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Jim M

Invision Community Team
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  1. Like
    Jim M got a reaction from TDS in Are you human prompt   
    As you are on our Cloud, we have sophisticated bot protection. With that said, we also allow good bots like Google, Bing, and other providers.
  2. Like
    Jim M reacted to Matt in Invision Community 5: Week 1 Update   
    It's been a very eventful week here at Invision Community, with the launch of Invision Community 5 and I wanted to take a minute to give an update on what has happened and what we've learned this week.
    Fixes and Patches
    Despite being a brand-new platform, Invision Community 5 has had a very low number of critical issues, primarily thanks to months of careful testing and preparation before this release.
    We have made two patches this week that fix the following issues:
    An issue where some Cloud sites would block .svg and webp images when uploaded.
    An issue where updating the approval queue during the v4 to v5 upgrade could fail.
    An issue where the Policy Page would show an error when Send Grid is enabled.
    An issue where some template hook locations were missing.
    An issue where PayPal attempts to use a full name even when it's not required.
    We've been reading all your posts about your experiences upgrading to Invision Community 5, and there is one area where we think we can improve.
    Pages Upgrades
    Right now, once the v4 to v5 upgrade has completed, your Page Databases retain their custom templates. However, because the CSS framework has changed, those pages look broken.
    We plan to rename all v4 Pages templates containers and reset the defaults on all the databases very soon (likely 5.0.2) so your pages do not look broken after the upgrade. You can then choose from one of the new default views or move your customisations back into the default templates.
    We will also add this information to the Invision Community 4 "Prepare for v5" page in the Admin CP.
    In the meantime, reverting custom Pages Templates will solve broken views.
    Next Release
    We want to continue releasing regular releases as we fix issues. Invision Community 5.0.1 is expected to be available early next week.
    Before I go, I just wanted to mention that I've heard some customers looking forward to upgrading this weekend. Just keep in mind that support is limited over the weekend, and we always recommend taking at least a database backup before you run the upgrader.
    Thanks again for all your help this week!
  3. Like
    Jim M reacted to Matt in Please stop removing features   
    That is an incredibly bold and somewhat bleak statement to make. I don't think any one person has the agency to speak on behalf of all customers. We do of course care what our customers think. We spend a lot of time talking and listening to our customers.

    The truth is that you cannot make everyone happy. You just can't. Take this one topic for example. One customer is upset at having username log in taken away after we announced it 3 years ago and others have said it's not a big deal and some see the benefit.
    The best we can do is do what we think is right for the majority of customers.

    Most of our customers are inside that red circle, with a few outside of it. Does that mean that we don't care about those outside of it? Of course not but we listen to all customers, and combine it with our strong vision for what a community platform would be, and a strong vision is essential for any product. Not everyone will align with it, but a strong vision allows you to build strong, robust and confident foundations and build a cohesive and logical product that follows the rules of that vision.
    With a strong vision you can build something special. Even if it means not adding every feature that everyone wants.

    Without a strong vision, and accepting every idea that is passed before us, you get a much weaker product that has no cohesion or identity.

    Invision Community 5 has been in some form of testing since June 2024 and we've had hundreds of conversations that have shaped the final product.
    To say we don't care about customers is pretty wide of the mark in my opinion.
  4. Like
    Jim M got a reaction from Maximilian Atlantis in The topics disappeared   
    Did you drag a subforum out to a be a root forum? If so, that may have automatically changed it from a discussion forum to a category because in order to be a root forum, it has to be a category. By definition, categories can't have topics under them so it creates this hidden topic effect due to how these forum types operate.
    This looks to still be possible in version 5. I'll see if we can't add a warning or confirmation dialog to prevent confusion in the future.
  5. Haha
    Jim M reacted to Esther E. in v5 questions   
    It's usually obvious, btw.
    (Sorry. I tried to hold back, but I couldn't help myself.)
    System -> front/global/globalTemplate -> head
    As to when it will be available, that would be a question for @Matt .
  6. Like
    Jim M reacted to Esther E. in v5 questions   
    There is a hook point available in the <head> tag, but there is a bug which is preventing it from being shown in some installations. That bug has been fixed and the fix will be available soon.
  7. Like
    Jim M reacted to MaNiAc LRSC in i wont use Google Fonts. How?   
    ah, thanks a lot!!
    Worked out quite fine, thanks!
  8. Like
    Jim M reacted to teraßyte in Maria DB for IC 5   
    I had a client encounter slowness issues using MariaDB 10.3. Updating to 10.11 solved the problem. I am using version 10.11.5 locally without issues, but I know of others using version 11.x without problems. too.

