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Everything posted by Meddysong

  1. There are two things I have in mind: 1) I would prefer to use a FURL: site.com/request-an-interview 2) Even if I can't have that, I don't want index.php? to be in the URL. I tried this: but it's not working. Your link works fine but contains index.php?, which I don't want to have visible. I have the redirect in place in the ACP, so index.php? doesn't appear anywhere else. However, if I try site.com/contactus/&cjcontact_departments_departments=3 (no index.php?), then it 404s. Any ideas?
  2. Thank you, Adriano. And what about a FURL? /app=core&module= ... ?
  3. How would I create a link to a specific department, Adriano? What I mean is that I have the standard menu item which leads to /contactus. Then the user has to choose the department. What I'd like to do in one particular case, though, is put a link on the page to a specific department, so that the user doesn't have to select the appropriate one. If the department id=3, what would my link look like?
  4. When creating your event you can tick a box to say that the event repeats. That brings up a window in which you can specify when it repeats. In your case you would want
  5. There's a known fault in 4.1.19 which is causing problems with some plugins, so there's nothing Ryan can do. You either need to apply the patch or wait for
  6. There's a curious problem which occurs when using the white background on markers. See how the icon is further to the left here? It doesn't apply to the other backgrounds: But with white: Unusual, huh?
  7. Sorry to be an irritant, especially because this is a free app and very, very useful, but I can't see a way that we could resolve this for ourselves because our browsers can't identify the CSS. Would it be possible to centrally align the FA icon within the marker, please?
  8. I think you might need to update the widget on your own site then, Jim! I just visited to see how you'd styled it and your version still has a class widget_repYou, which I presume is what has since been deleted. I'll wait to see how you handle it, since though I could probably use a selector to customise the "you", I'm not sure how you would get it not to display the number in that particular row.
  9. I'm befuddled with mine. I can see how it's supposed to look from the download page, plus there's the mention of a CSS class for the "you". But I've just installed it on mine and it looks different and I can't see a CSS class anywhere, either editable in my theme or in my inspector: This is what I'm seeing. Rather than a specific class for the "you", I have the same layout as the other rows, except that the "you" is wrapped with sup tags: <li class="ipsDataItem"> <div class="ipsDataItem_icon ipsPos_middle ipsType_center ipsType_large ipsType_light"><strong> 2<sup>YOU</sup> </strong></div> Now, I'm wondering ... I somehow had a plugin version of this, even though this is an application. I've just uninstalled it but might this somehow be at fault?
  10. Hi there, fellas - It seems to me that the FA icon isn't centrally aligned. It doesn't jump out with the default fa-home icon because that happens to be the perfect width to fit within the marker neatly, but if you switch to something else, then it's noticeably misaligned:
  11. ^^ No help on the bug front, @Edward Shephard. I've been summarily dismissed for using a custom wrapper, which is outside the scope of support. Marcher has been kind enough to explain to me that the reason it doesn't work in my case is because plugins look for the template called globalTemplate, rather than get called by something within it. (The solution for anybody else experiencing the same is to paste {template="pluginName" group="plugins" location="global" app="core"} within the custom wrapper.) That doesn't explain what @Unlucky's problem is, since the hook point is there. Good luck to you both in resolving it
  12. I've just submitted a support request because it and several other plugins aren't working on my site if a custom wrapper is used, even though the IDs to hook onto are present. I've linked to this thread and mentioned Unlucky's problem too.
  13. Mine's not limited to your plugin, Edward, but I'll give you an example in the hope that it helps you. Your plugin works beautifully in all the apps and pages created using the suite wrapper: But when I create a page using a custom wrapper it doesn't appear: My custom wrapper is the globalTemplate, just with a few bits commented out so that my backgrounds can stretch full screen. It still contains #ipsLayout_header: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="{expression="\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->bcp47()"}" dir="{{if member.language()->isrtl}}rtl{{else}}ltr{{endif}}"> <head> <title>{expression="output.getTitle( $title )"}</title> <!--[if lt IE 9]> {{foreach \IPS\Theme::i()->css( 'extra/ie8.css', 'core' ) as $css}}<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{$css}">{{endforeach}} <script src="{url="applications/core/interface/html5shiv/html5shiv.js" base="none" protocol="\IPS\Http\Url::PROTOCOL_RELATIVE"}"></script> <![endif]--> {template="includeMeta" app="core" group="global" location="global" params=""} {template="includeCSS" app="core" group="global" location="global" params=""} {template="includeJS" if="theme.js_include != 'footer'" app="core" group="global" location="global" params=""} {template="favico" app="core" group="global" location="front" params=""} </head> <body class='ipsApp ipsApp_front eabSite {{if isset( \IPS\Request::i()->cookie['hasJS'] )}}ipsJS_has{{else}}ipsJS_none{{endif}} ipsClearfix{{foreach output.bodyClasses as $class}} {$class}{{endforeach}} ' data-details="customWrapper" {{if output.globalControllers}}data-controller='{expression="implode( ',', output.globalControllers )"}'{{endif}} {{if isset( output.inlineMessage )}}data-message="{expression="output.inlineMessage"}"{{endif}} data-pageApp='{$location['app']}' data-pageLocation='front' data-pageModule='{$location['module']}' data-pageController='{$location['controller']}' itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/WebSite"> <meta itemprop="url" content="{setting="base_url"}">{{$lingvo = substr(\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->short, 0, 2);}} <a href='#elContent' class='ipsHide' title='{lang="jump_to_content_desc"}' accesskey='m'>{lang="jump_to_content"}</a> {template="offlineMessage" if="!settings.site_online && \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->group['g_access_offline']" app="core" group="global" params=""} <div id='ipsLayout_header' class='ipsClearfix'> {template="updateWarning" app="core" group="global" params=""} {template="lkeyWarning" app="core" group="global" location="global" params=""} {{if !in_array('ipsLayout_minimal', \IPS\Output::i()->bodyClasses )}}{template="mobileNavBar" app="core" group="global" params=""}{{endif}} <header> <div class='ipsLayout_container'> {template="logo" app="core" group="global" params=""} {{if !in_array('ipsLayout_minimal', \IPS\Output::i()->bodyClasses )}}{template="userBar" app="core" group="global" params=""}{{endif}} </div> </header> {template="navBar" app="core" group="global" params=""} </div> <main role='main'> <!