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Jesse Crystal

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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by Jesse Crystal

  1. Hi Taman, 

    Thank you for creating this application, I am a big fan of it. 

    I am looking to change the position of of the slider text and its background boarder. Playing around with the html I found I can get the result I want with the line below. Unfortunately I do not know where I can place the line to make the change permanent. 

    Any chance you could point me into the right direction?


    <div class="tass-content" data-swiper-parallax="-55%" style="transition-duration: 0ms;transform: translate3d(0%, -100px, 0px);">

  2. Hello, 

    I have two questions. 

    1. Is there a way to shuffle the slides on refresh - or at all?

    2. Is there a way to customize the title text? - Such as, Where the text should be displayed on the slide (Top, middle, bottom) as well as the size and opacity of the text?
    2a. Could the text be disabled completely so that only the image would be displayed unobstructed?

  3. Hi Taman, love the slider application. 

    I am having an issue getting the slider to display with a new theme I picked up. 
    Due to not having an issue with the slider on my last theme I assume the issue is that with the new theme and not the slider application. 

    I have reached out to the developers for the theme (Borx) and I 'believe' they are looking into it.
    I wanted to reach out to see if you should take a glance at the slider, if at all possible, to confirm my suspicion that this is in fact an issue with the new theme and not the slider application. 

    The site is www.warpigs-online.com - thank you

  4. Layout value of ... “6” features one entry, shows images for two more entries and shows the rest as text only in another row.

    I am unable to get more then a single image entry for a topic feed with a value of 6. Does the above line only apply to Latest Articles, as I see displayed on your demo site?
    Is there a way I can get this to work with Posts?

  5. On 5/14/2018 at 5:14 PM, JohnCourt said:

    Good day Opentype, I have Topics feed displayed at https://thepatriotwoodworker.com/home/

    You'll see a topic titled Eames Design and the topic contains only a video one of our members posted. The Super Block is only displaying the title of the topic as it cannot pull in the video, thus leaving a blank space. I completely understand why, but is there any possibility in the future during further dev of this template, to allow videos to show in a Topic Feed via Super Blocks? Thanks

    Hi Opentype,  I am also seeing empty blocks when videos are the only content being posted just as JohnCourt is experience. 
    I am curious to know if this is a planned addition to the application or if there will be an option to buy an additional plugin for this functionality. 



  6. On 5/14/2018 at 5:14 PM, JohnCourt said:

    Good day Opentype, I have Topics feed displayed at https://thepatriotwoodworker.com/home/

    You'll see a topic titled Eames Design and the topic contains only a video one of our members posted. The Super Block is only displaying the title of the topic as it cannot pull in the video, thus leaving a blank space. I completely understand why, but is there any possibility in the future during further dev of this template, to allow videos to show in a Topic Feed via Super Blocks? Thanks

    This would be a great feature. I also seeing several entries on my site that are mostly empty space due to the post only containing a video. 

  7. On 5/3/2018 at 12:16 AM, opentype said:

    It’s a set of widgets and uses the theme’s widget title bar styling – however that looks. 

    Understood! I am looking around to see where best to make this change. 
    Would this be the line where that is defined - in the superblocks template?

    <h2 class="ipsSpacer_bottom ipsType_sectionTitle ipsType_reset ipsType_blendLinks{{if !settings.SuperBlocks_blockHeadPhone}} ipsResponsive_hidePhone{{endif}}{{if !settings.SuperBlocks_blockHeadTablet}} ipsResponsive_hideTablet{{endif}}{{if !settings.SuperBlocks_blockHeadDesktop}} ipsResponsive_hideDesktop{{endif}}">{$title}</h2>


  8. 1 hour ago, All Astronauts said:

    And just for clarification, is there a reason you aren't using the topic feed instead? Is it a matter of having the post content displayed?

    You just want a topic feed to display the post content and/or the post feed to only show the first post. Have I got it?

    Yes, you got it, exactly!

    Edit: I realise that there are blog posts I can use for pages to do just this. The reason I am not using that is I want it to tie into the forums. There is an option for blog posts to add a forums entry but this goes to a single specific subforum defined in the settings. I added a page showing the blog posts: https://www.warpigs-online.com/testing

  9. 3 hours ago, All Astronauts said:

    I don't understand, could you show?

    On my site: warpigs-online.com I use a custom page as my homepage. On this page I have something similar to facebook wall.


    With the current settings, a post will only display on the frontpage if it is a 'featured post'. 

    This works great as long as no one responds to the post. The image below shows what happens when the thread is commented on, instead of having a nice wall of well formated posts it essentially becomes a recent posts bar. 



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