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All Astronauts

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    All Astronauts got a reaction from Awf in Group Colors on User Links   
    Group Colors on User Links 17 Released!
    For anyone following along, I worked this up. Bottom line is if this was going to get compatible with that app it would need to be me to fix it - apps first over plugins in hook order. I've added specific checks in various templates for the application and if present and enabled, call that app's templates. All other paths involve some deep low-level output manipulation and it is so not worth it -if even grimly possible.
    Also changed the forum aside hook point to more tightly target things.
  2. Like
    All Astronauts got a reaction from GTAPoliceMods in Group Colors on User Links   
    Ahh, they list it as a plugin in description.
    Well. Yeah, we're fighting over the same space. The hitch being {$member->name} is dumped inside the h1 and the only way to do stuff with that via hooks is grabbing the h1.
    For them, now at least since they aren't overwriting the whole header, it's an easy hook as they just tell the hook to insert inside the h1 at the end.
    For me though, I *have* to grab the entire h1 as that's the only way to get at that {$member->name} bit - if there were <span>s around that var we wouldn't be having this convo.
    Let me think if I can get around this some other way... worse comes to worse I can do you a solid and just throw out one that doesn't have the profile hook.
  3. Like
    All Astronauts got a reaction from AmericanRev2 in Pages Category Images / Pages Searchable Text Fields   
    Make this bit:
    html[dir="ltr"] [data-blockid="app_cms_Database_1382758328"] .ipsDataItem_icon:not( .ipsResponsive_hidePhone ):not( .ipsResponsive_hideTablet ) + .ipsDataItem_main, html[dir="ltr"] .ipsDataItem_icon:not( .ipsResponsive_hidePhone ):not( .ipsResponsive_hideTablet ) + .ipsDataItem_main + .ipsDataItem_stats { margin-left: 55px; } This:
    html[dir="ltr"] [data-blockid="app_cms_Database_1382758328"] .ipsDataItem_icon:not( .ipsResponsive_hidePhone ):not( .ipsResponsive_hideTablet ) + .ipsDataItem_main, html[dir="ltr"] .ipsDataItem_icon:not( .ipsResponsive_hidePhone ):not( .ipsResponsive_hideTablet ) + .ipsDataItem_main + .ipsDataItem_stats { margin-left: 55px !important; } Just add the !important
  4. Like
    All Astronauts got a reaction from AmericanRev2 in Pages Category Images / Pages Searchable Text Fields   
    Two things are at play here. We'll use Alabama and the State Parks sub cat as that has maps in it.
        First - both the State Parks line (title) and the 3 maps bit beneath, have a margin left on them to give room for the icon
        Second is of course the icon size itself.
    @media screen and (max-width: 979px) {      html[dir="ltr"] [data-blockid="app_cms_Database_1382758328"] .ipsDataItem_icon:not( .ipsResponsive_hidePhone ):not( .ipsResponsive_hideTablet ) + .ipsDataItem_main, html[dir="ltr"] .ipsDataItem_icon:not( .ipsResponsive_hidePhone ):not( .ipsResponsive_hideTablet ) + .ipsDataItem_main + .ipsDataItem_stats {     margin-left: 55px; } [data-blockid="app_cms_Database_1382758328"] .ipsDataItem_icon.ipsDataItem_category img { max-width: 45px; } } The above, on tablet and phone views, increases the margin left on those aforementioned bits from 45px to 55px. The second bit sets the size of the icon.
    The [data-block... provides targeting to ONLY this pages view. Without it this will spill over into all the other places in the suite that use those css bits.

    That's the above on phone view. Adjust as needed. 
    If you need to adjust these cat images you are inserting as icons in other IPS databases you will need to change the [data-blockid... bit to what it needs to be for that block. You can spot it when inspecting the page with your browser tools.
  5. Like
    All Astronauts got a reaction from AmericanRev2 in Pages Category Images / Pages Searchable Text Fields   
    All good? Willing to lend a hand if needed.
  6. Like
    All Astronauts got a reaction from AmericanRev2 in Pages Category Images / Pages Searchable Text Fields   
    The thing is, I didn't. There are no template hooks of any kind in this plugin.
    All I do is provide a way to add an image to the category object, what you do with it is all on you. You have to manually add the images to your templates.
    And how do I use this?
