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    Bluto reacted to Adriano Faria in Links Directory   
  2. Like
    Bluto reacted to Adriano Faria in Links Directory   
    @AlexWebsites, will send you a PM now with a new version so you can test. What was done:
    - Regarding APIs:
    Switched from Webthumbnail.org to Miniature.io dropped Sneak.pw (it seems to be paid now but their site is TOO confusing that I coudn't even find the API to test it out in a trial) Fix the Thumbshots API Added 2 new APIs: Screenshotmachine: allows you to have 100 free screenshots per month. There are paid plans. Urlbox.io: paid service. - New settings:
    You now can set how many links you want to show and define its ordering (random or links submission) in Display 'Other links from this category' block? setting. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Let me know if anyone else wants to try it out (since you have purchased this resource).

  3. Like
    Bluto reacted to Adriano Faria in Links Directory   
    I just started to review all these API and will probably replace them or fix the ones who can be fixed. The problem here is that the vast majority is paid or the free package is very limited.
    Example: I just added Screenshotmachine. Works very nice but it has only 100 screenshots per month in the free plan.


    @AlexWebsites, yes, all APIs handle SSL already:
    $apiUrl = \IPS\Request::i()->isSecure() ? 'https://' : 'http://'; $apiUrl .= "api.webthumbnail.org/?"; Except Thumbshots. Will change it to make some tests in a client's board.
  4. Like
    Bluto got a reaction from Adriano Faria in Links Directory   
    @Adriano Faria Thanks!
    Just some other thoughts and ideas...
    1.  Links Feed Slider Widget
    You might also want to consider adding a (Block Manager) widget which uses the same scroller at the Links Directory index page (What's New and Random Links).  None of the existing widgets look like the scrolling widget on the LD index page.  The reason I mention this is that an admin can't add a "featured" or "pinned" widget to the LD index page featuring only "featured" or "pinned" links and have that widget match the existing widgets on the page.  I created a widget in Pages which does exactly this.  I used the LD "Links Feed" plugin and the code below.  Some people might not have pages, so having this as a widget might give admins more options for how they display and list their content.
    <div class='ipsBox'> <h2 class='ipsType_sectionTitle ipsType_reset'>{$title}</h2> <div class='ipsAreaBackground ipsPad_half'> {{if count( $links )}} <div class='ipsCarousel ipsClearfix' data-ipsCarousel data-ipsCarousel-showDots> <ul class='cDownloadsCarousel' data-role="carouselItems"> {{foreach $links as $idx => $link}} {template="indexBlock" group="browse" app="links" params="$link"} {{endforeach}} </ul> <span class='ipsCarousel_shadow ipsCarousel_shadowLeft'></span> <span class='ipsCarousel_shadow ipsCarousel_shadowRight'></span> <a href='#' class='ipsCarousel_nav ipsHide' data-action='prev'><i class='fa fa-chevron-left'></i></a> <a href='#' class='ipsCarousel_nav ipsHide' data-action='next'><i class='fa fa-chevron-right'></i></a> </div> {{else}} <p class='ipsType_reset ipsType_light ipsPad'>{lang="no_top_links"}</p> {{endif}} </div> </div> <br>  
    2.  Index Page Sorting
    Looking at the LD template index page, I can see the blocks of code for the various sections / blocks - (What's New, Random Links, Affiliates, and the Categories).
    It would be great if these were sortable in the ACP.  Currently, I'd have to manually move the code around in the template.  It would be great if there was an option of how to arrange the blocks on the LD index page.
    3.  Thumbnail Experience
    Just my experience with the thumbnails:  I've had some issues with webthumbnail is the past.  None of the current services offered have I had a 100% success rate.  Either the thumbnail stops showing or the service grabs a bad thumbnail.  Right now I have the thumbnails on manual upload.  It's easier for me to do a screenshot and I actually find people upload better links when they're required to upload a thumbnail (I made the upload required).
    There were some other services offered which might offer better options (note: I haven't tried a lot of the services below)
    Urlbox - Best Automated Screenshot API | Urlbox.io
    Cross Browser Testing - 1500+ Real Browsers & Devices
    Shrink The Web - shrinktheweb.com
    ScreenshotsCloud - High quality real browser screenshot API
    Url2png - Screenshots as a Service
