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Everything posted by ProSkill

  1. I get this error when trying to update the application: 1C133/9 The application you uploaded cannot be installed because it is not a valid application, the archive is corrupt or the file and directory permissions in /applications do not allow it. My host is telling me the permissions are fine, IPS is telling me to ask you.
  2. Is there anyway to restore the points if you accidentally uninstalled the application? Is the table still there or did I lose everything?
  3. What tool did you use? I was really hoping that 4.3 would fix the sitemap issue, but all I see is that it significantly reduced the size of the site map and my rankings are getting lower. What do you mean the new sitemap? Are you saying it's been moved to something other than sitemap.php ?
  4. Will you respond to my refund request?
  5. Can you provide a tutorial for this? I want to take images from an RSS feed and them shown as a slider. Edit: Can I get a refund? It doesn't do what I want it do, and I found a better way (Featured Content).
  6. What do I change the bank interest amount? Where do we change the bank deposit amount? Who gets the points earned from bank interest?
  7. I get this error when trying to install it:
  8. Anyone have updates to report after moving to 4.3? I noticed that the number of links in my sitemap is now significantly smaller. I am not sure why that is, I ran the sitemap rebuild function. It's too early to notice any ranking changes.
  9. Nathan, I am having an issue where the plugin is no longer working for new remote .mp4 links. It's weird because it was working, and the old links still work. However, if you copy an "old" link and paste it into a new post only the link is displayed and not the video player. Any ideas on what could cause that? Edit: It appears that for this to work you have to enable "Can post HTML" in the member group permissions.
  10. I meant dedicated server. I have about 400GB of pictures and videos. It's essentially an image based forum.
  11. Put simply, if your sitemap is out of date and/or inaccurate, you may lose indexed pages in Google or experience long delays in indexing. From what I understand OP has identified an issue where the default sitemap generator is too slow and doesn't provide a complete accounting of the number of pages after 1000 URLs are generated per sitemap. If you run a large and dynamic community this may present an issue.
  12. Just a forewarning, S3 can be insanely expensive depending on how much media you have. I switched over to S3 and it was costing me $400 - $500 per month in bandwidth fees alone, for comparison my VPS is only $250 per month. I've heard that CloudFront can reduce the charges, but Cloudfront has it's own fees as well. Also, it was significantly slower for me. Currently, I host everything on a dedicated server and use cloudflare and it works great.
  13. "Each of that file contain no more than 1000 urls to specail pages" I take that to mean that each sitemap is only going to show up to a 1000 urls. If you have 8k plus topics and 700k posts that can be an issue. "Search engine will add your newest content after 54 days after them posted" I take that to mean that there is a long delay for the sitemap to update changes. If you move a posts, topics, or forums around there will be a significant delay before the sitemap is updated. All of the above can lead to the sitemap being out of date, and thus you can lose cached URLS. By the way: Google will crawl your site anyway and discover new content. Yes they will. However, a sitemap is the best way to tell google about the contents of your site. You can see how many URLS are cached from the Sitemap vs how many are found via crawling. The sitemap typically has a lot more cached URLS.
  14. Cached URLs in Googles index. If the site map isn't generating fast enough or enough URLS then obviously the number of URLs contained in the sitemap won't give Google the full picture.
  15. Did you find a guide for this? I setup S3 for images and it was costing me between $400 - $500 per month (My VPS is only $250 per month) and it was slower than having them hosted locally. I use CloudFlare as well but i couldn't figure out how to use CloudFront for S3 files only.
  16. This sounds great. I've seen a HUGE decrease in cached URLs on google from 1/1/17 to 12/31/17. Can anyone else confirm that this works? Also, why hasn't IPS addressed this?
  17. What does pre-load videos mean? I'd like to make it so that embedded videos from third-party sites show up and play, however, I don't want upload video attachments to auto-play because where there are 10 to 15 videos per page it slows the page and server down as it tries to play all of the the videos at once. Edit: I figured it out. Once again thank you, this plugin is great!
  18. Anyway to make this so that it only applies to certain forums?
  19. Correct. I uploaded a screen shot of how it looks. It none of the buttons show up, and I can't edit any of the other Q & A's in that category. The other category works fine that doesn't have a link.
  20. Yes, I only get it when I try to edit the Q & A. I think it has something to do with the fact that I added an internal link because the page preview box or whatever it's called when you make an internal link appears, and I think it screws with the dimensions. I am not going to provide you access to my forum, I've given you the error code and a screenshot of how it appers. You should be able to replicate this in your test environment.
  21. I am getting this error: FAQNOCAT/1 faq_needs_category I am unable to edit any question in this category. The first post has a link to another area and the forum, that's the only difference.
  22. Yes, that was it. Thank you for your help. All is working now.
  23. Yes, that's all I have. What I meant was, when that CSS code is in there the styling on the news ticker goes away, when I remove that CSS code the styling on the news ticker works. All that CSS is supposed to be doing is changing the default forum icons to font awesome icons.
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