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Markus Jung

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  1. Agree
    Markus Jung reacted to Maxxius in Wiki-like-editing is useless at this moment   
    Maybe this year? Common IPS! 🙂
  2. Agree
    Markus Jung reacted to sobrenome in Wiki-like-editing is useless at this moment   
    Indeed. Such a great feature that cannot be used on a live website because of a little moderation tweak.
  3. Like
    Markus Jung reacted to Matt in 4.6: How to restore custom member titles   
    Invision Community 4.6 brings a brand new achievements system which overhauls the ranks system along with adding the ability to earn points which translates into a higher rank via rules.
    As part of the clean-up, we removed the custom member title from the author section of the post as there's a limit to how much information we can show comfortably!
    Of course, some communities used custom member titles and wish to continue using them. Fortunately it's easy enough to get them back.

    Step 1: Log into the ACP and navigate to Members > Profiles > Profile Fields
    Step 2: You will see a group called "Retained", inside is a new custom field called "Member Title". This profile field was used in the upgrade to save the custom member title data. Click on the pencil icon to edit.

    Step 3: Post upgrade, this field is effectively switched off, but it can easily be switched back on. For the "Display format for topics" choose custom and just use: {$content} as the value. This will remove the "Member Title:" prefix. Save the changes.

    You will now see the member title has been restored.

     Advanced tip:  Only do this if you are comfortable making theme edits! If it all goes wrong, don't panic. There is a revert button to undo your changes! Edit the template bit Forums > topics > postContainer in your active theme and move the block highlighted here up underneath the {{endif}} of the {{$comment->isAnonymous()}} block.

  4. Agree
    Markus Jung reacted to Arthmoor in Allow members to request their own account be deleted   
    In looking into this for some members who have asked to have their accounts deleted, I am surprised to find there's no native support for it in the package and no mention of this ability outside of a $20 plugin in the marketplace.
    Why has this not yet been made a native function of IPB itself? The desire to delete one's account from a service is becoming more and more common the more sites people realize they're on and don't want to be.
  5. Like
    Markus Jung reacted to TAMAN in Swiper Slider [ support topic ]   
    as soon as all my themes are updated to a new version that im working on currently then i will update this application and set it free in IPS marketplace 
  6. Agree
    Markus Jung reacted to sobrenome in Wiki-like-editing is useless at this moment   
    Please take some time to make wiki a usable feature with moderation. I want to use it so much! But without moderation spam can take over and destroy great content.
  7. Thanks
    Markus Jung got a reaction from PPlanet in Limited Email Content   
    I meanwhile found out that this is a built-in functionality in 4.5 - Email-Settings/Truncate Content
  8. Agree
    Markus Jung reacted to sobrenome in Wiki-like-editing is useless at this moment   
    @Jordan Invision any chance to get the moderation control over wiki contributions on 4.6? We are not using this great IPS feature yet because without moderation our community can loose great content to spam.
  9. Agree
    Markus Jung reacted to Mopar1973Man in Google 2021 May Update - Core Web Vitals   
    That's what I did for 5 years... Losing traffic and search rankings dropped. Now I'm focused on speed and meeting Google requirements and gain over 20,000 people per month and still growing. Traffic is improving and speed is getting slower because the server is getting busier. So what I did in the last 3 month netted me more than leaving it alone for 5 years and watched it fall apart. Better your speed ranking the better your ranking of SEO with Google.
  10. Agree
    Markus Jung reacted to sobrenome in Google 2021 May Update - Core Web Vitals   
    I hope that IPS becomes faster this year as long as speed is more relevant each day as a ranking factor.
    Maybe parts of IPS could be loaded by the API and JavaScript, following the model used by Instagram and Twitter.
    The basic HTML structure loads fast and the contents are lazy loaded on demand (on view port) by the API.
    New websites are adopting Next.js for fast loading.
    I think it’s time for a huge IPS modernization on terms of speed. The basic tools are already here.
  11. Agree
    Markus Jung reacted to Iwooo in Google 2021 May Update - Core Web Vitals   
    Hi, google announced that there is going to be update regarding Core Web Vitals - https://www.searchenginewatch.com/2021/01/04/google-page-experience-update-is-all-set-to-launch-in-may-2021-webmasters-hang-in-there/ 
    Is IPS going to do some changes regarding that? 
    Here is a screenshot from https://web.dev/measure/ (Google tool) for IPS - 

  12. Thanks
    Markus Jung got a reaction from gigantor in Forum Sidebar   
    Is this compatible with 4.5?
  13. Like
    Markus Jung reacted to sobrenome in WhatsApp Share Button for 4.5   
    IPS 4.5 is missing WhatsApp share button!
  14. Like
    Markus Jung got a reaction from Steph40 in Forum Sidebar   
    Is this compatible with 4.5?
  15. Like
    Markus Jung reacted to sobrenome in Wiki-like-editing is useless at this moment   
    Any news on wiki editing moderation?
    This feature is so powerful to communities and unfortunately cannot be explore for lacking moderation.
  16. Thanks
    Markus Jung reacted to Logan0 in Swiper Slider [ support topic ]   
    I am using it with 4.5.2 with no problems.
    One feature I would like it the ability to turn off the text box within the slider and just display a picture, example
    I put a soothing waterfall gif into it but you can see the text box in the background, if that could be turned off it would look much better.
  17. Like
    Markus Jung reacted to zelgadis in Swiper Slider [ support topic ]   
    @TAMAN Will Swiper Slider be updated to 4.5?
  18. Like
    Markus Jung reacted to kmk in Wiki-like-editing is useless at this moment   
  19. Like
    Markus Jung reacted to Gangst3r in Swiper Slider [ support topic ]   
    Anyone test it on 4.5 ?
  20. Like
    Markus Jung reacted to gigantor in Forum Sidebar   
    Please update the app for v4.5!
  21. Like
    Markus Jung got a reaction from sobrenome in Google AdSense Auto Ads   
    AdSense has announced a new version of auto-ads with a lot more control options. Any experiences with this?
  22. Like
    Markus Jung got a reaction from sobrenome in Wiki-like-editing is useless at this moment   
    I agree with @Time Travel Institute and I think that should be possible without a lot of effort - moderation and alerts are already there in other areas.
  23. Thanks
    Markus Jung got a reaction from MNOfficial in Wiki-like-editing is useless at this moment   
    I agree with @Time Travel Institute and I think that should be possible without a lot of effort - moderation and alerts are already there in other areas.
  24. Thanks
    Markus Jung got a reaction from Hegnauer.io in Wiki-like-editing is useless at this moment   
    I agree with @Time Travel Institute and I think that should be possible without a lot of effort - moderation and alerts are already there in other areas.
  25. Like
    Markus Jung reacted to Hegnauer.io in Wiki-like-editing is useless at this moment   
    The two biggest things for our community would be:
    Alert people watching the entry when something is edited A per-database option to hold edits for moderation; the entry remains unaltered until a moderator approves it through the moderator area (the same way existing moderator approval functions)
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