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Everything posted by opentype

  1. Those are different things. The API key needs to be set in the ACP for the plugin, so it can call via the API. The channel ID is being set in the widget to specify which channel data to pull. That being said, I still can’t get it to work either. Google reports “client error (4xx)” in the developer console.
  2. I’m pretty sure that is correct. I get the same result when posting YOUR iframe code on my site. Pasting the FB video URL you used directly embeds fine with my host.
  3. Maybe detailed instructions for each service would help. I only got Twitter to work. No luck with Facebook or YouTube. And since there is no error reporting for the API calls I have no clue what to do differently.
  4. {{\IPS\Output::i()->metaTags['keywords'] = implode(',',$record->tags());}}
  5. opentype replied to opentype's post in a topic in Marketplace
    No. That’s part of your theme. I have no control over that through Pages templates.
  6. Are you sure you have set it to “numbering” in the settings plugin?
  7. opentype replied to opentype's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Does it happen in the default theme as well? Do you load JavaScript in the head or the body? To further help you I would need access to your site. I can’t debug that from just looking at a screenshot.
  8. opentype replied to #ESY's post in a topic in Feedback
    What do you mean by “find” the topic? Through the search function? Access in the browser URL bar? Or from within a script? …? Regarding the address bar, you can just access the topic through /00000-something Which means: the ID followed by a hyphen and something else. Example to access this topic: https://invisionpower.com/forums/topic/436181-doesn’t-matter https://invisionpower.com/forums/topic/436181-x https://invisionpower.com/forums/topic/436181-hello All forwards to the same topic.
  9. opentype replied to opentype's post in a topic in Marketplace
    What happens if you switch your account to the default IPS theme?
  10. opentype replied to opentype's post in a topic in Marketplace
    What does that mean?
  11. That’s the IPS template.
  12. opentype replied to opentype's post in a topic in Marketplace
    It’s styled like this in SuperGrid: .SG_image_container { background-size: cover; } .SG_image_container_sidebar { background-size: cover; } If it’s not consistent on your site, then that’s a problem of your theme. You might override the setting by putting the background size declaration in your custom.css and add a !important.
  13. opentype replied to opentype's post in a topic in Marketplace
    My mistake. But don’t worry about it. If you use a recent download, you will have the recent version.
  14. opentype replied to opentype's post in a topic in Marketplace
    There is no setting for that. No. Sure. You need to deactivate the Listing display for that field in the field’s setting.
  15. opentype replied to opentype's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Not sure I fully understand, but it sounds like further customization of the templates, which is not part of the support. I’m sorry. Feel free to open a separate topic to ask others.
  16. opentype replied to opentype's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Not from just looking at the screenshot. That doesn’t tell me where it comes from.
  17. opentype replied to opentype's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Go to the “Options” tab of the database settings. There is another “Record per Page” setting.
  18. opentype replied to opentype's post in a topic in Marketplace
    I don’t know. Essentially it’s just an improved layout/look for Pages databases. I can’t answer if Pages databases are right for you. Maybe try that out first? Nice looking site by the way!
  19. opentype replied to opentype's post in a topic in Marketplace
    You probably have code in your article, which forces the column to be too wide. You should correct that. (Has nothing to do with my templates though)
  20. opentype replied to opentype's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Blocks on manual pages are now also supported with the 2.1 version.
  21. Yes, that is how it works. A record in the database is a (numbered) “step” and the steps belong to a category.
  22. Sorry, I don’t understand the question. That’s out of scope of my support. Sure.
  23. opentype replied to opentype's post in a topic in Marketplace
    No, it’s not. As stated yesterday, I will have a look at this for the next version. But no promises when that will be out or if it will solved. You just have to wait or use it in default slots I’m afraid.
  24. opentype replied to opentype's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Make sure you are using a page builder page with the default widget slots (1) and then drag your block into one of the horizontal slots (2) (instead of the sidebar). You should automatically get the “listing grid view” identical to the listing view of the database. If those 2 requirements aren’t met, I can’t help you to get it to work.
  25. opentype replied to opentype's post in a topic in Marketplace
    You just need to assign the block template as described in the 2.0 installation instructions.