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Markus Jung

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  1. Agree
    Markus Jung reacted to Pleeb in Hump Day: your dream feature   
    We have a native dark theme for the ACP, let’s give a dark theme for the front end! Then I can happily 100% use the default invision community theme for my community, while still letting my users choose between dark and light.
  2. Thanks
    Markus Jung reacted to Daniel F in Twitch channel/video/chat embed   
    From the 4.6 changelog:
    - Removed support for Twitch embeds as Twitch has removed their oembed endpoint with no plans to introduce a new one.

  3. Like
    Markus Jung reacted to SeNioR- in Hump Day: our new theme service is alive!   
    Great, it will definitely have a positive effect on indexing. CloudFlare also added this feature in October 2021 in Crawler Hints.
    Ping: SEO feature: implement IndexNow support
  4. Like
    Markus Jung reacted to Randy Calvert in Search option to search specific forum or subforum   
    You can already.  
    Under "Content Type", click "Topics".   Once you do, a "Forums" dropdown will appear below that will let you pick the specific forums you want to search.  

  5. Like
    Markus Jung reacted to Davyc in Hump Day: what is your New Year's Resolution?   
    React less, help more - the world needs more helpers.
    Live for the moment - if you worry too much about tomorrow you will not enjoy today.
    Worry less about anything - if something is going to happen it will happen whether you worry about it or not.
    Try to drink less fluids after 8:00pm - so I don't spend half the night getting up for a  pee.
    Eat more fruit and veg and less processed foods - having been diagnosed with fatty liver disease.
    And lastly, stop getting older - the clock's ticking lol.

  6. Like
    Markus Jung reacted to Sonya* in Hump Day: what is your New Year's Resolution?   
    More no-media days in 2022:
    No radio in the morning: I start the day with silence. No smartphone to pass the time: I abstain from messengers like WhatsApp. I put my smartphone in flight mode. No computer wasting time: computer work is OK, of course, but I keep my hands off cat videos, Twitter and other stuff. I switch off the desktop when I do not work. No news consumption: I take a break from dealing with other people's trivial problems. My radio station in the car is in Swahili, I just listen to the music and don't understand the news.  No TV: I keep it turned off. When I lie down on the sofa, I just relax.  No media for sleep aid: I end the day with silence.  I was surprised how restful such days can be, and I plan to set up more such days next year.

  7. Like
    Markus Jung reacted to Jordan Miller in Hump Day: what is your New Year's Resolution?   
    Hey team, happy Hump Day! It's officially the last one of 2021. 😢 
    But there are many more to come (don't all cheer at once) 😆!
    New Year's Resolutions tend to be hit or miss for many. I personally love them because I love moments in life where we can set a new goal during a time of renewal. The beginning of a new year feels transformative. 
    Please share your New Year's Resolution(s) in the replies. It doesn't necessarily need to be community-related. I think if you accomplish a goal, it will translate to a better community anyway; everyone wins!
    We can fire up this topic in a year from now and see how things went. 
    I'll start: mine is to be more fully present. Oftentimes I get carried away with a goal and thinking about the future that I forget to stop and smell the roses. I'm looking forward to being in the moment more... whatever happens happens. 
    How about you? Looking forward to knowing more about you!
    Here is a little roundup of updates and fixes from the short holiday week. 👍 
    - Fixed an issue where streams limited by tags did not show any results when using Elastic Search.
    - Added ability to allow adminitrators to fire webhooks for specific events.
    - Fixed a minor issue when converting soft deleted topics from MyBB.
    - Added ability to allow administrators to fire webhooks for specific events.

