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All Astronauts

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  1. Like
    All Astronauts got a reaction from NeedCoffee in Enhanced Joined Date   
    Yep, it was the UK thing that I needed to know. Once I had that info I could get at the problem.
  2. Like
    All Astronauts got a reaction from NeedCoffee in Enhanced Joined Date   
    I actually scrolled up and saw that, was implementing as you responded.
    I pulled a function call out that I can't off-hand see what the utility was for that was part of the Joined Month Year option as well. Give the new version a try and let me know if that fixes things. It won't. Give me two shakes...
    Ok, NOW download version 5. Just overwrote the one already there, no need for a 5.1 yet.
  3. Thanks
    All Astronauts got a reaction from bearback in Enhanced Joined Date   
    Yep, it was the UK thing that I needed to know. Once I had that info I could get at the problem.
  4. Thanks
    All Astronauts reacted to bearback in Enhanced Joined Date   
    I must admit I forgot all about this plugin, just reinstalled and is showing correct joined date using month and year.  I am using v4.3.6  PHP 7.2 Uk  if that's any help.
    The addition of the shortened month is a great new feature, Thank you  
  5. Thanks
    All Astronauts got a reaction from bearback in Enhanced Joined Date   
    I actually scrolled up and saw that, was implementing as you responded.
    I pulled a function call out that I can't off-hand see what the utility was for that was part of the Joined Month Year option as well. Give the new version a try and let me know if that fixes things. It won't. Give me two shakes...
    Ok, NOW download version 5. Just overwrote the one already there, no need for a 5.1 yet.
  6. Like
    All Astronauts got a reaction from crmarks in Enhanced Joined Date   
    I actually scrolled up and saw that, was implementing as you responded.
    I pulled a function call out that I can't off-hand see what the utility was for that was part of the Joined Month Year option as well. Give the new version a try and let me know if that fixes things. It won't. Give me two shakes...
    Ok, NOW download version 5. Just overwrote the one already there, no need for a 5.1 yet.
  7. Thanks
    All Astronauts got a reaction from Kirill Gromov in Social Search   
    4.1 Released!
    Fix on word and tag statistics for Cyrillic language users. Anyone not using Cyrillic languages can skip this completely. Just a patch release.
  8. Like
    All Astronauts got a reaction from puntito in Group Colors on User Links   
    This plugin forces most user links throughout the Invision Community to display member group color/formatting.
    This applies in all places where the \IPS\Member object is used to produce links to a member.
    Your user name in the cover photo and also on profile hovercards (when you cursor over a username/photo and the mini profile appears) remain un-formatted and probably should remain that way as background images will nearly always conflict with the group formatted color and should remain white. See below.
    If you are wondering why some areas do not have formatted names and others do that is because there are many different ways the userlink is created throughout the suite. If the IPS\Member object is used the group color will be applied automatically. In EVERY other instance additional coding is required. Sometimes easy, other times not. 
    Search and Stream Results are particularly challenging as they actually involve language files with variable passed directly to the language construct. As is right now you will see Search and Stream Results do have group formatting applied but the trailing possessive does not - i.e. Fate's topic. There may be away around this but it will require new language bits and that means translations and so on...
    Version 12 is 4.3 compatible and FREE - find it attached below.
    Version 11 is the last compatible version for 4.2 and is also FREE - find it attached below. 
    Both version 11 and 12 are no longer supported! Version 13 and onward is paid and supported (as far as future Invision Community system changes will allow me)
    Currently the only difference between version 12 and version 13 is support for status replies is fixed in v13.
    At the time of this support topic creation the mod is beer/coffee priced. $7 with $4/year renewal. Just got to the point where the support requests (and patches for IPS changes) took too much time away from other things. 
    FREE Group Color on User Link 12 - 4.3 only.xml
    FREE Group Color on User Link 11 - 4.2 only.xml
  9. Thanks
    All Astronauts got a reaction from gabs007 in Kitchen Sink   
    PM sent. FYI all holding off next release until 4.4 is out.
  10. Thanks
    All Astronauts got a reaction from Steph40 in Awesome Member Hovercards   
    @princeton @Steph40 and everyone else be sure to grab 6.1 - patches a settings bug.
  11. Like
    All Astronauts got a reaction from Tripp★ in Awesome Member Hovercards   
    @princeton @Steph40 and everyone else be sure to grab 6.1 - patches a settings bug.
  12. Thanks
    All Astronauts got a reaction from crmarks in Awesome Member Hovercards   
    Version 5 Released!
    Adds ability to apply click-to-open functionality to user names.
  13. Like
    All Astronauts got a reaction from princeton in Awesome Member Hovercards   
    Version 6 Released!
    Allow/disallow based on primary member group. As requested @princeton
    Tested but yell if there are problems.
  14. Thanks
    All Astronauts got a reaction from Steph40 in Awesome Member Hovercards   
    Version 5 Released!
    Adds ability to apply click-to-open functionality to user names.
  15. Like
    All Astronauts got a reaction from Cyboman in Group Colors on User Links   
    Just in case anyone is actually following this topic, it appears (haven't seen the code yet though) that the new group formatting feature built in for 4.4 is just doing what this plugin did years ago. There is a variable on the IPS\Member object for group formatting - it's always been there - I think all IPS did was flip the bit from "false" to "true". That just nulls out a portion of what this plugin does so if you still want formatting nearly everywhere, this plugin will remain valid. 
  16. Like
    All Astronauts got a reaction from Millipede in Group Colors on User Links   
    Just in case anyone is actually following this topic, it appears (haven't seen the code yet though) that the new group formatting feature built in for 4.4 is just doing what this plugin did years ago. There is a variable on the IPS\Member object for group formatting - it's always been there - I think all IPS did was flip the bit from "false" to "true". That just nulls out a portion of what this plugin does so if you still want formatting nearly everywhere, this plugin will remain valid. 
  17. Like
    All Astronauts got a reaction from Koper74 in Who Viewed the Topic   
    Hope is good.  It doesnt help that the guy who kept pestering me to make who viewed the blog never got it and it was months later before a single person bought it.  Still only one person actually. Honestly it won't be until the new year before I get a chance to think about this one,  it's a little different on how stuff will need to be tracked. 
    And I still need to do that bit before you're post...
  18. Thanks
    All Astronauts got a reaction from Millipede in Social Search   
    Copy paste bug on my part. Silently updated, re-download pls and test.
  19. Like
    All Astronauts got a reaction from Millipede in Social Search   
    Social Search 4.0 Released!
    Revamped dashboard widget. Moved settings menu option to bottom, below ledger and statistics. New option to NOT store searches made by administrators.
  20. Thanks
    All Astronauts got a reaction from Millipede in Social Search   
    1) Colors are generated at the time the search is stored, no way to change them (at the moment) - reason being is this is mainly for the search wall and after awhile the searches will drop off, so any color changes would just be temporary, as the new searches with the new color palette will then be displayed, etc...
    I may be able to perhaps give you a live look at changes? In other words, you change settings and it gives a preview of what 10 random colors under those settings would look like. I'll give that some thought.
    That or I could set a routine I suppose to sweep through and change... I dunno, last 30 days back of searches when you change colors, or at least an option to do so. IF people are storing searches forever, and it's a heavily trafficked and searched site, updates like this (for the whole thing) could be brutal.
    2) Color changes are immediate for all new searches going forward. No waiting or delay.
    3) Yes, will make that change today. Also had to mix up the dashboard widget for scrunched formatting, and the widget now has links to ledger and stats.
    4) Option for admins to not have searches stored? I can do that.
  21. Thanks
    All Astronauts got a reaction from crmarks in Awesome Member Hovercards   
    Version 4 Released!
    Ability to totally disable Yearbook Quote feature added. Additional spacing added for content count/reputation line.
  22. Thanks
    All Astronauts got a reaction from SJ77 in Social Search   
    Odd. There are two tasks with Social Search. One runs every two days (and all this one does is trim the search log based on your settings - 90 days, never, etc.) - it's literally a single database delete line, the other every ten minutes and is a trimmed down version of of the dashboard/stats stuff which then stores info in settings - loading a topic has way more going on than this little thing. On a site of my own where this is installed everything is fine, no stalled tasks or anything.
    Does the frequently locked error state which tasks are locking?
  23. Thanks
    All Astronauts got a reaction from SJ77 in Social Search   
    Yeah, I can just pull some of the code from the stats page and stick it in a widget. Won't be as up-to-date as the stats in the acp, I'll need to task this to prevent melting the server, but totally doable.
  24. Like
    All Astronauts got a reaction from crmarks in Social Search   
    Version 3 Released!
    New Popular Search Terms Widget More Language Keys Misc bug fixes Heads up those of you with non-English languages: let me know if you run into any bugs with the new popular terms widget. The way I store and retrieve that widget's data might error on UTF8 special characters.
  25. Thanks
    All Astronauts got a reaction from demy123 in Who Viewed the Topic   
    Who Viewed the Topic
    Track and display members that have viewed topics!
    Pop-up modal and widget options!