    Images are stored wherever you have set the Pages Category Images file handler set to store them and you can access the image anywhere the $category variable is available to you in Pages templates.
    $category->pcimage = The local url to the stored image. You will rarely use this by itself as it will return "uploads/monthly_07/thisismyimagename_34erjfhrufhdheh.jpg" or something along those lines.
    {file="$category->pcimage"} = The COMPLETE url to the stored image. "https://myawesomesite.com/uploads/monthly_07/thisismyimagename_34erjfhrufhdheh.jpg". Just sticking this in a template will output that as a line of text.
    <img src='{file="$category->pcimage"}'> = The image will be displayed in your template at this location at full size.
    You get the idea. From here you can format the image with css, use it as a background element, and so on. 
  7. Like
    All Astronauts got a reaction from crmarks in Social Search   
    So, for the nine of you that bought this, 5.0 is gonna roll out on Friday.
    @Claudia999's search crawler hitch got me rolling and once that started a whole lot of other stuff came out of it. This is best described as part one, I still have half a list of things left to do but this will, as per usual, never get released if I keep adding and adding - that plus the fact there are only nine of you using this plus I need to step away from this just to clear my head for a bit 🥴
    We'll leave the rest for later on, but tomorrow? You'll enjoy the changelog 🍺🍕
  8. Thanks
    All Astronauts got a reaction from Claudia999 in Social Search   
    So, for the nine of you that bought this, 5.0 is gonna roll out on Friday.
    @Claudia999's search crawler hitch got me rolling and once that started a whole lot of other stuff came out of it. This is best described as part one, I still have half a list of things left to do but this will, as per usual, never get released if I keep adding and adding - that plus the fact there are only nine of you using this plus I need to step away from this just to clear my head for a bit 🥴
    We'll leave the rest for later on, but tomorrow? You'll enjoy the changelog 🍺🍕
  9. Thanks
    All Astronauts got a reaction from DSystem in Kitchen Sink   
    I'll poke this tomorrow.
  10. Like
    All Astronauts got a reaction from Claudia999 in Social Search   
    Just a heads up that Social Search 5.0 will be kicked out in the not too distant future.
    @Claudia999's problem was primarily a search bot gone absolutely mad coupled with what I suspect was a brief period where Advanced Tags and Prefixes was broken from an IPS update and that left some malformed tags which were then crawled, stored, and now those search urls are being run again by the various bots.
    To that end, I've filtered the bots as much as one can - that's using the IPS bot detection (which is pretty low key) coupled with a few hard checks for 'bot', 'spider', and 'spyder' in the user_agent as a final check prior to storing the search. Outside of that not a lot I can do.
    A few other tweaks and pokes, maybe a new thing, maybe. Out when it's out.
  11. Thanks
    All Astronauts got a reaction from bearback in Enhanced Joined Date   
    Version 8.1 released!
    Thought I tested, apparently not...
  12. Like
    All Astronauts got a reaction from Steph40 in S3 Compatible Downloads   
    Yes, with caveats as of right now.
    1) Will be a seperate paid mod.
    2) I've a got line out to Wasabi support (I've been an account holder for nearly a year now) on this one singular hitch and I want to wait until I hear back from them first. I could launch now but it's juuuusssst a slightly messy small thing which may put off some people. Rather wait and see if I can get this cleared first.
  13. Like
    All Astronauts got a reaction from AlexWright in Spacious ACP/Widgets   
    Spacious 18 Released!
    Compact Menu Option: Altered the submenu line heights to display more content. System Overview Dashboard Widget: Added cURL and Open SSL installed versions to Details - PHP tab. Hover effects on ACP menu icons added.  Option to disable Dangerous PHP Functions Notifications.  Cleaned up the online count function on the dashboard. Also finally swept through the Marketplace description and screenshots.
  14. Like
    All Astronauts got a reaction from JustHatched in Sound Board   
    I've poked this bear successfully but I wanna poke it some more before releasing. Give it a day or two or whenever.
  15. Like
    All Astronauts got a reaction from puntito in Group Colors on User Links   
    This plugin forces most user links throughout the Invision Community to display member group color/formatting.
    This applies in all places where the \IPS\Member object is used to produce links to a member.
    Your user name in the cover photo and also on profile hovercards (when you cursor over a username/photo and the mini profile appears) remain un-formatted and probably should remain that way as background images will nearly always conflict with the group formatted color and should remain white. See below.
