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    NAWAC reacted to teraßyte in Maria DB for IC 5   
    I had a client encounter slowness issues using MariaDB 10.3. Updating to 10.11 solved the problem. I am using version 10.11.5 locally without issues, but I know of others using version 11.x without problems. too.

    I don't recommend using anything lower than 10.11 though.
  2. Thanks
    NAWAC reacted to Jim M in Moderator CP > IP Tools > IP Address > Posts   
    Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  3. Agree
    NAWAC got a reaction from SeNioR- in Moderator CP > IP Tools > IP Address > Posts   
    I'm a moderator on our site. In the Moderator CP > IP Tools > IP Address > Posts, I notice that when I go to that tool/utility, I can see the title of the posts that members post, even if I don't have access to that sub-forum, which to me, this should not be possible. If you don't have access to a sub-form, you should also not be able to see the topic titles within the Moderator CP > IP Tools > IP Address > Posts utility. The same applies to the Moderator CP > IP Tools > IP Address > Polls, etc. There should be no title at all, similar to what is in the Moderator CP > IP Tools > IP Address > Private Messages list, on that Private Messages list, you cannot see the title of the Private Messages in that list. In my opinion, the same should apply to the IP Address tools; if you don't have access to those posts, topics, polls, etc, you should not be able to see the title of those topics, posts, polls, etc, for privacy/security. Because some titles of posts/topics give away the subject matter, which can be a breach of privacy in some instances.
  4. Like
    I just performed the upgrade with PHP 8.1 and everything worked fine with no errors. It must have been the PHP 8.3. The Extractor->extract(0) utility must not be the same in PHP 8.3 than in 8.1.  
    Thanks for the help, everyone.
  5. Like
    I was running php 8 3 also. I will downgrade to 8.1 and retry the upgrade again to the forum.
  6. Thanks
    In a nutshell...  you want to upload the files to the same spot where you first installed the IPB software into.  We can't tell you EXACTLY where your files are uploaded on your website as it depends on your hosting provider and how they setup their server.  
    Here's a little more detail on the process to do a manual upgrade:
    - Download the latest version of the IPB software from the client area.  (If you had a legacy migration from another platform, you might need to also check the box to download the converters as well.)
    - Extract that ZIP file that is downloaded.  Inside of it will be all of the files related to IPB.
    - Launch an FTP application of your choice and connect to your server.  
    - Find where your IPB files are installed on the server.  (If you're using a server with cPanel, this is typically inside of the "public_html" folder.)
    - Upload all of the extracted files up to your server.  It will prompt you some of the files already exist and what do you want to do.  You will select to OVERWRITE the existing file.  
    This process will take a little bit to do.  Once complete, you will visit yoursite.com/admin/upgrade to kick off the upgrader.  It will ask you to login with your ACP credentials and then walk you through the rest of the steps.  
  7. Like
    NAWAC reacted to kmk in Transparent process. Topic or post author   
    Not everyone can or want to invest so much time to post a topic, and creating good topic content...in some case we can help members to post some topics, or just we know how to prepare a topic well written, so we did it but we want to transfer that topic ownership to related member, there already done plugin of Change Topic Author, but we need better mechanism to achieve this little technique action, that is why I request a CORE FEATURE, Transfer Post Ownership. 
    That concept is, to achieve the change of a post author (topic or reply) current owner click on a moderation menu Change Author, that action will let current author select a member and send that request, that related member will receive popup notification where he can approve that change. After that the topic or reply just change all others related aspects, the new follower, the subscribe notification etc. 
    This transfer ownership mechanism bring us transparency of the content author issue, avoiding members accused of "this is posted by you, not me, because you can handle and just change author of a post without consent of people". 
  8. Like
    NAWAC got a reaction from Donnie95 in Using {tags} (aka variables) in Announcements   
    I don't know if this is a feature or not, but it would be nice. I noticed that the Bulk Email feature for Admins allows you to customize the email with special {tags} (or system variables like {member_name}) to personalize the message to the recipient. It would be nice to have these {tags} available to moderators for Announcements also. This would help grab the member's attention a little more and customize the Announcement experience.
  9. Like
    NAWAC got a reaction from SeNioR- in Polls not working correctly (random)   
    I just confirmed and this is indeed the case. I reconfigured the string, using phpMyAdmin, in the core_polls table to the following for this poll:
    {"1":{"question":"Choose ","multi":0,"choice":{"1":"Yes","2":"No"},"votes":{"1":0,"2":1}}}
    And it worked successfully and tallied the votes correctly.
    However, when the core_polls table field is set to this...
    {"1":{"question":"Please place your vote.","multi":0,"choice":["Yes","No"],"votes":[0,1]}}
    it does not work!
    So, @Stuart Silvester's example, no longer works as of about February 2023. 
    When creating a poll via API, you cannot put this below (note the 'answers' array keys)...
    /* poll variables below */ ,'poll_title' => 'Cast your vote' // poll_options: Array of objects with keys 'title' (string), 'answers' (array of objects with key 'value' set to the choice) and 'multichoice' (bool) ,'poll_options[1][title]' => urlencode('Make your choice, either Yes or No:') ,'poll_options[1][answers][0][value]' => 'Yes' ,'poll_options[1][answers][1][value]' => 'No' ,'poll_options[1][multichoice]' => '0' ,'poll_public' => '0' // bool Make the poll public ,'poll_only' => '0' // bool Make this a poll-only topic You must put this below (again, note the 'answers' array keys)...
