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Stuart Silvester

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Stuart Silvester

  1. Hi, That is the front-end module only that you're disabling, it has no relation to tasks or other support functionality that may be running. You could for example have the front end module disabled but use POP3/IMAP integration where the Support desk still needs to function in the AdminCP.
  2. This is not correct. invisioncommunity.com is the right domain for the Marketplace. Test https/port 443 though. If that still fails you may want to do a tracert or something to figure out at what point the connection is failing.
  3. The TLS version only matters for the login in process where our servers are sending data to your server. This error is a communication error without outgoing requests from your server to our Marketplace. I would make sure that your server can communicate with invisioncommunity.com, you could check this from command line, or ask your web host to if you're not sure how to.
  4. No, thank you. We've got an issue open and we'll improve the handling for this situation in a future release.
  5. I appreciate it's frustrating but unfortunately this isn't an issue we can solve for you. I've attached the response we're getting during the login process, with a 403 HTTP code. Something on their side is blocking the request, you can ask them to whitelist the request to the URL Marc mentioned above. marketplace-response.html
  6. Thanks for the follow up. That helps explain the issue you're having. When you're updated the allowed IDs in the __construct() method, the \IPS\Member object has to be instantiated in order for that code to run. This happens automatically when using this code has a front/admin session available in normal use on the front end (which is why we're all expecting it to be working). Solving this (although not pretty) would be as simple as putting this in your code before you load the member. new \IPS\Member;
  7. We were able to see some other logs and identified the issue. It's specifically related to a customer having their card/payment declined by PayPal then trying to execute the same transaction again. We'll make some changes for a future release, but they still won't be able to purchase if their payment is being declined.
  8. We've used this approach in a lot of plugins, so I know it's working properly. Make sure that you actually have a `remote_id` column created in the `core_members` table. It may also be worthwhile to show the log from the system log page in the support section. The JSON is not a real error. Although, these days we would recommend keeping track of SSO data in your own table so that you're not modifying core tables.
  9. You cannot save template logic in a theme setting and expect it to work when you include it. It has to be in a template and called properly as a template.
  10. If you have a setting to change the cookie name, it will no longer load the language string explaining what the cookie is on the /cookies/ page
  11. This is an essential security and maintenance update. Including improvements for our recently released PII & Statistics features. We recommend not using the visual language editor until you upgrade.
  12. Join the event, then you won't see it 😁
  13. We're getting a 403 response when sending data to /index.php?app=core&module=system&controller=marketplace. Something on your server is blocking those requests.
  14. It sounds good, but I think you might be missing my point. Going forwards if an Administrator chooses to use our Cookie Consent bar, your non-essential cookies won't be saved in the visitors browser unless they specifically opt-in to them. Not all customers will use the cookie consent banner, but for those that will you'll probably want to consider how to handle that. My point mainly for Adriano was not to just specify all cookies as essential, since that degrades the feature and may cause it to be non-compliant in some locales.
  15. It's another silly thing on Apple's behalf really. Android natively supports swiping down etc in a PWA
  16. A cookie to control colour would probably not be deemed to be 'essential' any way, so be careful not just to specify all cookies in this method because that won't make sense. When the new Cookie Consent system is enabled, non-essential cookies will not be set unless the end-user has opted in to them. There are a few issues currently with 4.7.11 where some of the JS cookies may be getting blocked if the Cookie Consent is not enabled. We're working on fixes for the reported issues.
  17. You may not have the cookie consent mode fully enabled, currently it requires {cookies} and nothing else in the text box to activate, then you'll see two buttons. That however isn't going to work on the cookies page if the prefix can be changed, it uses that key to load the language strings to explain the reason why the cookie exists. We'll continue working on the issues we've got then evaluate how we're going to move forwards.
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