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    bfarber got a reaction from sobrenome in Redis caching not improving performance - it's worse   
    I would recommend submitting a ticket in that case so we can take a look.
  2. Like
    bfarber got a reaction from sobrenome in PHP 7.4 with IPS 4.4.6   
    The behavior has changed in 4.5 as uploading supports chunking now. This was how 4.4.x handled the max size.
    $potentialValues = array(); if( (float) ini_get('upload_max_filesize') > 0 ) { $potentialValues[] = \IPS\File::returnBytes( ini_get('upload_max_filesize') ); } if( (float) ini_get('post_max_size') > 0 ) { $potentialValues[] = \IPS\File::returnBytes( ini_get('post_max_size') ) - 1048576; } if( (float) ini_get('memory_limit') > 0 ) { $potentialValues[] = \IPS\File::returnBytes( ini_get('memory_limit') ); } $this->maxChunkSize = min( $potentialValues ) / 1048576;  
  3. Like
    bfarber got a reaction from sobrenome in Automatically embedded links stop working in 4.5 .....   
    A PR was submitted today to resolve this issue in an upcoming maintenance release.
  4. Thanks
    bfarber got a reaction from Chris027 in Activity Streams After 4.5.2 Upgrade   
    Please submit a ticket so we can take a look.
  5. Thanks
    bfarber got a reaction from Chris027 in Redis caching not improving performance - it's worse   
    I would recommend submitting a ticket in that case so we can take a look.
  6. Like
    bfarber got a reaction from sobrenome in redis question   
    We have a concept of a "datastore" which is like a basic cache, regardless of whether you have a caching engine enabled or not. Datastores are usually stored on disk, or in a MySQL database table.
    With Redis enabled, Redis is used for both "datastore" content, as well as true caching.
  7. Thanks
    bfarber got a reaction from The Old Man in [Commerce] Stripe JS   
    Yes, this is it right here. Perhaps my wording of "requirement" was not accurate so apologies for that. The fact is, Stripe recommends doing this, so we do it. 
  8. Like
    bfarber got a reaction from sobrenome in PHP 7.4 with IPS 4.4.6   
    You need to check other options, such as the post_max_size limit.
  9. Sad
    bfarber got a reaction from The Old Man in [Commerce] Stripe JS   
    Stripe requires the javascript to be included site-wide to properly evaluate behavior for fraud. In short - no, there's no out of the box way to do this.
  10. Like
    bfarber got a reaction from Square Wheels in Rebuilding image proxy data for status updates   
    Sounds like you've encountered an issue based on the error message and I recommend submitting a ticket.
  11. Like
    bfarber got a reaction from JEFF MACK in Botched 4.5.2 Upgrade   
    We have a bug fix for this issue coming in a future maintenance release.
  12. Like
    bfarber reacted to Rikki in Duplicate CSS selectors   
    None of our own CSS selectors use the .sp prefix - that comes from a third-party library we use. But frankly, the possible overheard for the browser is so negligible that it isn't even worth worrying about,
  13. Thanks
    bfarber reacted to Interferon in AdminCP, CP dark theme, CP marketplace browsing look awesome   
    The new admin CP, especially with the dark theme looks really good. The whole thing feels "fun" to navigate. Browsing marketplace items looks really good, especially with the dark admin panel theme. Very nice.
  14. Like
    bfarber reacted to CoffeeCake in Searching for members name should return exact matches 1st   
    When I search for a member's display name in the ACP, if there are many members that have that portion of their name within either their e-mail address or display name, I only see the first 50 matches and in almost all cases, never see the exact match appear. To clarify, from the search bar at the top of the ACP.
    Please return any exact matches at the top of the list. Reporting this as feedback, yet since I can't access the member I need to access, I'm wondering if it's a bug. To find these folks, I have to go to the member list and use the search on the right hand side to limit and scroll through all results.
  15. Like
    bfarber reacted to Lindy in When plugin/application upgrades fail in 4.5   
    Paul, the feedback truly is appreciated. With anything, there are inherent risks. You can buy anything and it can go unsupported, warranty denied, or any number of things you hadn't hoped for. The Marketplace is an inherent risk to IPS as well. Anytime there's a fraudulent purchase, a developer disappears and/or there are chargebacks, IPS bears the burden of such - financially and otherwise. When you are dealing with inexpensive resources at a 10% commission, one $15 chargeback it can take dozens of transactions to recoup the loss from that one previous transaction. The Marketplace, from a financial standpoint, is a loss leader for IPS, but it's something that adds value to the product and enhances the customer experience. So, yes, there are risks - for everyone. We've drastically improved the footprint and presence of the Marketplace for 4.5 and thus increased exposure - which ultimately, will be great for everyone. With that, however, necessitates the need to leverage tighter control of the Marketplace. If you buy an app in the App Store or Play, you don't get the source. If the developer disappears, that's the end of the app. That is the unfortunate reality that we all face virtually everywhere else. 99% of the time, the risk pays off.
