Everything posted by opentype
Feature request: better control of bulk mails per time
There is already the BULK_MAILS_PER_CYCLE constant to solve issues with hosts that have trouble with many emails at once. Equally, if not more important, is how many emails are sent in a given timeframe. It’s normal for hosts and email services to have some kind of limit in that regard, but with the way IPS sends out bulk mail, it unpredictable when these limits are being hit and there is no way around this problem when the limits are hit. I suggest a solution like a MAX_MAIL_CYCLES_PER_TASK constant or setting to limit the amount of cycles run each time a cron is being fired. So, for example, I could set 1 run of 100 emails with the cron running every minute resulting in 1000 mails in 10 minutes. I understand that IPS isn’t all that focussed on features that would only help self-hosted customers, but it seems like an easy implementation which could help a lot of users. It’s actually the behaviour that people are already expecting.
Pages Database Filter inconsistencies
Probably easy to throw into the current Pages work.
BULK_MAILS_PER_CYCLE Not working as expected.
How is that calculated? I too would like to get a better understanding of how the cycle variable would typically affect the time distributions of the mails. At least roughly.
Bug: Accepting guest cookies on a website with Discovery as homepage leads to empty page
- Pages Database Filter inconsistencies
From the various suggestions, what was changed exactly?- Pages Articles Layout and Featured Articles
You describe correctly how it works. The categories and the feed blocks in 4.x come with only one stock template and that uses this kind of generic “forum listing” mode. Pages allows for custom templates to be created (or installed) for those sections, but that would be a custom job. There is no other “easy solution”. Maybe things change in 5.x.- Menu manager - Commerce items
I had that once. The menu manager had issues and the items weren’t in the menu anymore but also not properly unregistered. The only way to fix it was on the database level.- Menu manager - Commerce items
It’s how it works. Some items can only be used once. So you can’t put them in a member menu and a guest menu for example.- Pages
This kind of page set-up (using pages and blocks) and the content is meant for admins to design and fill. It’s not really something you could hand-over to advertisers easily. It could work with a Pages database, where certain members/user-groups get the permissions to add/edit records. But that would require a custom database with a custom template.- PWA app icons and splash screen not displaying correctly
I’ve never seen a splash screen on any IPS website on my iPhone.- Database Record Size limit?
Yes, every field type has a reserved size. So, not a bug.- Where is the return path set? (php mail)
It’s a thing with this particular host. Not a big deal now that I know where it’s coming from.- Where is the return path set? (php mail)
I don’t use Commerce support. It seems to happen for all outgoing emails including the test mail. Weird, but I guess so. I’m admin for someone else’s IPS installation with the same hosts and just checked their mail source code. It has the same behaviour.- Where is the return path set? (php mail)
I’m investigation a delivery issue and noticed that outgoing system mails have a return path set to info@mydomain.com, even though I have ‘no-reply emails’ set up in the email settings: Where is that info address coming from? I tested two different communities and both show this behaviour.- Mandatory checkboxes in Commerce custom fields
A checkbox allows for “0” and “1” and “0” is technically a valid choice. By the way: the “Checkbox Set” field does work as you request it here, even if there is just one choice given. In this case, it’s “at least one field must be checked”. I use this option to create a mandatory license agreement in one of my stores.- How to find an app?
Mixoh’s last posts were in 2020, so I don’t think these products are being maintained anymore. Not to mention that the account is listed as “male” in “Ukraine” and software support isn’t the highest priority there at the moment.- Edit text files under Pages > Media
The Pages section is for anything related to the Pages app. Pages CSS and JS goes into ACP → Pages → Templates → CSS/JS. Everything you need regarding editing and updating is already available there. You don’t need to manually upload or replace files anywhere.- Edit text files under Pages > Media
What’s the use case? Why are you storing JS or CSS there to begin with? It’s really only made for reusable “media” as the name suggests.- One page of a big thread contains only one post, no footer, no sidebar, and I can't edit it?
It might also be worth deactivating the ads to rule them out. It’s very invasive ad content on these pages.- One page of a big thread contains only one post, no footer, no sidebar, and I can't edit it?
I would: open Source mode copy the entire post with the video and save it somewhere clear the post save the post and see if the video was the problem if so, rebuild the post from scratch without all the existing HTML code- Can't post images on forum
Those are global settings. You also need to change the “member group” settings to define how much file space is allowed and reserved for each user.- Problems Google Search Console
Maybe it’s a language issue, but we are going around in circles. You are not explaining what issue you are trying to solve. Those URLs blocked by robots.txt all look fine to me. I WOULD DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING if I were you.- Problems Google Search Console
Click on the individual status types like “Blocată de robots.txt” and check the URLs. Do you want them indexed or not? That’s the first question. There is NOT necessarily a problem there that needs fixing. Only if you want those pages indexed, you would need to check your robots.txt located under yourdomain.com/robots.txt and possibly remove certain entries there.- Problems Google Search Console
What’s the problem exactly? You are just giving us one of the many index status types.- Missing database names
It sounds like you have a second language installed and there is no translation for the activated language. - Pages Database Filter inconsistencies