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Release Notes v5

Invision Community 5 Bug Tracker





Everything posted by bfarber

  1. Yes. Those bug reports are always fun. Change 300 files just to add a mostly useless check at the beginning, throwing off the changed files list...
  2. You could easily create a custom bbcode that wrapped the submitted content in <pre></pre> tags. :) That is exactly what pre HTML tags are designed for (pre-formatted).
  3. We really wanted to do this. Fundamentally, as a user, you are right. However on a large site, you even noted "at the risk of slower performance" - it's simply not a reality to perform x number of search queries on one page load. Sometimes, the environment of the application limits what an application can realistically do, I'm afraid.
  4. Why would you put them in your client area? We would never openly FTP a new release to (thousands of) servers to auto-install. I can only imagine how many sites that would break and the drama that would ensue... If something like this were ever built, you'd have to do it from your ACP I'm sure.
  5. Probably
  6. Make sure you have this in your CSS. Look in the "BBCODE STYLES" section ul.bbcol.lower-alpha { margin-left: 30px; list-style-type: lower-alpha; } ul.bbcol.upper-alpha { margin-left: 30px; list-style-type: upper-alpha; } ul.bbcol.lower-roman { margin-left: 30px; list-style-type: lower-roman; } ul.bbcol.upper-roman { margin-left: 30px; list-style-type: upper-roman; } ul.bbcol.decimal { margin-left: 30px; list-style-type: decimal; }
  7. It's an old setting that just hasn't been removed. We talked about it, but have also talked about bringing it back. Not sure what we'll do with that setting just yet.
  8. I was specifically watching for your ticket, and looking through the listing for a ticket related to the bug report. ;) You happened to "get lucky" on that one so to speak.
  9. It's a random error, as you said. Refreshing and downloading again will work fine. I've investigated that issue before, but was never able to track a cause and marked it down as some server oddity. It doesn't stop you from accomplishing what you are trying to do. :)
  10. Furthermore, I don't think most hackers run DROP TABLE - they just run DELETE FROM TABLE, which both would need to use, and which causes just as much damage realistically. I'm not sure you'd actually be preventing anything in a real-world scenario here. Now, it *could* be useful to have two logins if you have master/slave setup. One for a read database, and one for read/write database. Push select/show queries to the read-only database, everything else to the normal updatable database (which handles updating the read-only slave). But that's more for performance than security.
  11. Cleancut will not be available with 3.0.2. Would have been nice, but I believe the author is still touching up some areas. With any luck, it will be available with 3.0.3.
  12. Cpanel isn't a PHP based script, however, and generally runs with much elevated permissions over a standard PHP installation. If you have cron and shell and so forth, yes it would be possible to create such a tool. I'd guesstimate that 80% or more of our customers use shared hosting, however.
  13. Then you'd have to enter in your FTP credentials in the ACP. Why not just FTP the files to begin with? Again, you can just submit a ticket and we'll do the whole upgrade for you. Seems about as easy as it gets to me.
  14. It's not realistic. You'd have to chmod your entire installation 777 (for most servers) which will create security issues unnecessarily. We already offer to do the upgrade for you for free. How much easier can it really get than that? ;)
  15. Members can change their email address from the proxied email to a real one. Shouldn't really matter either way in the end.
  16. We're going to take a look at the hooks a bit for the next release (3.0.3) to see if we can fix a few minor but useful things.
  17. The majority of the information about IPB3 was posted in our blog. Our announcement forum has some announcements regarding IPB3 as well.
  18. That would take the feature a lot farther than our current intentions. Right now it's a single field in the DB (along with a timestamp tracking when you last updated it). You'd have to have a kind of history to show the last status update that they submitted before being suspended, or you'd have to complicate the SQL query to check if the user is suspended (and the way status data is stored, that isn't a "simple" query). Ultimately, you do want your board index page to be fast, so we don't really want to add a lot of heavy queries where they're not necessary. Of course, saying all that, I intend to look into adding the ability to edit the member's status and about me text from the edit member page on the front end soon. Most people causing problems (or spam accounts) tend to update Website, Status, About Me, and/or Signature. You can only fix website and signature from the front end currently, so giving you the ability to edit the other 2 should help make things simpler.
  19. But then we'd be spending time moderating ticket statuses. Seems like the overhead wouldn't be worth the benefit. Everyone considers their issue to be important, understandably, so how would a regular customer know what status they should use?
  20. As Andy said, please get the owner to submit a ticket. I'm afraid we do not provide technical support through this forum.
  21. I see the OP's point, but I'd tend to agree with Michael here. You opted to moderator preview his posts, and that's what IPB did. If getting them to stop doing anything is important, you should probably suspend the account for a couple days.
  22. bfarber

    Board Emails

    Submit a ticket to account assistance. :)
  23. bfarber

    Board Emails

    For the record we can merge your accounts if you want. ;) That said, might need to contact hotmail? Seems like emails are being sent out, not sure why you'd not receive it.
  24. That has been there since 1.x or 2.x..
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