Everything posted by opentype
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I think that needs an additional condition to only show for members, doesn’t it?
Please stop removing features
But you’re not doing that. You are just saying, you didn’t notice any problems with it, so you declare that there is no problem to begin with. That’s not how that works. It very much depends on the age and type of community. On my bigger and older communities, I get hundreds of bounced emails every time I send out a newsletter, even though I clean up bounces instantly. So, it’s just a fact that I have thousands, if not tens of thousands of users per community with discarded email addresses – with hundreds more each month. You stating that people don’t use inactive addresses during registration doesn’t change that many people go through many email addresses quickly, especially to sign up on websites. In some areas of the world, this seems to be common practice. And by the way: Pointing to all the improvements in 5.x is irrelevant. If there are 100 improvements and one problem, we can still talk about that one problem and possible solutions to it. Suggesting we shouldn’t because there are also good things is a logical fallacy.
Pages with database - after upgrade to 5.0 issues...
How does the manual HTML look like? Something complex or just these old manual database calls? You could delete the page and create a Page Builder page instead, but I think that shouldn’t be necessary. I would think that IPS should be able to detect and deal with this scenario to convert it automatically.
Pages with database - after upgrade to 5.0 issues...
First step: check the assigned templates in the database settings for each database and switch the 4.x templates to one of the new 5.x templates.
Backblaze links 404
Strange special characters when testing a copy of the forum on a new server
It means the FontAwesome webfont can’t be found. Check its URL, caching and everything related to that.
Can't use Extra fields on Downloads app
Call to undefined method pruneIpAddresses
I think I saw bug reports about this before, but I still see the error in the latest betas.
Custom PHP block support in V5
For small stuff, you can also add PHP as template tag within your HTML blocks. <?php $test=5; ?> would just be {{ test=5; }} as part of a template or HTML block. https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/themes-and-customizations/template-syntax/using-arbitrary-php-in-templates-r142/
VAt checker doesn't check UK VAT numbers?
And you are misrepresenting what I am saying as usual and instantly going into personal attacks in a topic about taxations. And as usual: all I am pointing out are FACTS, like the fact that the settings LITERALLY explain that the VAT check in Invision community is an EU-only system. I even posted the screenshot to prove what I say is true. Everyone reading this topic, can confirm it for themselves, seeing that I am right about this and you attack me once again for no reason. For some reason, you only accept answers you want to hear, even if you are wrong and you could STOP being wrong by only considering what was said. Yet, you never do. Again, a blatant misrepresentation. Nothing I said had ANYTHING to with speaking “from my own case“. You are again being dishonest, inventing a reason to discredit what I said out of thin air. And everyone can see it. I don’t understand why you keep going down this route, as if you would somehow “win“ discussions about tax functions by attacking someone’s character 10 times in a row. To be clear: You literally asked “Maybe the system only works for EU VAT customers?“ and I took the time to confirm exactly that with evidence. You could have just said “thanks for taking the time to confirm it. Maybe it can be extended further then?“ and we could have discussed that calmly, but your first sentence is once again a personal attack accusing me of trolling for daring to answer your own question. Trolling is posting to deliberately provoke. Making a statement about taxation (me) cannot be trolling. Doesn’t even matter if the specific statement is right, wrong, or a matter of opinion. Constantly attacking, questioning and degrading someone’s character (you) falls exactly under trolling.
VAt checker doesn't check UK VAT numbers?
This system was always meant for taxation among EU business AND across EU borders. It was never meant for non-EU countries (like the UK is now) and not for checks WITHIN one country. Those special taxation laws don’t apply to sales within a country, and therefore there is no need to check the VAT ID. The settings also make it clear that this is EU only. The other option would be to separate B2B and B2C, but without any checks.
Vimeo embed looses Fullscreen option after posting
Pasting a Vimeo URL: After Posting: Fullscreen button is missing. Doesn’t happen on 4.x.
Vimeo embed link not showing full screen option after saving topic.
Is this 4.x or 5.x? I can replicate it in 5.x. I opened a bug report.
Vimeo embed link not showing full screen option after saving topic.
Those embeds are just iframes loaded from the video provider. The controls are defined by the video provider and in the case of Vimeo, the settings can be adjusted for each video by the person who uploaded the video.
Improving Blog Visibility
The approach of announcing content from other apps in the forum is a feature available for Pages. And it’s a huge mess. We probably shouldn’t extend that functionality. (I would actually suggest to remove it, as people turn it on in good faith and then have issues with it for years to come.) Global content discovery was solved in the 4.x product line with the Discovery feeds. Here, everything appears, no matter what app it was posted in. So, the better solution is to make the feed page a prominent entry point for the members. Blog posts, new galleries, new topics, new replies, it all appears nicely in one feed.
Vimeo embed link not showing full screen option after saving topic.
That’s controlled in the player settings for the specific video on vimeo.com.
Emails Not Sending
You would get the necessary DNS records from Hostgator, but then IPS would need to set them up manually for you, since they are handling the DNS information for your domain. These record look like this by the way.
Fix for Unread/Mark Read
It’s a dynamic link. Can’t be put in the menu or a theme template since the customizations of those are gone. Could only be changed with an app. Best solution would be that IPS reconsiders hiding it in a menu.
Is "Allowed CSS classes" Available on IPS5?
A non-dev solution to maintain this more easily would be really good. Because it was so simple to add buttons and custom classes in 4.x, many IPS admins will have used this, but just a fraction of them will be devs who can move this stuff to an app.
Welcome to Invision Community 5
It’s not. It’s a normal reading size (or slightly below) and a pretty good compromise. And the larger size is limited to the main text, which is also a good way to do it. I could still quibble about the line length, but I save it. ;-)
Feedback: 5.x footer on iPhone (PWA)
It’s the PWA.
Feedback: 5.x footer on iPhone (PWA)
The footer menu collides with an iPhone touch point: Would be good to give it a little more space. Example from my own page with custom CSS:
Welcome to Invision Community 5
By the way: can we maybe increase the font size a bit? I think it got even smaller compared to the 4.x default, which I also find too small. I’m in the reading glasses age now.
Raising membership prices; product vs subscription
Subscriptions are useful if you have various subscription tiers and members should be able to upgrade and downgrade between them. Product subscriptions are independent of each other and actually have MORE settings. You can also convert product subscriptions to subscriptions (if you use typical settings) without changing anything at all about the existing subscriptions. The two systems also are presented in different ways. Product subscriptions appear as regular products in a category within the store. Subscriptions have their own page. Just some stuff to consider.
Raising membership prices; product vs subscription
When you change the price, it asks you whether the new price should apply to all or just new purchases. So you can easily change the price for new purchases and keep the existing subscriptions as they are. I’ve done that multiple times.