    Screenshot Layer - screenshotlayer.com
    Screenshot Machine - Website capturing service that REALLY works!
    Browshot - Service for real time website screenshots
    Capture - Convert HTML to PNG, PDF and Images to GIF
    Restpack - Screenshot API
    WhoAPI - Screenshot API
    RoboThumb - Générateur automatique de screenshots
    Webshots Pro - webshotspro.com
    Screen.rip - Programmable screenshot API (10,000 shots for $7)
    ScreenshotAPI - API To Convert Screenshot with 30,000 free credits
    ApiLeap - Chrome Based Screenshot API
    Thumbalizr - thumbalizr.com
    Snapito - snapito.com
    GeoScreenshot - GeoScreenshot
    Grabzit - Convert Webpages, URL's or HTML into PDF's, images or data
    SiteSnapr - screenshots as a service
    Sneak.pw - SNEAK PREVIEWS | Professional Web Thumbnails
    Page2Images - Website Screenshot Generator & API
    Linkpeek - Website Screenshot - Webpage Snapshot - Screenshot Service
    Pagelr - pagelr.com
    Web-Capture - Online full length web site screenshots for free
  5. Like
    Bluto reacted to Adriano Faria in Links Directory   
    I’ll rethink this for the IPS 4.3 version. 
  6. Like
    Bluto got a reaction from Adriano Faria in Links Directory   
    Right now a user can purchase a link in a category and once they purchase that link, it remains in the links directory forever (one time cost).
    I'm using the paid links option for 1 category called "Sponsored".  Users have the option to purchase a link in the sponsored category or add a link for free in one of the other categories.  Currently, if they purchase a link in the sponsored category it will remain in that category forever - unless a mod moves it.
    Would it be possible to add to a future release - few ideas, not all apply to my idea above.
    A.  The ability to attach a time limit on the paid links.  I could sell a paid link for X number of days.  After the X number of days expires, the link would auto-hide OR automatically be moved to a free category in the directory (a category determined by the user when he adds the link).
    B.  The ability for the user to have an option to list a link for free or paid per category.  A category would have the option of having paid and free links.  If the user decides to go with the paid link, their link would be a sponsored link. 
    C.  The ability to only sell X number of paid links per category.  Really popular categories can attract a lot of people who want their link featured (paid).  Being able to limit the number of paid links per category would result in competition between users for the paid exposure (sponsored link).
    If I had 10 categories and I offered 2 paid links for each category, those 20 videos I could feature in a widget I created for the index page.  Having the ability to set a time limit on the paid links (time, clicks, or CPM) would allow me to have good turnover of paying customers versus someone who pays one-time for the link and it's featured forever.
    Just a suggestion.
  7. Like
    Bluto got a reaction from Steph40 in New Topic Rules   
    Sounds good.  Let me know if they fix it.  I can't access the dev forum and the release notes are well - not so informative.
  8. Like
    Bluto got a reaction from Adriano Faria in New Topic Rules   
    Sounds good.  Let me know if they fix it.  I can't access the dev forum and the release notes are well - not so informative.
  9. Like
    Bluto reacted to Adriano Faria in New Topic Rules   
    There's nothing wrong with the settings in this plugin. It is as it is in any other plugin. There's a discussion topic in Contributor Chat regarding this issue with settings: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/442431-what-could-cause-plugin-settings-to-be-wiped/
    I'll link your post to it to make sure IPS will be aware.
  10. Like
    Bluto got a reaction from Adriano Faria in New Topic Rules   
    Sure, it's a dark customized theme, but here it is.  Someone might want to try it out on the default theme.  Though, all the classes are ips classes.

  11. Like
    Bluto reacted to Adriano Faria in Links Directory   
    What's New in Version 5.1.4:
    Minissing language bit which was causing setting Linkback Code to not work. Updating your setting:
    Go to ACP -> Community -> Links Directory -> Settings -> Index View tab Remove the content from the Linkback Code box. Save the form. Again: go to ACP -> Community -> Links Directory -> Settings -> Index View tab (you HAVE to enter again in settings) New value will be there, which is your board URL and your board name.  