    Happy New Year! 
  8. Agree
    Markus Jung reacted to Davyc in Hump Day: your dream feature   
    I want a feature that will take down all Social Media sites (every single last one of them) permanently, so people will have no choice but to return to forums lol; well, you did say 'dream feature' in your topic title, so that's my 'dream' lol 😉
  9. Agree
    Markus Jung reacted to Sonya* in Export/import translations for achievements?   
    Is there any possibility to export translations for rules and badges? It seems, that exporting function only exports translations for Ranks. No translations for badges and the comments for the reason are exported. Is it possible to import translations into another community? I have tried to import Ranks and import function has replaced the ranks in English as well. What I need:
    translate rules, ranks and badges export all translations import all translation in other community (without replacing English)
  10. Like
    Markus Jung reacted to Vakarian96 in Wiki-like-editing is useless at this moment   
    Is anything happening in this regard yet?
  11. Thanks
    Markus Jung got a reaction from Vakarian96 in Wiki editing permissions   
    There is already a long thread for this important feature suggestion:
  12. Like
    Markus Jung reacted to Interferon in Unified chat and activity widget   
    I would really like to see a unified chat and activity system that can be added as a widget on the main forum page.
    The activity stream widget does not include images for blogs/gallery items/videos. It's just a bunch of text information, which is not very enticing.
    We're also using Chatbox, with a lot of success, as it eliminates the need for a Discord server. The status updates system could function in this manner, if the process of entering an update was just streamlined a bit.
    We have a recent images block, a recent blogs block, etc., but it's difficult to fit everything on the page, and the types of content update at different speeds, so some stuff gets missed while other items hang on the page forever.
    It's so obvious there needs to be a unified visual stream of site activity and chatter.
  13. Agree
    Markus Jung reacted to Vakarian96 in Wiki editing permissions   
    It is possible to create a database in the wiki. Great feature!
    Would it be feasible that when someone edits an entry, the edit is only visible after approval by a moderator?
  14. Like
    Markus Jung reacted to Marc in Optimization for speed   
    It would be worth also taking a look at the following
  15. Thanks
    Markus Jung reacted to Adriano Faria in Status for Feature Suggestions   
    They did it for a few months, as you can see in pages 199 and 200 of this forum. I don’t remember why they stopped it, though.
  16. Like
    Markus Jung got a reaction from SeNioR- in Status for Feature Suggestions   
    It would be great if you could add a status-tag to euch of the feature suggestions, for example denied, under review, planned for Version X, done in Version X, already exists. 
    This can help us to see that you take our suggestions seriously and if we can hope to see them in the software some day.
  17. Like
    Markus Jung got a reaction from Sonya* in Status for Feature Suggestions   
    It would be great if you could add a status-tag to euch of the feature suggestions, for example denied, under review, planned for Version X, done in Version X, already exists. 
    This can help us to see that you take our suggestions seriously and if we can hope to see them in the software some day.
  18. Like
    Markus Jung reacted to DawPi in Disable private messaging for a single member?   
    On the ACP member edit page:

    And then:

  19. Like
    Markus Jung reacted to Marc in upgrade from self-hosted to Invision-hosted recommended?   
    You cannot use subfolders on the cloud platform, so you would need to use a subdomain as you suggest there.
    Its something we would manage for you. We would simply need to be provided backups at the relevant points in transfer (we would let you know at the time when needed), and add CNAME entries to your domain we would provide.
    With regard moving back if you wished to do so, we could provide a backup of your uploads, any other files specific to your site, and the database. We would also provide instructions on what to restore to get your site online. Of course how tricky you find that would depend on your own ability.
  20. Like
    Markus Jung reacted to Randy Calvert in upgrade from self-hosted to Invision-hosted recommended?   
    Also...  to make the move easier... once you have community.xyz.com in place, you can create a redirect on your old server to redirect all requests to your new community.xyz.com domain.  That way your old bookmarks don't stop working, and users don't get lost along the way.  
    You can use something like the following on your old forum's .htaccess to redirect:
    Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/community/(.*)$ RewriteRule ^(.*) http://community.xyz.com/%1 [R=302,NC]  
  21. Agree
    Markus Jung got a reaction from aia in Withdrawal to Bitcoin in ips market   
    No, I don't need this.
  22. Like
    Markus Jung got a reaction from SeNioR- in Withdrawal to Bitcoin in ips market   
    No, I don't need this.
  23. Agree
    Markus Jung reacted to My Sharona in "Welcome to Invision Community 4" Message   
    Also getting a "Not Found' page

  24. Thanks
    Markus Jung reacted to Jim M in Can you provide standard achievements for download?   
    Please find Rules, Ranks, and Badges exported attached 🙂 . You'll need to unzip them locally to your community then import each individual .xml file to the appropriate screen.
  25. Like
    Markus Jung reacted to Charles in HumpDay: Similar Content, ActivityStreams uses Elasticsearch   
    It is not but we are researching offering it. Elastic Search can get a bit expensive so we are trying to find ways to lower the cost of deployment.
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