    If you are wondering why some areas do not have formatted names and others do that is because there are many different ways the userlink is created throughout the suite. If the IPS\Member object is used the group color will be applied automatically. In EVERY other instance additional coding is required. Sometimes easy, other times not. 
    Search and Stream Results are particularly challenging as they actually involve language files with variable passed directly to the language construct. As is right now you will see Search and Stream Results do have group formatting applied but the trailing possessive does not - i.e. Fate's topic. There may be away around this but it will require new language bits and that means translations and so on...
    Version 12 is 4.3 compatible and FREE - find it attached below.
    Version 11 is the last compatible version for 4.2 and is also FREE - find it attached below. 
    Both version 11 and 12 are no longer supported! Version 13 and onward is paid and supported (as far as future Invision Community system changes will allow me)
    Currently the only difference between version 12 and version 13 is support for status replies is fixed in v13.
    At the time of this support topic creation the mod is beer/coffee priced. $7 with $4/year renewal. Just got to the point where the support requests (and patches for IPS changes) took too much time away from other things. 
    FREE Group Color on User Link 12 - 4.3 only.xml
    FREE Group Color on User Link 11 - 4.2 only.xml
  16. Like
    All Astronauts got a reaction from JustHatched in Sound Board   
    Just installed 4.4.5 b1 on one of my baseline/canary (non-dev) installs and... Sound Board blows up the system javascript.
    Do not upgrade until I get a patched version out. 
  17. Like
    All Astronauts got a reaction from AlexWright in Sound Board   
    Just installed 4.4.5 b1 on one of my baseline/canary (non-dev) installs and... Sound Board blows up the system javascript.
    Do not upgrade until I get a patched version out. 
  18. Thanks
    All Astronauts got a reaction from CheersnGears in Sound Board   
    Quick note that the impending 4.4.5 release (just out as Beta 1 now) has some changes to how IPS calls the sound library stuff. I'll need to check on Soundboard compatibility before you guys upgrade.
  19. Thanks
    All Astronauts got a reaction from AlexWright in Sound Board   
    Quick note that the impending 4.4.5 release (just out as Beta 1 now) has some changes to how IPS calls the sound library stuff. I'll need to check on Soundboard compatibility before you guys upgrade.
  20. Thanks
    All Astronauts got a reaction from JustHatched in Sound Board   
    Quick note that the impending 4.4.5 release (just out as Beta 1 now) has some changes to how IPS calls the sound library stuff. I'll need to check on Soundboard compatibility before you guys upgrade.
  21. Like
    All Astronauts got a reaction from Bluto in Enhanced Joined Date   
    Enhance Joined Date 7 Released!
    Toggle Font Awesome icon on/off.
  22. Like
    All Astronauts got a reaction from Joel R in Group Colors on User Links   
    V15 released!
    Messenger - Conversation - Participants block up top, though not user links, are now formatted, because Joel asked me.
  23. Like
    All Astronauts got a reaction from AlexWright in Spacious ACP/Widgets   
    Spacious ACP 17 Released!
    Revamped how CSS was loaded
    NEW! Menu section titles bolded text option
    NEW! Compact menu view option
    Tweaked compact table row display
    Still need to kick the online users bit to get that right, and a few other things lingering, but figured it was time to clear up the CSS loading which has bugged me for a long long time. All that plus a full sweep of the screens and description for the Marketplace listing.
  24. Like
    All Astronauts got a reaction from ASTRAPI in Community Guide on Setting Up Wasabi and CloudFlare   
    Signed downloads for S3 files in IPS software is locked to Amazon S3 (bucket regions and the like all hard coded). This affects attachments (the direct downloading of them, not the viewing in posts) and Downloads files.
    The S3 Compatible Downloads plugin hacks around this limitation. Read the file description fully before deciding if you want to use it but yes, all good in various hoods. I, and Joel now for that matter, can confirm as such.
    Full S3 compatibility for various services (Wasabi, Digital Oceans Spaces or whatever, and so on) will require new storage handlers written to handle the various signatures required AND whatever bucket regions the services use/require.
  25. Like
    All Astronauts got a reaction from aXenDev in Who Viewed the Topic   
    Yes, The error is the same whether you go to the topic itself or the topic via the readers link. Nothing broken anywhere, plugin or IPS. Just a dead link.
    I'll add a no-follow to reader links which should help. Thanks.
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