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Everything posted by opentype

  1. It’s an empty ad slot taking up space.
  2. Check the “Existing Attachments”. It might still be there.
  3. opentype replied to Sonya*'s post in a topic in Feedback
    From the entire suite or forums? While it does not work well for certain content types, I use it heavily for pretty much all my Pages databases across all my communities. Best fonts, best books, best microphones, best anything. For all the data we collect around our community topic. Tens of thousands of votes that can’t just be trashed. They would at least be converted into an alternative system.
  4. Pretty sure that was your problem all along. As it says in the pop-up, you should never turn that on. But now that it is off, you need to re-do the suggestions to change the title. The forum headline title was never edited in the General Settings. That’s the site title. That’s something different.
  5. That wasn’t the right language string. You probably want to reverse that change by clearing the translation. There are many language strings similar to that. Therefore, my suggestion would be to use Quick Translation from the Language Tools. Activate it in one browser window but keep it open there. Open a new browser windows with your forum and you can click on the headline to change the language string. Then return to the first browser window to turn Quick Translation off again.
  6. I just found it after testing every setting possible. It’s the “Allow Searching” setting in the database settings. When that is turned on, new club Pages records appear in feeds. If it turned off, they all disappear.
  7. Thanks. What kind of club is it? I am using closed clubs and the clubs feature is only visible to members.
  8. Was any of this identified as bug to be fixed in maintenance releases? My biggest issue is still this, which has stopped me from rolling out Pages databases in clubs altogether: Is this intentional? Do I miss certain settings? I just tested again with the latest release and still see the same. Without new database records appearing in feeds it would be kind of pointless. The way to discover new records is just too long, when you manually have to go to Clubs → Specific Club → Database Category instead of just seeing a new record on the Activity page.
  9. I haven’t seen significant differences, but again, it would depend on what is actually on those pages. As Alex said, Pages databases don’t seem to be super fast. I have one site where the Pages homepage doesn’t show the main article database, but actually a block listing the latest articles. As those blocks are part of the regular sidebar block caching, it loads faster than the actual article database. Might be worth considering.
  10. Those Page Speed results can be misleading as they usually complain about exactly the things you cannot change (as they are part of the IPS framework) and they don’t tell you about the things you can change. It’s much better to focus on the things in your control. The server and all its components play a huge role. That’s the admin’s responsibility for self-hosted installation. Caching of resources and maybe even full pages. Plenty of optimization potential here! Third-party interference. Loading external ads, analytics, webfonts … that slows down the site significantly. And then of course: what’s on the page to begin with? I often see community sites completely overloaded with blocks, trying to announce everything the site has to offer on the homepage with sliders and sometimes hundreds of avatar images to be loaded, plus external ads everywhere … Of course such a page will be slow to load. IPS can’t fix that with framework updates.
  11. I use different browsers for this. 😉
  12. Yeah, there isn’t really a good way to achieve this currently. Since it wasn’t mentioned before: you could also take a look at the “clubs” feature. That avoids the whole user group issue, as the access is then just based on the status of being a club member. Adding many clubs for many events would not be an issue.
  13. I also use source mode all the time. Sometimes to inspect and clean up user posts, but like Sonya mostly for Pages articles. Custom classes, custom embeds …
  14. It will just merge the entries. Instead of seeing 5 different replies for one topic, there will be one entry for that topic.
  15. Instead of patching these issues, the entire functionality should probably be reimagined. Having this forum posting to begin with comes from old 3.x days where everything was centered around the forums. Having the need to have a separate comment system for Pages comes from the fact that 4.x originally allowed people to just have Pages, but not Forums. With the new licensing system, these legacy options should be consolidated into one comment system without the need for any kind of syncing, cross-posting or any anything like that.
  16. Sorting is only available with the listing templates, not with those frontpage/article views. One could however create listing templates that look like those frontpage/article views.
  17. New topics are highlighted in contrast to “just replies”. Like this: Is that what you are seeing? Doesn’t look like “almost double” to me.
  18. It could even be smoother than that: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/473885-feature-deprecation-discussion/?do=findComment&comment=2907946
  19. It’s worth noting that image processing is handled through server modules like GD or ImageMagick. It can take a few years until new formats are supported and the server packages get updated to make these changes available for hosting customers.
  20. opentype replied to kmk's post in a topic in General Questions
    To achieve what exactly?
  21. By the way: seems to be related to the height calculation in Chrome. The image is there and shows fine in Safari and Firefox for me. Just Chrome has no height for the ImageBlock section.
  22. Yeah, that was my number one use-case for databases in clubs as well. I would have expected that this can easily be solved by turning on custom category permissions and then changing them to disallow posting outside the clubs. But for some reason, the setting is there, but with clubs activated, custom permissions for the default category outside the clubs aren’t available anymore.
  23. Sure. First, create an image attachment in the editor by choosing the file from your hard drive. then click on it, so the image is added to the post content. Then double-click on the image. In the dialog box, replace the content of the URL field with your target URL.
  24. It’s a browser issue. I see it frequently with Safari. There isn’t anything in the community software that can have any effect on it. The software just creates HTML to say where the image is and it is up to the browser to download it and deal with caching, download order, connection issues and so on.
  25. Yes. Or use a third-party solution.