-- <div id='ipsLayout_contentArea'> <div id='ipsLayout_contentWrapper'> {template="breadcrumb" app="core" group="global" params="true, 'top'"} -->{template="sidebar" if="theme.sidebar_position == 'left'" app="core" group="global" params="'left'"} <!--<div id='ipsLayout_mainArea'> <a id='elContent'></a> {advertisement="ad_global_header"} {template="acknowledgeWarning" if="\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->members_bitoptions['unacknowledged_warnings']" params="\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->warnings( 1, FALSE )" group="global" app="core"} -->{template="widgetContainer" group="global" app="core" params="'header', 'horizontal'"} {$html|raw} {template="widgetContainer" group="global" app="core" params="'footer', 'horizontal'"} <!--</div> {template="sidebar" if="theme.sidebar_position == 'right'" app="core" group="global" params="'right'"} {template="breadcrumb" app="core" group="global" params="false, 'bottom'"} </div> </div>--> {template="inlineMessage" if="member.msg_show_notification and $conversation = \IPS\core\Messenger\Conversation::latestUnreadConversation()" app="core" group="global" params="$conversation->comments( 1, 0, 'date', 'desc' )"} </main> <footer id='elWebsiteFooter' class=''> <div class='ipsLayout_container'> {advertisement="ad_global_footer"} {template="footer" app="core" group="global" params=""} </div> </footer> {{if !in_array('ipsLayout_minimal', \IPS\Output::i()->bodyClasses )}}{template="mobileNavigation" if="theme.responsive" app="core" group="global" params=""}{{endif}} {template="includeJS" if="theme.js_include == 'footer'" app="core" group="global" location="global" params=""} {{if settings.ipbseo_ga_enabled}} {setting="ipseo_ga"} {{endif}} {template="viglink" if="settings.viglink_enabled" app="core" group="global" params=""} {template="metaTagEditor" if="isset( $_SESSION['live_meta_tags'] ) and $_SESSION['live_meta_tags'] and member.isAdmin()" app="core" group="global" params=""} <!--ipsQueryLog--> <!--ipsCachingLog--> {expression="output.endBodyCode" raw="true"} </body> </html> So I don't think the problem is on your end. I think it's something systemic.
  14. I have something similar on my site, Edward. It's working on the regular apps, but not on my manually entered page. I'm not sure what the problem is because my manual page still contains the globalTemplate minus a container (so that my content can stretch full screen), and it still contains the necessary ipsLayout_header before which the plugin is added. You don't need to do anything for me, though - another header message plugin that I have also behaves like this. But it might be symptomatic of a problem with plugins, possibly?
  15. The editor's the next logical step, yep, allowing people to format certain parts of the message (with bold, etc) and add links, etc.
  16. Thank you for taking on board my comment, Edward. I had a dev do one of these for me already but yours looks much better so I've made the jump! Congratulations! I hope one day I'll dare to have an attempt too. At the moment, though, I wouldn't even know where to start. Hats off to you for getting stuck in.
  17. It looks great and I shouldn't complain about something that's free but it could be more useful for people with multilingual sites if the message were a translatable field. Maybe something to add in a future version
  18. Um ... the problem was that I was on 3.0.2. Whoops!
  19. One small thing and another totally trivial, Martin: The small thing is that the Marker Group Name for the Custom Marker Group doesn't use a translatable field for its name, so whatever I name the group appears as an option on the right side of the map in only one language, even if I switch the site to a different one. The totally trivial thing is just for nerd points. Since you use the marker icons on the map, wouldn't it be cute if the FontAwesome icon for the app were fa-map-marker rather than fa-cubes?
  20. A perfect answer, Martin. Thanks very much
  21. Hello, fellas - Is it possible to limit the areas (/countries) where markers can be placed? I like the fact that the default map view scales depending on what markers are in place. In our case, we're a charity serving the UK and I like the idea that when somebody accesses the map, it's the UK which is in view. But I know that one day people will start adding markers for Australia etc, in which case the person accessing the map will get a much wider view and be compelled to zoom in to see the users and venues in the country of our operation. If somehow we could limit it so that only markers could be placed in the UK, that would solve this problem for me. Is this possible? If not, do you think it could be? Thanks!
  22. Hi, there. Thanks for all of your work on the Member Map. I hope I'm not about to give you any more! My site features two languages. I've translated nearly everything for the second language, but the tooltips "Zoom In", "Zoom Out", and "Full Screen" don't seem to be translatable. (I can see the strings membermap_zoomIn and membermap_zoomOut and have translated them, but the text is still displaying as English and there's no string corresponding to "Full Screen", so I'm suspecting they're used somewhere else.) Are these three strings (at the side of the red squares) translatable? If not, could they be made so, or is this out of your hands?
  23. I'm using it on my multilingual site - thanks, @-FP! I don't think there's anything you can do about this but ideally if the cookie message changes, then the box should appear again to ask for consent. I know that was a feature of Mark's tutorial on how to create a plugin, but I accept that in this case we're translating language strings rather than creating a new message, the creation of which causes a reset in the database. It's probably not important anyway - there's not likely to be a need to change the message.
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