    I don't recommend using anything lower than 10.11 though.
  9. Like
    Jim M reacted to virap1 in How does support work on Invision Cloud?   
    The support on the cloud hosted platform is great. In general moving away from dedicated server/self hosted platform to cloud for invision was one of the best decisions I made. I highly recommend it.
  10. Thanks
    Jim M got a reaction from PPlanet in Invision Community 5.0.0 Released   
    It will explain it all when you look at your information in the Client Area😊
  11. Thanks
    Jim M got a reaction from PPlanet in Invision Community 5.0.0 Released   
    Classic is a change in our license terms for version 5 and beyond to ensure self-hosted remains viable for both our customers and us for the foreseeable future. You can check the new terms, offering and pricing in your Client Area -> Manage Purchases -> click your license -> Upgrade.
  12. Like
    Jim M reacted to Matt Finger in Table creation in the new Editor   
    The content inside each table cell can be centered, however it isn't currently possible to center the table itself. This ensures certain UI elements, such as the column resizer, don't break.
  13. Thanks
    Jim M got a reaction from flrn98 in Table creation in the new Editor   
    Thanks! The team worked hard on getting all this together and it shows!
    I don't believe there is a way to center the whole table inline with the post container. However, @Matt Finger , is our editor king so if there is currently a way he'll know.
  14. Like
    Jim M reacted to Jordan Miller in Invision Community 5.0.0 Released   
    Congrats on the launch! 👏
  15. Haha
    Jim M reacted to sobrenome in Invision Community 5.0.0 Released   
  16. Like
    Jim M reacted to Stuart Silvester in Please stop removing features   
    In v4 we used a JavaScript solution for lazy loading images and other content, it wasn't perfect so it had the option to be disabled. In v5 we migrated to the browser native lazy loading which is much more reliable https://caniuse.com/loading-lazy-attr. This is something the browser now controls and will lazy-load based on your usage, it cannot be disabled.
  17. Haha
    Jim M reacted to Day. in Ajax Page Loading   
    Good point well made.
    We're out here educating staff and clients at the same time! 😂
    As this is feedback.
    May I make a suggestion.
    Would it be possible to allow us to insert a redirect into the ads.txt box option.
    I have manually entered the ads.txt content, however ideally I would like the ad provider which is Raptive to control that as they have previously.
    This would be beneficial to all Raptive clients that are on the Cloud.
    Pretty please.
  18. Like
    Jim M reacted to virap1 in ads.txt file   
    Thank you @Ryan Ashbrook I did not even know about that setting. Works normally now.
  19. Thanks
    Jim M got a reaction from Day. in Ajax Page Loading   
    Our team is working on this 🙂.
    Not to worry. Always with external providers that embed like this, it's worth looking for it outputting on the page, are there any errors, etc... and checking with your provider then us. Just want to make sure everything is inline on their end because we can't change that if it's not lol. Regardless, we'll point you in a direction if we can like we did here.
  20. Like
    Jim M got a reaction from DesmoWolf in Alert_cant_dismiss   
    We do not put fixed dates on releases. They are done when they are ready.
  21. Like
    Jim M got a reaction from DesmoWolf in Alert_cant_dismiss   
    This should be resolved in our next release of each version.
    Daniel beat me 🤣
  22. Like
    Jim M reacted to Daniel F in Alert_cant_dismiss   
    It's fixed, but the fix didn't make it into 5.0.0.
    You can expect many recent bug fixes from IPS 4 to be now in 5.0.1
  23. Thanks
    Jim M got a reaction from SJ77 in Invision Community 5.0.0 Released   
    It is an upgrade, not a new license so yes.
  24. Thanks
    Jim M got a reaction from SJ77 in Invision Community 5.0.0 Released   
    Classic is a change in our license terms for version 5 and beyond to ensure self-hosted remains viable for both our customers and us for the foreseeable future. You can check the new terms, offering and pricing in your Client Area -> Manage Purchases -> click your license -> Upgrade.
  25. Like
    Jim M got a reaction from SecondSight in Error in system logs - widget_activeUsers   
    You will need to discuss that with your hosting provider. We cannot tell you if that is OK or not for your server configuration.