacted to Matt in Invision Community 5.0.0 Released   
    Help has arrived and it's Stuart shaped.
  4. Like
    Jim M reacted to Matt in Happy FiveDay! 5.0.0 Soft Release now available   
    The long awaited day is now here: 5.0.0 is now available!

    We feel that we're ready to fully support v5 and the time has come to make that first release of 5.0.0. While there are outstanding bugs, we felt it was the right time to move it beyond a perpetual beta and into the limelight as our primary version.
    We're considering this very much a soft launch in that we've still got new documentation to finish, and some large website changes but we didn't want to hold up the release for those.
    Thank you all so very much for your months of testing, feedback, help, support and time. You have been invaluable in moving this project forward. We started alpha testing way back in June 204 and this is probably our most tested release, and we have you to thank for this.
    While today marks the release of 5.0.0, it's really the starting line for us and we can't wait to build on it and see it evolve over the next year. We're not slowing down the pace, and I would expect 5.0.1 to follow pretty soon.

    We made it!
    We'll keep this club open for a while, but you can now post your feedback in the main forums. If you have any old Alpha 5 demos, these will expire soon but if you needed a short extension to get data off it please let us know.
  5. Like
    Jim M got a reaction from abobader in Welcome to Invision Community 5   
    Deprecation has already begun. There will be further announcements once we have entered the different tiers of EOL (no new features > only security updates > no support). Then there will be an announcement for migration to version 5 for Cloud clients at some point in that mix or after. It just really depends. We will give as much advanced warning as possible.

  6. Like
    Jim M got a reaction from dutchsnowden in I recall having "forum rules" somewhere to edit and display?   
    You can add it to your menu in ACP -> System -> Menu Manager or copy it directly from the registration page.
    It generally is {your-base-url}/guidelines/
  7. Haha
    Jim M got a reaction from Gary in MFA throwing error related to BaconQrCode library   
    Someone say Bacon?

  8. Agree
    Jim M got a reaction from Stuart Silvester in MFA throwing error related to BaconQrCode library   
    Someone say Bacon?

  9. Like
    Jim M got a reaction from AlexWebsites in Locked Task Notification After Upgrade to 4.7.20   
    Glad to hear you've found the culprit!
  10. Haha
    Jim M got a reaction from imJexs in MFA throwing error related to BaconQrCode library   
    Someone say Bacon?

  11. Like
    Jim M got a reaction from Ilan F in Dark/light themes, grids. and cache   
    Unfortunately, we can't relay specifics but all we can say is soon 😊
  12. Like
    If you're hosting provider isn't helping you resolve the issue, the only option is to change hosting as you've outgrown them.
  13. Like
    Jim M reacted to Michael R in Invision Community 5: Tagging Reinvented   
    Same! I've been with them since 2002! I cannot wait to take my site to v5! Thank you everyone! <3
  14. Like
    Jim M reacted to Matt in Please stop removing features   
    Removing features is never easy and it's something we don't take lightly.
    I understand the argument that we could just leave everything the way it is, but that won't help us progress. And progress we must. We have finite development resources, this means that we have to focus on toolsets which are needed for the current age.
    We announced the username log-in deprecation in 2022. It's not something new with v5. All we have done is followed up on the deprecation.
    Status updates were put into Invision Community during the boom time for social media where we felt we needed to add social tools to remain competitive. However, on most communities these are unloved areas of the community full of throw away comments and unanswered questions. They also drain conversation away from the core of the community forums. I know that a small number of communities thrive on status updates which is why we've kept the data and our considering migration options. In the mean time, the third-party developers have stepped up with different solutions.
    Finally, a reminder that v4 will remain a viable platform for quite a while yet so there is no urgent rush to upgrade to v5 if you need more time to plan your upgrade and find solutions to deprecated features.
  15. Like
    Jim M reacted to TDBF in Please stop removing features   
    I'm sorry, but as someone who has had a football forum for over 11 years now, we made the switch over 3 years ago, and it had virtually no effect on our members. We had one or two members contact us via our support and had them back up and running in no time. But, it's not the big deal that you seem to think it is.
    All you have to do is notify your members in advance (Actually, now would be a good time) that you are going to make the switch in the near future and that their email address should be up-to-date.
    If you give your members plenty of time, the switch over will be less of an issue.
    Also, another reason for getting your members to keep their email addresses up-to-date, will be to prevent email bounces from your server. If you have bad or non-existent member email addresses, then you really should be getting them removed.
  16. Like
    Jim M got a reaction from AintNobody in Please stop removing features   
    I would bet most of those individuals who have forgotten what email address they registered with also have forgotten their password. Therefore, if their email is dead they're going to have to contact you to gain access to their account regardless.
    Think making steps in this direction at an early stage will help you frame this in a positive light for your members. Flipping a switch without alerting them will indeed cause issues but slowly progressing it and alerting them over a period will make this a nothingburger ;).

  17. Like
    Jim M reacted to Randy Calvert in Please stop removing features   
    Lost password works great. If that does not work, they can click “Contact Us” for you to help them.
    This has been announced for literally YEARS so owners have had time to be thinking and preparing for it.
  18. Like
    Jim M reacted to Daniel F in Please stop removing features   
    You could use the Alert System for this.
  19. Like
    Jim M reacted to Gary in Please stop removing features   
    Hi @Aldro,
    Taken from the deprecation tracker:
    Status Updates - The profile status updates system is a holdover from decades ago and will be removed in Invision Community 5.
    Display Name for Login - The ability to use a display name as a log in is deprecated and will be removed. Using an email address as part of the log in process is more secure than using a publicly visible display name.
    Tagging - This has been overhauled as per Matt's blog entry here; Invision Community 5: Tagging Reinvented - Invision Community.
    Pages - This has also been overhauled as per Ehren's blog entry here; Invision Community 5: Page Builder - Invision Community.
    Display names definitely suit a purpose but do create an instant vulnerability as display names are available to anyone. The less information you offer on a silver platter, the better. Your members will adapt, and it will be business as usual.
    Not everyone will be happy when things are changed or removed, but there is always a thought process behind the decision to remove any feature from Invision Community.
    I think Matt said it best in a topic that has been discussed with one of your concerns already; if nothing changed, then we'd still be using this:

  20. Like
    Jim M reacted to lschuc in image attachment file size increase   
    Thanks Jim! Exactly what I was looking for! Perfect. 🤗
  21. Like
    Jim M reacted to beats23 in I just want to say thanks.   
    I can't stop admiring how my test site looks and feels on IPSv5. It looks very amazing and modern, there's nothing on the web that looks like it. I just want to say thanks to all the IPS devs and team that made v5 possible. 👍
  22. Like
    Jim M reacted to Esther E. in Custom PHP block support in V5   
    That doesn't look like our PHP block screen, that appears to be custom... in which case it would need to be replaced either way.
  23. Like
    Jim M got a reaction from Square Wheels in Custom PHP block support in V5   
    I am not seeing any PHP there so you can use a Raw HTML block.
  24. Like
    Jim M reacted to Daniel F in SendGrid API integration   
    That said, if you’re using SendGrid, you can continue using it!
  25. Thanks
    Jim M got a reaction from 2002faq in SendGrid API integration   
    PostMark will be replacing it: https://postmarkapp.com/