  12. Like
    Bluto reacted to Adriano Faria in Links Directory   
    What's New in Version 5.1.3:
    Fix: ArgumentCountError on embed feature for guests.
  13. Like
    Bluto reacted to onlyME in Videobox   
    Currently it doesn't get youtube image automatically for "featured image". I will consider your idea.
  14. Like
    Bluto reacted to onlyME in Videobox   
    I will consider it.
  15. Like
    Bluto reacted to All Astronauts in Spacious ACP/Widgets   
    After losing an hour troubleshooting something of mine on somebody's site, it turned out the bug was just an un-applied IPS silent patch.
    What are those? Those be the things IPS does now in-lieu of releasing, and so on. Unfortunately, not everyone routinely uses the support tool to discover that there are patches available. We've got a dashboard - why not use it?
    And so for Spacious, I am. 
    If there are patches available for your currently installed version, a button will appear in the dashboard top row. Click it and a box will appear listing the items the patch addresses (in my lost-hour example it was a "search issue"). Click to apply the patch if you so desire. Permissions apply on the other side of that apply patch link. If there is an entirely new version of IPS, the button will not display - this is only for those silent patches - everything is returns to the usual big dashboard announcements. Also note that if there are patches, and you do not install them, and then a new version of IPS drops, the button will no longer display as there are no patches any more - the "fix" is upgrading to the latest version at this point.
    The new updates button only displays when you have a 3rd party (non-IPS) application or plugin that has been flagged as having an update available. Same as above applies. If an update url has been provided where you can download the updated version, you get the green update button to take you through. If no URL is provided, that is noted, and you'll will need to track down the updated version wherever (the Marketplace I imagine for now). I'm tired so updates to themes will have to wait for another day before getting included here. No reason for it not to happen - all the same process.
    FAIR WARNING! Not responsible for any version conflicts. If, for example, you are running 4.2.6, and a 3rd party update is flagged as having an update available, and you click through and just go ahead and download the thing and install it without reading any release notes saying it requires IPS 4.8 or something that ain't my problem.
    This Spacious feature is to just get all those buried update notices front and center on the dashboard. Oh, and there is a task involved so after installing the new Spacious (when avail) nothing will display button wise for 12 hours or so, or just go into the tasks list (with the convenient Tasks button on your dashboard that you enabled with Spacious  ) and run spacious_patchUpdates or whatever it is called to get going immediately.
    Released soon. Mainly just sleeping on this though I do have "a day" tomorrow so this might slip to Thrs nite or Friday sometime.
  16. Thanks
    Bluto reacted to Adriano Faria in Auto Follow Content   
    What's New in Version 1.1.0:
    New Feature:
    Plugin converted to App. If you use any kind of validation of new accounts, items will be followed only after the account validation. Upgrade from 1.0.5 to 1.1.0:
    Take a note of all items you added in the plugin settings. Uninstall the plugin Install the application Add the items in the applicaitons settings
  17. Like
    Bluto reacted to Adriano Faria in Auto Follow Content   
    @Bluto, just sent you a PM with the resource as APP now. Please, try it and let me know in the PM if it's ok, so I can update the file here on IPS.
  18. Like
    Bluto reacted to Adriano Faria in Auto Follow Content   
    @Bluto, everything working fine. Just missing to finish the Pages stuff, which I should do today later.
  19. Like
    Bluto reacted to Adriano Faria in Auto Follow Content   
    New version will recognize all APPs that their content items/containers can be followed + all Pages databases (previous version uses only Articles):

  20. Like
    Bluto reacted to Adriano Faria in Auto Follow Content   
    That happens because you removed the forum but didn't removed it from the plugin settings, thus it keeps being added as a "valid" forum.
    I'll add a check for the forum ID.
  21. Like
    Bluto reacted to Adriano Faria in Auto Follow Content   
    This will require the plugin to be converted to app. I'll try to make it during the weekend.
  22. Like
    Bluto reacted to Adriano Faria in Auto Follow Content   
    I'll take a look on this today.
  23. Like
    Bluto got a reaction from TheJackal84 in (DF42) Members Social Info (Support Topic)   
    Hmmm... before I clicked on the icon and it opened up in the same window, now it doesn't.
    I'm much be going crazy!!!
    Thanks for the quick reply.
  24. Like
    Bluto reacted to All Astronauts in Kitchen Sink   
    @Bluto I've got this now. The KS settings form is looking for forums to select for the allow first posts to be edited setting and naturally not finding them. Patching that now.
    Think I have the breadcrumbs tightened up better now (just targets the first li element in the breadcrumb)
    Shoot me ACP access and we can test.
  25. Like
    Bluto reacted to All Astronauts in Kitchen Sink   
    I'll look and see if I can do it better. 
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