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Everything posted by opentype

  1. opentype replied to Adriano Faria's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Looks fine. The questions is if and what admin options are available to control this new section. Opinions may vary. All checked by default? All off by default? Certain admin-defined apps on by default? Forced to make selection or not? So many options. ;-)
  2. opentype replied to Adriano Faria's post in a topic in Marketplace
    I see the usefulness of this on my site. People can easily create a club by filling out one form. But if they stop there and don’t instantly look for the link to add apps, they create a club that makes no sense, because you can’t do anything in there. (I am sceptical about adding one of each though, especially since there currently is no delete option for the club owner.) Maybe it should rather work like this: In the club creation form you get checkboxes for each app for your initial setup – so you get a fully working club as soon as it was created. That would streamline the process and avoid confusion among club owners and people joining (potentially empty) clubs. You just check “topics” and a forum is created. Name and description can be changed/added later. And if selecting at least one app is required, the site owner can make sure that all clubs are fully functional instantly.
  3. opentype replied to opentype's post in a topic in Marketplace
    If you send me a link I can inspect the CSS. A screenshot isn’t enough.
  4. opentype replied to opentype's post in a topic in Marketplace
    It should have spacing. And the avatar images should overlay the background image. Guess there are some weird or conflicting things going on in your theme. Try with the default theme for comparison.
  5. It was shown in this picture in january 2016 how to do this already:
  6. opentype replied to opentype's post in a topic in Marketplace
    It’s your theme. It makes the background layer of the text block invisible. If you link the actual page, I can check the CSS styling and probably provide a manual override to fix that.
  7. I asked questions before. For starters, the video URL would help to check if it embeds on other sites. And any thing else that narrows down the problem. Is it for every Vimeo video or just some? Is it for every user on your site or just some? Does it happen on every browser? Can you embed the same video here on the site?
  8. “it doesn’t work” is not a proper error description. How should others narrow down the problem from that?
  9. Which site? Which version? Which video? Testing here …
  10. opentype replied to opentype's post in a topic in Marketplace
    When 4.2 is out.
  11. opentype replied to -FP's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Look at what is going on there. Instead of CSS, there is a whole website calling Github files and whatnot. It breaks my 4.2 site (I tested it on) completely. It’s not just Pages templates.
  12. opentype replied to opentype's post in a topic in Marketplace
    It’s the cookie plugin that is broken.
  13. opentype replied to opentype's post in a topic in Marketplace
    That’s expected. The new 4.2 reputation calls aren’t in there. I will update it close to the release of 4.2 and then replace the 4.1 version with the 4.2 version. I can’t do that now of course, or it would break for customers who are not running the 4.2 beta.
  14. opentype replied to opentype's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Haven’t tested it. But it will certainly be supported close to the official 4.2 release.
  15. Sorry, I don’t understand the question.
  16. opentype replied to opentype's post in a topic in Marketplace
    That’s the field output defined in the field settings of your custom image field. You can just turn it off for the listing mode.
  17. opentype replied to opentype's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Yes. You need to replace the use of “record_image” with your custom “field_XXX”. You are free to do this, but I can’t provide customization help.
  18. Thanks for checking it out. I use that for now. I ran into that with my own blocks as well. It’s best to cover all three states: horizontal/vertical/NULL. In the IPS block templates the approach is usually to check for “vertical” and then have an {{else}} section, which both acts for horizontal and NULL.
  19. I've set up the services (while creating the block in the ACP) and the block works. It just doesn’t work when called through {block="…"}.
  20. Is there a way to use this outside the drag-and-drop areas? I would like to put it in my custom footer and created a Social count block in the ACP. If I add it as custom block to a drag-and-drop area through the sidebar manager it works – but if I call the block in a template or another block like {block="social-count"} it returns nothing.
  21. opentype replied to opentype's post in a topic in Marketplace
    You have set .ipsAreaBackground_light to “transparent” in your CSS. That hides everything. You should remove that styling. If you really don’t want the light grey, which is set by default, set it to white, not transparent.
  22. opentype replied to opentype's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Have a test URL?
  23. opentype replied to opentype's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Yeah, that’s not ideal. Your thumbnail will be super small and your large images can get super large in terms of file size. I prefer something like 600 to 800 as max size for the thumbnail and 1500 to 2000 for the large images. But that depends on what you are doing on your site. If the thumbnails are too small or the large ones too big, there is a setting to choose which ones to use for the grid view. Of course if both have problems, I can’t help you. If you change the image settings for the database you would have to upload the image again. The images are centered and scaled up or down to fill the container in both direction. So you want the aspect ratio of your uploads close to the aspect ratio you set for SuperGrid. So try to set it that way and try to keep all uploads similar. The more you deviate from the default aspect ratio you set, the more will be cut off from the image.
  24. Got it working now somehow. Another question: How is the Feedly function supposed to be used? If I add a feedly URL https://feedly.com/i/subscription/feed/https… it doesn’t work. If I add my IPS RSS feed directly, it works and reports the Feedly followers, but it doesn’t link to Feedly but to the RSS feed directly, so I can’t gain any Feedly followers this way. Is that intentional?