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  1. Like
    Marc reacted to jimkeypro in Moving from Cloud to self-hosted   
    OK doing that now, thanks lets hope that's the issue
  2. Like
    Marc reacted to CheersnGears in Save Draft - IC5   
    I am really hoping that Invision will see fit to include a save draft feature, at least for Pages, in IC5.  I have lost so much work over the years due to the lack of this simple feature.
    I just lost 3/4 of an article I wrote because I was going to click another button, and some menu popup jumped in front of me.  But also, I have been attempting to work around this for years by setting the post date several days in the future, saving repeatedly, and then backdating it to the current time once I'm ready to publish. This workflow, frankly, is absurd in the year of our lord 2024.  Furthermore, it messes with block and new activity sorting by showing those articles that originally had future publish dates at the top of the list, even if they've been read or their backdated date has passed.
  3. Like
    Marc reacted to Ehren in Disable scroll for mobile menu   
    Thanks for the suggestion. This has already been addressed in v5, but I’ll keep this in mind for v4 🙂  It’s bugged me in the past too. 
  4. Thanks
    Marc got a reaction from MediaDiGi in Will Courses ever be available to self-hosted?   
    Its worth pointing out, this is not a case of only not being available to self-hosted customers. Its quite a common misconception about things in general. Courses is available only on Creator Pro and above, meaning it's actually not available to some cloud customers either, depending on their package.
  5. Like
    Marc got a reaction from G17 Media in Disable scroll for mobile menu   
    Unless Im misunderstanding something (quite possible lol), wouldn't that be for the author of that theme to do?
  6. Agree
    Marc got a reaction from Afrodude in Issues with blogs   
    This has been added as feedback as a suggestion to change. If you are reporting something you believe to be a bug, you should report this in our technical problems area. Feedback, while read, will not always be responded to.
    In the case of this one, it appears to be a suggestion for change in the software in multiple areas. I would highly suggest ensuring you are adding each suggestion as a separate item, as this appears to start with URLs, go to slideshows and end with tags
    With suggestions, we cannot guarantee that an item will be added or changed when you post. We can guarantee only that its read and may be considered. What we can certainly guarentee is if they are not posted, we wouldnt even know you wish to have them of course
  7. Thanks
    Marc got a reaction from David N. in Deliverability issues: Notification emails not received, Cloud email blacklisted, DMARC unknown   
    I've given Lindy a shout on this to see if he can take a look at your last message.
  8. Like
    Marc got a reaction from Rikifive in Controllers can be initialized on detatched DOM nodes if another controller uses cleanContentsOf   
    This issue has been resolved in the recently released 4.7.15 version. Please update your site if you are still experiencing the issue, and let us know if you see any reoccurrence.
  9. Like
    Marc got a reaction from Buttercup in Question about pages   
    Its not possible for me to say for certain what your friend has, however you do not have the classic license type, which gives you all applications. If you go to your client area, you will see a banner which allows you to see what terms you can be offered to switch
  10. Thanks
    Marc got a reaction from rastafari in Url changes when an alert dismissed   
    Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  11. Like
    Marc got a reaction from TDBF in Passkeys instead of passwords   
    Fair 😄 
  12. Like
    Marc got a reaction from Matt in Invision Community 5: Assign topics to moderators   
    Not for this feature no, as its not related to banning in any way
  13. Like
    Marc reacted to opentype in New member email confirmation not sent/received? [DMARC?]   
    The initiation method isn’t the most important part. The optimization methods apply to all of them. 
    Looking at the screenshots, your system mails go out directly from your server. So you need to make sure your DNS settings are optimized for that as well, not just for the external services like ConvertKit you use. In fact, it could be that adding DNS settings for those external service actually deligitimized sending mails from your own server. You need to make sure that all sending options are included in your DNS settings. 
    You can check with your host. They probably have settings and information directly relating to SPF/DKIM/DMARC …
    I always optimize this stuff using the Mail Tester website. By the way: You can do 3 tests for free per day. You should end up with at least of score of 9. 
  14. Like
    Marc reacted to teraßyte in New member email confirmation not sent/received? [DMARC?]   
    I had the same issue recently. I received errors that Gmail rejected my emails because they did not pass DKIM/SPF.
    Switching from the PHP mail method to SMTP increased my score on https://www.mail-tester.com/ and the emails started being delivered again.
  15. Like
    Marc reacted to Randy Calvert in BounceBack Email caught in a loop   
    You most likely have your board's Reply-To address set to an email address that sends an auto-reply.  
    So if IPB sends an email which bounces, the bounce comes back to your inbox which gets the auto-reply, which then triggers a separate bounce.
  16. Haha
    Marc reacted to TDBF in Passkeys instead of passwords   
    Sorry Marc, my comment was a little tongue in cheek. 🙂 
    However, Google also uses Passkey now.
  17. Thanks
    Marc got a reaction from Sonya* in Email issues (this site)   
    I have created a ticket on this for you. I understand you cannot receive those on your current email address. Do you have another email you can add as an alternative contact on your account? If so, can you please do that and then send me a PM with that email address. I will then copy you in on the ticket
  18. Like
    Marc got a reaction from AlexWebsites in Link Filtering (Allow any links) => Moderate = not working   
    Ive tagged developers on this one for you, so we can see why this would be the case. 
  19. Thanks
    Marc got a reaction from VahnPetit in New member email confirmation not sent/received? [DMARC?]   
    It sends email from whatever you have set up in system->Settings->Email on your admin CP. It would indeed be that which would need to be set up correctly, and you would need to contact whoever sends the mail for that email address
  20. Like
    Marc reacted to VahnPetit in New member email confirmation not sent/received? [DMARC?]   
    Thank you for your reply and about the Mail Tester website!
    I'll ask my host right away and test once the DNS settings are correct. 🙂
  21. Like
    Marc got a reaction from SeNioR- in Setting a cover for a video is no more possible in the Video Gallery   
    Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  22. Like
    Marc reacted to Buttercup in Not receiving emails   
    Yeah it does feel that way.
    Thanks for your help.
  23. Like
    Marc got a reaction from Buttercup in Not receiving emails   
    Glad to hear things are working for you. I suspect this is more likely an issue on the side of your email, given what you are describing
  24. Like
    Marc got a reaction from Rulex in Setting a cover for a video is no more possible in the Video Gallery   
    Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  25. Thanks
    Marc got a reaction from SeNioR- in HTML syntax error in the "whosOnline" template   
    Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
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