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Pages SuperGrid support
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Pages SuperGrid support
The plugin can’t be installed twice. The templates, yes, but I wouldn’t really know why. Not perfectly sure what you are referring to. I guess that’s an additional field in your article database? Just open the settings of that field and turn off its display in the listing view.
Pages SuperGrid support
No. You better stay on the previous version then. (Or at least keep the old templates as customized versions.) If you are skilled with CSS you could also override some of the Plugin settings on the specific pages. There are already so many settings. I don’t want to complicate it too much. So even though I get there could be a need to manage different instances with different settings, I don’t really want to do that, since that probably isn’t how most clients use it. But good point nevertheless. I add a note about the unified settings to release notes.
Pages SuperGrid support
I am happy to announce SuperGrid 2.0 with these changes: New SuperGrid Plugin. No more copy and paste and editing settings in 5 different templates. All templates were recreated so all settings and the CSS are now part of a plugin. Much easier to use and upgrade! SuperGrid Horizontal Block! By popular request: The block template now has the full functionality of the database listing template. Create database feed widgets with the 3x3 SuperGrid layout and put them anywhere on your site. The possibilities are endless! For example: Create an engaging SuperGrid homepage with multiple SuperGrid widgets as horizontal and/or vertical blocks. Or: Show 3/6/9… featured/recent/popular articles below or above your articles. Improved Record View on Mobile By popular request: The record view template has been improved, so the avatar and the article/author information now adopt to the screen width and don’t take up as much space as before. Make sure to follow the upgrade instructions in the PDF if you are upgrading. You need to fully remove SuperGrid 1.x first and the installation process for 2.0 has changed (i.e. made easier) as well. Also: The new settings are now unified and independent from specific templates. So you cannot install the templates multiple times anymore and use different settings for each template set as you could with SuperGrid 1.x. All instances will use the same settings in SuperGrid 2.x.
Pages SuperGrid support
That’s fine. Looks like it is working, but you don’t have record images (or a manually set fallback image) and your theme deactivated the color differences which normally creates the visual boxes for each entry.
Pages SuperHelp support topic
Okay, I corrected the PDF for the next version. My design app wanted to be clever and use curly quotes and in that typeface the difference wasn’t visible. Replace the ” with " and it should work.
Pages SuperHelp support topic
Then your IMG HTML code is wrong. But you would need to show me the original description or the actual site so I can see what it might be. The examples above use the wrong quotes. ” instead of ". Maybe it’s related to that.
Pages SuperHelp support topic
Just go by the included instruction PDF. It’s all explained in there. Pages is an IPS app and a requirement to use Pages templates like SuperGrid/SuperHelp. If you don’t have it yet, SuperHelp will be worthless.
Pages SuperHelp support topic
You can set the permissions per category if you want. So yes, that’s doable. You can move the categories via drag and drop in the ACP as with any Pages database. That allows you a quick and easy reordering of the FAQ categories. The records themselves are ordered through the Pages database settings. You can add an ordering field to the database if you need better control. The installation PDFs gives some tips about that.
Pages SuperGrid support
Okay, needs a little more strength to override the theme settings: .SG_record_right_with_image { background-color: #FFF !important; }
Pages SuperGrid support
What’s the URL of that site?
Pages SuperGrid support
The default background color is missing or set to transparent in your theme. You can override it in your custom.css so it looks right again: .SG_record_right_with_image { background-color: #FFF; }
Pages SuperHelp support topic
can you post a screenshot of the section you are referring to? If you mean the sub categories which can have records with the step counter list, then no – they will always be left-aligned, because the lists need to be left aligned and a centered headline over that left-aligned list just looks terrible. I actually started putting in that option, but then removed it again after seeing the result. ;-)
Pages SuperHelp support topic
I know, it’s easy to overlook, but the instruction PDF has a page 2. It’s explained there.
Pages SuperGrid support
Again: please open a new topic. The content of your pages and the support for a template set are different things.
Pages SuperGrid support
That isn’t really possible, since it’s just HTML templates. There is no programming code in there that has the ability to delete anything. I would suggest to either open a support ticket with IPS to check out these “blank pages” or to open another forum topic and explain in more detail what you are seeing. The description “blank pages” doesn’t say much about what is going on and what might be the cause.
Pages SuperHelp support topic
Support topic for: Pages SuperHelp is a set of Pages templates for help/FAQ sections, tutorials, online courses and similar content. What’s needed: IPS 4.1 in its most recent version with the Pages application A Pages databases that uses several levels of categories. Benefits of SuperHelp: The Pages stock templates are limited to show only one level at a time: One level of categories; one level of record links in one category; one full record. SuperHelp is based on IPS’ Help Guide Section and can show much more information and make browsing your database much easier. The template set has a beautiful and clean look and is of course fully responsive. It adopts to almost all IPS sites and the included settings plugin lets you edit the template appearance without any HTML knowledge. What is included: A Frontpage category listing template which shows main and sub categories. A Listing template which shows sub categories, records in sub-categories and records in the current category. A Record View template with a sidebar, which shows other records in the same category. A Plugin which lets you change the settings of the templates easily. An installation PDF with detailed instructions and tips to set up your SuperHelp database. Plugin Settings: Show category follow button: Yes/No Show record images in listing view: Yes/No Show record image in record view: Yes/No Number of lines after which the preview text gets cut off Number of records to show in a sub-category list Type of icon to use for help steps: Automatic numbering or user-defined FontAwesome pictogram Text alignment for title/description on frontpage Text alignment for title/description on listing page Text alignment for category title/description on frontpage Expert options: Add category image to your main categories Override the styling (e.g. icon colors) in your theme’s custom.css
Pages SuperGrid support
There is some CSS on your site (from your theme?) which overrides background stylings. Quick fix: Go to the SuperGrid CSS styling for .SG_image_container_sidebar in custom.css and change: background-size: cover; to background-size: cover !important;
Pages SuperGrid support
You can. It was added as default option in SuperGrid 1.1.
Pages SuperGrid support
As described in the PDF:
Integration with Twitter Cards
In the Pages template your database uses for the “record view”. It isn’t. It’s an application of the Twitter code. You can’t just paste the Twitter code. It’s just an example. The fields need to be populated with the dynamic content from the database record. Also, don’t just copy my code above. That’s also just an example. My Pages template include Twitter card support. You don’t need to do anything else than add your Twitter handle to the template.
How to embed iframes
If the iFrames need to be only used by admins, then the mentioned method of turning on HTML in posts and allowing the iFrame base is the way to go. If the regular members also should be able to add iFrames, then in addition to allowing the iFrame base, you can create a new editor button for the specific external service. You can then safely let users paste a URL or a media ID and the button creates the embedding HTML snippet.
Pages SuperGrid support
In the future, please ask first to clarify what the intended functionality is and how one can set it up. What you describe here isn’t true and it is not helpful to make false statements in the support topic and cause unnecessary confusion among existing and future customers. There is no sub-category view. There is a front page view and a listing view. Both have their own settings. So if you visit a (sub-) category, you can of course have clickable thumbnail (resolution) images there, if both are options are turned on for the listing view and you make sure that you are using the latest templates. The other two points are a matter of opinion. You are free to have yours, but that doesn’t mean there is a lack of “refinement for a paid script” on my part.
Pages SuperGrid support
Please be more specific. What does “doesn’t work” mean exactly?
Pages SuperGrid support
I uploaded version 1.1.