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Everything posted by bfarber

  1. I remember implementing something similar in 2.x based on recommendations - only to get my head chewed off by sites that aren't quite as active. Suddenly there were no posts on the portal, or only 1 or 2 (because it was limiting to 30 days). No posts in user profiles because they hadn't posted in over 30 days. etc. We could look into making it a setting at some point in the future perhaps.
  2. IPB 2.3 filtered out forums that do not increment post counts, while 3.0 does not. Otherwise the code is almost identical. This change was made mostly simply for resource reasons - it's generally more efficient to join an extra table on (as we do now) than to generate a large list of forums to put into a MySQL IN() clause.
  3. Correct.
  4. They will be once they are ready for use. They are "beta" releases at the moment.
  5. Adding javascript for something like that is just more overhead the browser has to process for something non-essential.
  6. http://spookyet.posterous.com/passwords-are-stupid Clarifying - the above link does not represent my opinion of the feature suggestion, or the opinion of any colleagues/coworkers here. I simply felt it relevant to the discussion, albeit in an indirect way.
  7. I'm not sure what the big deal is here, to be honest. There was a bug reported. It was investigated, the problem identified, the issue resolved in the next release following the report. That's normal procedure for bugs. Perhaps this bug is more annoying to you than other bugs, but in reality it's no different than any other bug that gets reported.
  8. If you can't reproduce the issue here, you should submit a ticket.
  9. Something like this wouldn't be introduced in 3.0.4. It would wait until a major update (like 3.1) if it were to be introduced.
  10. Documentation is currently being worked on. I don't know when/what will be released. I believe Getting Started guides will be the first thing put out.
  11. There were no new features to the addons in the latest update, only bug fixes.
  12. I recommend you submit a ticket.
  13. It's used when you use the media tag to link to an mp3 file in 3.0.3. Might need to verify your media bbcode definitions were updated in the ACP (Look and Feel tab) first, as I'm not positive the upgrader updates those (in case you've modified them).
  14. Those are gorgeous. I really do hope you release your skin. :)
  15. I can't find it now. The original place I saw mention of it was on mysql.com directly, but it could be in an older manual (i.e. 4.0) and no longer relevant.
  16. We use fulltext search and would need to set custom parameters in the my.cnf to do this. Further, you lose a lot of resource improvements in fulltext searching over the manual method when you lower the minimum char limit. I'm afraid this is not likely something to be changed.
  17. This has already been reported
  18. There's already a bug about receiving multiple emails for single topics - perhaps this explains that bug report?
  19. That's not good lol. Probably have to do some OS updates first in that case.
  20. Both of the linked scripts are created by independent third parties, not the respective companies you mention. Any third party is free to make a database charset converter for IPB if they wish, just as others have for other products.
  21. Sphinx is night and day compared to MySQL fulltext searching. ;)
  22. If you let your moderators delete topics then no....I mean, they can just click the checkboxes to the right of the topic listing already, so you're not protecting anything. You're just making it take potentially 20 seconds longer.
  23. Yes, certainly vulnerabilities will be found, it's inevitable. But let's not start a mass-panic because a single site was hacked. Could have been a modification they had installed, a bad password, insecure server so someone else on the same host had access to their files - who knows at this stage.
  24. Please don't jump to conclusions that IPB itself was hacked. :) There are dozens of possibilities. If the owner believes it was IPB itself that was compromised, they are certainly free to submit a ticket and we will assist them to the best of our ability in tracking down how the hacker got in and what damage was done exactly.
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