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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by Adlago

  1. 1 hour ago, BankFodder said:

    Thanks for this quick reply.

    I think we are seeing the problem across the forum and frankly it seems to be getting worse.

    If you click from an outside link it seems to be not too bad but if you're actually on a page and then you leave it for a while and go back then it becomes almost impossible.

    For instance, I clicked refresh on this tab and and it has taken at least five minutes so far and when I interrupted the refresh I get this

    Could contain: File, Page, Text, Webpage


    If I then click one of those links, sometimes it goes directly to the forum but sometimes it just carries on refreshing.


    It's because your phone doesn't load css properly, that's why you see a page without css.
    Clear cache on your phone browser

  2. PS. Try this:
    1. Create an empty database with the name of your backup database.
    2. Run a fresh install to an empty database.
    If everything works correctly after installation, download a backup from this new database. Compare names of new database and your backup database. If necessary, rename the old backup database with the name of this new database
    Upload old database to new database.
    It might work.

  3. 10 minutes ago, kevin culver said:

    ok I have installed and activated curl 8.0.30 and activated it on the site. it is still giving me an error code of 500. I know it is connecting to my db correctly at least, because I was getting an error of username earlier, got those corrected and now it is just error code 500.

    You write that you have installed a fresh set of invision community on it.

    Don't have a backup of your files from the old server?

  4. 4 minutes ago, kevin culver said:

    Honestly not sure exactly how to check, but the new server has 8.2 and 8.1 available, whereas the old server in the /opt/plesk/php folder had 8.0 and 8.2 available. I am not sure which file to look at to figure out what the forum was running.

    Provided that PHP 8.2 is not yet officially supported by IPS, you were most likely running 8.0 on your old server.
    Check with your hosting company to enable PHP 8.0 for your account.

  5. 1 hour ago, Jimi Wikman said:

    I figured as much. So to add that, I have to extend the names with a new input field to append to the forum name or category name for Pages, for example?

    If you like the icons of the awesome font for your forum icons, then direct use I think is not possible.
    But you can do something else -
    - take a screenshot of any icon font awesome you like
    - convert these images to webp format
    - use add icon function for each name of your forum, and it will replace original ui icons with your images.
    Here's an example:

    Could contain: Text, File

    In this case, you will also save a function - unread/read
    and you will have different awesome font simulated images.

  6. 34 minutes ago, Stuart Silvester said:

    It doesn't make any sense to try combining both lazy load systems. It would probably mean the wrong image is loaded and I suspect poorer performance. 

    The JavaScript lazy load had been removed in v5, it uses the native methods.

    I recently ran into a test report that using a blank page image should also be lazy loaded - which puzzled me, but I implemented it in one of my blocks - and it really affected performance reported in a test.
    As for version 5 - when we start it with the "swords of interest" I will comment... I hope you are right.
  7. Yes, this method creates some improvement in page loading... But this method will improve this feature even more if this spacer.png image is also loaded with "loading="lazy"
    Just think and test…

  8. 32 minutes ago, AlexWebsites said:

    What's the best way to disable redis in contstants.php? Is it just set to false? This is what I have now:

    \define( 'LONG_REQUEST_TIMEOUT', 60 );
    \define( 'REDIS_ENABLED', true );
    \define( 'STORE_METHOD', 'Redis' );
    \define( 'STORE_CONFIG', '[]' );
    \define( 'CACHE_METHOD', 'Redis' );
    \define( 'REDIS_CONFIG', '{"server":"","port":6379,"password":""}' );
    \define( 'SUITE_UNIQUE_KEY', '########' );
    \define( 'IPS_FOLDER_PERMISSION', '0777' );
    \define( 'FOLDER_PERMISSION_NO_WRITE', '0755' );
    \define( 'IPS_FILE_PERMISSION', '0666' );
    \define( 'FILE_PERMISSION_NO_WRITE', '0644' );


    Try this

    \define( 'LONG_REQUEST_TIMEOUT', 60 );
    \define( 'REDIS_ENABLED', true );
    \define( 'STORE_METHOD', 'FileSystem' );
    \define( 'STORE_CONFIG', '{"path":"/home/your account/public_html/datastore"}' );
    \define( 'CACHE_METHOD', 'None' );
    \define( 'CACHE_CONFIG', '[]' );
    \define( 'SUITE_UNIQUE_KEY', '########' );
    \define( 'IPS_FOLDER_PERMISSION', '0777' );
    \define( 'FOLDER_PERMISSION_NO_WRITE', '0755' );
    \define( 'IPS_FILE_PERMISSION', '0666' );
    \define( 'FILE_PERMISSION_NO_WRITE', '0644' );


  9. 6 minutes ago, AlexWebsites said:

    Yes had access and no CSS issues. I was moving from S3 back to /uploads and felt like it was taking too long. I hit the task and then got these errors/theme issues.

    I had a similar issue when I used data storage with cookies-free domain - When I started the process of loading resources to the main domain, my site was stuck with no CSS...And a field for resources with a message that they are currently inactive.
    Manually starting tasks did not help.
    I think I re-started the data storage change process, and then the previous task completed and the site recovered.

  10. 3 minutes ago, AlexWebsites said:

    I restored everything from S3 to the uploads folder, the rest was there. I suppose I could from a backup but is there something in that folder that would cause this? I think this is a path/cache issue that hasn’t completed.

    Probably something in the database.

    Before this action of yours, you had access to ACP, and issues with CSS templates only.

  11. 17 minutes ago, Bob Snow said:

    I checked the server logs and I can confirm that the cron command is being executed every 30 minutes.

    Cron command should be executed every 1 minute.

    Ask the host to edit from 30 to 1 minute.

  12. 18 minutes ago, kmk said:

    I did it exactly as you described, the problem is when I click on Save..... show the error page

    I try to clear cachez first...but same result

    After original IPS externals JS, you have loading 3rd party externals JS

    <script src="https://unpkg.com/react/umd/react.production.min.js"></script>
    <script src="https://unpkg.com/react-dom/umd/react-dom.production.min.js"></script>

    Make sure that these 3rd party JS do not create a conflict (for example - remove them from your global template or stop a plugin that introduces them to your site). Then clear cache site and try to change owner in your club.

  13. 1 hour ago, kmk said:

    Observing this club of yours, you want to replace Support-1 owner with ??? probably with kmk?
    Such an issue should not occur.
    Are you sure you are doing this replacement correctly? Could you describe the steps of this change please.
    Hey, now I did the same action in my test installation - there I have 4 such clubs - and change happened without any issue.

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