Everything posted by opentype
Pages SuperGrid support
Well of course it’s meant to do that already. There is no limitation regarding the number of databases. Are you talking about specific settings you need to apply differently? Which ones?
Pages SuperGrid support
No! You don’t need to touch that code at all! Again: It is a setting! You can even see it in the code you posted: {{if settings.SuperGrid_image_use_thumbnail}} That takes care of everything. You just changed the code to ignore the setting. There is no point to it. But anyway. We don’t need to discuss this further. Everything is working as intended. Nothing needs “fixing”. If you ignore the functionality that I built in, that is your problem.
Pages SuperGrid support
Fixing what? On what page? For listing views, it is an option. For the big header in the record view, the full image is intentional. The thumbnail default size is 200 pixel. I won’t blow up a 200 pixel image to cover the whole page. Using the full image is intentional there.
Pages SuperGrid support
Pages SuperGrid support
Yes. Essentially you delete it all, download the latest version and install it again.
Pages SuperGrid support
That theme you use is a bit aggressive in changing core CSS styles. You can put this in that theme’s custom.css .SG_record_right_with_image { background-color: #fbfbfb !important; }
Pages SuperGrid support
That’s not an option of my templates, nor the stock IPS database templates. So guidance can’t be offered as part of the SuperGrid support. I’m sorry.
Pages SuperTopics (Support Topic)
It doesn’t change the regular forum content. It’s for additional blocks you put anywhere on your site.
Pages SuperDocs support topic
There is only one collapsable level at the moment. That’s intentional. It’s supposed to show a lot instantly without having the user to open sub-levels over and over again.
Pages SuperGrid support
I wouldn’t know how it could even cause that. The plugin doesn’t do anything but to store values, which itself is handled entirely through the core software. The plugin isn’t called at all to do anything and doesn’t have MySQL queries. So if you don’t open the plugin settings, it literally can’t do anything. If you loose plugin settings, I am pretty sure it must have a different cause.
Best Answer on Discussions Forums
This gets activated for every forum except the ones one manually excludes. Unfortunately, this setup activates it for every club forum, without an option to turn it off, since club forums aren’t available in the plugin settings. Can you maybe do something about that?
Member Map
That “wave” shows where it’s day and where it’s night. ;-)
Pages SuperGrid support
Thanks for the suggestion. I keep it in mind for potential new versions.
Clubs Enhancements
He is talking about the “Change owner” link. Guess the question/confusion/problem is, who has access to it. Just admins? Every club owner? If any club owner would have that option, it could cause problems. Exploit is certainly not the right word for that though.
Pages SuperTopics (Support Topic)
It’s a design template for Pages blocks called on the page through the Pages Custom Blocks widget. They add image attachments to their posts. In the settings for the Pages block, as with any other Pages block. It’s an IPS core feature.
Pages SuperTopics (Support Topic)
No, when adding the widget to the page on the frontend through the sidebar manager.
Pages SuperTopics (Support Topic)
No setting. You probably have done something wrong. (Most typical problem I have seen with other clients: they picked the Forum post/topic widget from the sidebar, not the Pages Custom Blocks widget.)
Pages SuperTopics (Support Topic)
I comes from the first image attachment of the topic/post. If there is none, it stays blank (there is an example on the product page) or you set up a fallback image for all blank posts.
Clubs Enhancements
Pages SuperGrid support
@Iwooo: Feel free to open a new topic for community support regarding Pages customizations. These type of requests are not part of the official support though and therefore shouldn’t clutter up the support topic. And in general: no one should post the code from my templates publicly here. After all, that’s the commercial good I am selling. Thanks for understanding.
Pages SuperGrid support
Turn off “Show in display template” in the field’s settings. I think about it. Not sure there is much demand at this point, but it’s certainly doable.
Pages SuperGrid support
I can’t replicate that. Are you sure you install it in the right spot, which is in the Pages template section using the Upload Templates button?
Best Answer on Discussions Forums
Is the Best Answer flag stored in the same way as in the native Q&A forum function? So can I switch between the two at any time without loosing previous best answers?
Pages SuperGrid support
Sure. SuperGrid can use the thumbnail image for listing views and the full size image for when you open the record. You just need to make sure that your thumbnail image setting is large enough, so the images won’t look blurry. (And unfortunately, changing the setting won’t affect old images. You would have to upload them again after increasing the values.)
Pages SuperGrid support
There is a setting “show Avatar” in the settings plugin.