    This is the long-delayed enhanced update to Topic Viewed by Users. New stuff includes...
    Configurable number-per-page in the pop-up modal. Somewhat limited for now as this is going to get some upgrades in the near-term. Option to not display the pop-up modal button if you are using widgets instead. New widget display! Widget can display avatars, names, or group-formatted names! IPS style widgets (as formatted by your theme) or a "Spartan" option which is just a simple gray box. Avatars configurable to display at three standard IPS sizes: tiny, mini, and small. Configurable limit to the number of members that will display in the widgets. Viewers over the limit get summed up and appended as a count i.e. "and 29 more..." This is a standard IPS widget - stick it on the top, bottom or sidebar.

    This is a re-write of the original plugin. The database tables are different so that data will not be read or written to. Consider this an entirely separate plugin and you are starting from scratch. You should probably uninstall the other plugin as well.
    This is a vanilla cached widget. That means it respects the cache time you have set in the ACP under System - Settings - Advanced Configuration and will only change the display of who viewed based on that. Default is 5 minutes.
    On installation there will be no data for the widget to read until you get people viewing the topics from that point forward. Also, the initial addition of a widget to a page probably kicks off the cache timer on the widget. Give it a few minutes before the widgets begin to display data.
    When you move a widget around on the page, the data in the widget gets "lost". Once you save the widget position, just refresh the page afterwards and you'll be good to go again.
    All Astronauts is Flitterkill. I'm just moving my IPS stuff away from my active community accounts.
    $5 to buy, $5 a year but really you can skip the renews in general. Punch the renew ticket after a year if there are IPS changes that require this to be updated, or I add new features, or you feel like buying me a beer.
    Large modal:

    Tighter modal:

    Works with 4.2 onward. 
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