    /* poll variables below */ ,'poll_title' => 'Cast your vote' // poll_options: Array of objects with keys 'title' (string), 'answers' (array of objects with key 'value' set to the choice) and 'multichoice' (bool) ,'poll_options[1][title]' => urlencode('Make your choice, either Yes or No:') ,'poll_options[1][answers][1][value]' => 'Yes' ,'poll_options[1][answers][2][value]' => 'No' ,'poll_options[1][multichoice]' => '0' ,'poll_public' => '0' // bool Make the poll public ,'poll_only' => '0' // bool Make this a poll-only topic This appears to be a bug with the code as it worked before, and now it doesn't unless it is configured as I've shown. You cannot have the array key starting with poll_options[1][answers][0][value] because the '0' is submitted to the system and it doesn't know how to handle or count the the '0' as a legitimate value or response when someone votes.
  10. Thanks
    Just a quick update to let you know that was added in the recent 4.7.8 release of our platform. Please upgrade your site to resolve this issue. 
  11. Thanks
    NAWAC reacted to Marc in Popular Now Block not working for me   
    If you go to this section in the admin CP
    Community -> Forums -> Settings
    You will see under the 'Topic Settings' Section you have 'Popular now'. Only topics that match the criteria you set there will show up within the block. So for example, I have mine set to 3 posts within 30 minutes. So only topics which have had 3 posts within the last 30 minutes would show up in my block
  12. Thanks
    NAWAC got a reaction from Marc in Android posting issue   
    Turn off Enhanced accuracy setting by going to: Samsung Keboard>More Typing Options>Enhanced accuracy (labs)
    It worked for me.
  13. Thanks
    Yes, I think we should be able to do that. It feels like more of an oversight than a feature.
  14. Thanks
    NAWAC reacted to Randy Calvert in Home > Activity visible to Guests ??   
    ACP > System > Applications
    Expand the System section.

    Click the lock icon for the feature you want to disable access to...  in this case...  Status Update and Content Discovery.    You can remove guest permissions from there.  
  15. Like
    NAWAC got a reaction from Mark H in Forum WYSIWYG Editor, problem modifying links   
    This one resolved the issue. Since I'm on a shared hosting environment, Hostgator had to do it for me, but they did disable the specific mod_security rule causing the problem and now it's resolved.
    Thanks for the help!
  16. Thanks
    NAWAC reacted to Mark H in Forum WYSIWYG Editor, problem modifying links   
    That error means that mod_security is not disabled. Please engage your server provider to assist in either getting it disabled entirely (preferred), or determining which rules of mod_sec are being triggered, and whitelist those specific rules. 
  17. Thanks
    NAWAC got a reaction from Daniel F in API creating polls in topics   
    It worked!  Thank you. 
  18. Thanks
    NAWAC reacted to Stuart Silvester in API creating polls in topics   
    You would need to send the options formatted for HTTP POST, you can't just pass an array through like that.
    Something like this would work.
    /* poll variables below */ ,'poll_title' => 'Cast your vote' // poll_options: Array of objects with keys 'title' (string), 'answers' (array of objects with key 'value' set to the choice) and 'multichoice' (bool) ,'poll_options[1][title]' => urlencode('Make your choice, either Yes or No:') ,'poll_options[1][answers][0][value]' => 'Yes' ,'poll_options[1][answers][1][value]' => 'No' ,'poll_options[1][multichoice]' => '0' ,'poll_public' => '0' // bool Make the poll public ,'poll_only' => '0' // bool Make this a poll-only topic  
    You also don't need to urlencode everything like that, cURL sends data as application/x-www-form-urlencoded by default.
  19. Like
    NAWAC got a reaction from Goza in Using {tags} (aka variables) in Announcements   
    I don't know if this is a feature or not, but it would be nice. I noticed that the Bulk Email feature for Admins allows you to customize the email with special {tags} (or system variables like {member_name}) to personalize the message to the recipient. It would be nice to have these {tags} available to moderators for Announcements also. This would help grab the member's attention a little more and customize the Announcement experience.
  20. Thanks
    NAWAC reacted to Adriano Faria in List of which users have viewed a post   
  21. Thanks
    NAWAC reacted to Miss_B in List of which users have viewed a post   
    Have a look at my app. It looks like it could be what you are asking for.
  22. Thanks
    NAWAC reacted to Davyc in Dangerous PHP functions   
    If you are on a shared server then the php.ini file may not be recursive - which means that you will need to add that php.ini file to every folder to ensure those commands are executed at every level.  Some hosts have recursive php.ini files, but many don't.  Add the php.ini file into your admin folder and see if the error goes away, if it does then your php.ini file is NOT recursive.  Don't assume that because the error has gone away by adding the php.ini file in the admin folder that it has worked, it has just worked in the admin folder, so it won't be effective everywhere.  I had this same issue on the shared hosting server I use and I had to add the php.ini file to every folder (I used a command script to do this for me lol).
  23. Thanks
    How about this?