    I completely understand where you are coming from, Paul. Truly. You are fortunate to have the skills and desire to get your hands dirty. I do, however, have the advantage of knowing our customer base and  very respectfully - you are indeed the exception, not the norm. Most want to point, click and go. I understand the argument that has been raised: "why not have both?" - we effectively do, even if it's not quite what you had in mind. You can manually install resources and if you wish to purchase something in the Marketplace, there is nothing stopping you from contacting the author and asking for files and likewise, nothing preventing the author from providing it to you. The only caveat is it's installed through the unofficial installation side of the framework and thus unsupported. Beyond that, if the author agrees with your assessment that you should have the ability to view and alter their resources, what we've done in 4.5 should have no bearing on you. If you're asking to have it like it was, I'm afraid we have no intention of doing so, to be completely candid. Whether that changes in the future is unknown, but at this juncture, we will continue to improve the infrastructure, processes and work with the authors to create the best experience we possibly can. There will be bumps. There always is - as we speak, there's an app I can't open on my iPhone since an update - it just crashes. I've been doing this long enough to know things happen and I don't expect the developer or Apple to catch everything. Likewise, we can't predict the perfect storm in every circumstance and when we find something, we will all learn from it, do our best to ensure it doesn't happen again and rather than mask issues that bubble up outside of the Marketplace, they will be dealt to ensure other customers don't encounter the same thing.
    Invision is moving in the direction that the majority of the Internet has already moved towards. Point. Click. Done. Fewer and fewer people have any interest in the nuts and bolts of things anymore. We used to have our own datacenter space long ago. I remember personally, in our earlier years, getting late night calls because a power supply failed, or one of the Cisco 6509's didn't come back after an update, or a processor failed. I know nothing about latest server hardware and I haven't had to telnet into a power strip in years... do you know why? Because I don't have or want to. 🙂 Our infrastructure is housed entirely within AWS these days. They do what they do, so we can do what we do and while they aren't perfect either... it works. That is what the overwhelming majority of customers want. Of course, if I wanted to get my hands dirty and rack a server, there are still colo providers available. If we wanted to download, hack up and mess with a collaboration and communication tool - we could, but why? That's what Slack does and I don't care what their code looks like, or what the third party developer's code looks like. It's point. Click. Done. If there's no done, they will work until there is. Again, it may not be your ideal outcome and I really do understand the mistrust, but we just can't be something to everyone and in this case, we're focusing on the things you shouldn't -have- to focus on vs carving out space for you to rack your own server. Others do that well, but we are moving away from that model and I do realize it's a big change for some. We hate to alienate or turn away anyone, we really do.
    In short: I would encourage you to contact authors moving forward if you want a copy of a resource and see if that's an option, either as a courtesy or by purchasing from their site instead of the Marketplace. We are standing firm on our position with regards to how the Marketplace will function moving forward. You have my word and commitment to making that the best possible experience it can be. We will also improve communication for these types of things in the future. I think we just assumed everyone would welcome the change - who doesn't like simplicity, right? There's obviously a few that do care and we'll be more mindful of that.
    Thanks again for taking the time to provide concise and constructive feedback, Paul. It's appreciated.
  16. Thanks
    bfarber got a reaction from Runar in rebuild content in order to use lazy load? WHY?   
    It's on our radar. We can only leverage these sorts of things once they hit critical mass and in the past this wasn't widely supported yet.
  17. Thanks
    bfarber reacted to craigf136 in 4.5.2 - ACP Marketplace   
    I just want to point out that I’m all for the marketplace in the ACP and the many benefits it brings. My post was intended as honest feedback, to what I believe to be an oversight.
  18. Thanks
    bfarber got a reaction from Chris027 in Official Versions Supported?   
    We are updating the tagged maximum supported version for Elasticsearch in the next maintenance update.
  19. Sad
    bfarber reacted to GTAPoliceMods in Appreciation thread for removing admin session IDs from URIs   
    Thank you so much for removing admin session IDs from URIs.
    This change brings tears to my eyes.
  20. Like
    bfarber got a reaction from sobrenome in How Can I Update User Reputation Using the API ?   
    The rawProperties array essentially lets you adapt any column in the core_members database table.
  21. Like
    bfarber got a reaction from sobrenome in How Can I Update User Reputation Using the API ?   
    You POST to the /core/members/X endpoint and set rawProperties[pp_reputation_points] to whatever value you want.
  22. Like
    bfarber got a reaction from Joy Rex in Prep for 4.5: Best Way to See if Apps and Plugins are Compat   
    Your theme may or may not need updates. I can't really give a blanket answer on that I'm afraid. If you used the "easy mode" then the theme should mostly work, however theme settings have changed here and there and new ones introduced, so you may want to tweak it.
  23. Like
    bfarber got a reaction from sobrenome in Implement better compression for pasted images   
    This relies on the maximum image dimensions to display and maximum image dimensions to store in the AdminCP. Use the live search to look for "images" or similar to find the options.
  24. Thanks
    bfarber got a reaction from Axel Wers in Unapprove email change   
    I'm going to move this topic to the feedback forum as I think it's more feedback on improving the software than anything.
  25. Like
    bfarber got a reaction from Jock3r in Registers an unload listener   
    We will review this, thanks for bringing it up.
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