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  1. Like
    -FP got a reaction from NoGi in Promote Posts to Articles   
    Another setting is needed to also choose what to do depending on if you promote the first post of the topic, or any other in the topic.
    If you promote the first post, then what NoGi said works just fine, I don't see why it would need to be different.
  2. Like
    -FP reacted to NoGi in Promote Posts to Articles   
    I like the way it works now by showing topic replies as comments in the article. I just didn't want a new topic created on promotion which ends up causing duplicate topics.
  3. Like
    -FP got a reaction from NoGi in Promote Posts to Articles   
    Can't the plugin just have an ACP setting to choose what to do?
    1. Use the existing topic as the topic for the promoted article comments instead of creating a new topic when saving the new article.
    2. Whatever other option. I believe is not use the existing comments at all.
  4. Like
    -FP reacted to NoGi in Promote Posts to Articles   
    I thought the suggestion to offer the user the option to either create a new topic or use the existing topic was the best solution.
  5. Like
    -FP got a reaction from PrettyPixels in Live Topics (Support)   
    I sent a private message to Mike about this, but I thought I should leave this here for others to discuss.
    I suggested that instead of having this as a global option for all the forums, it would be nice of we could enable the option on a per topic basis, so we can control which topics use this feature.
    He's planning to add that on a per forum basis, and then per topic.
  6. Like
    -FP reacted to Joey_M in Cookie Notice   
    *Facepalm.... I've posted in the wrong support topic. LOL

    It's been a long day... Sorry!
  7. Like
    -FP reacted to ipbfuck in Cookie Notice   
    i've customized xml with this:
    /* !Hook Data - DO NOT REMOVE */ public static function hookData() { return array_merge_recursive( array ( 'globalTemplate' => array ( 0 => array ( 'selector' => 'html > head', 'type' => 'add_inside_end', 'content' => ' {{if \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id === NULL}} {{if settings.cookieNotice_js == 1}} <script src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/cookieconsent2/1.0.9/cookieconsent.min.js"></script> {{else}} <script src="{resource=\'plugins/cookieNotice.js\' app=\'core\' location=\'global\'}"></script> {{endif}} <script> .... </script> {{endif}}', ), ), ), parent::hookData() ); } /* End Hook Data */  
    now is only for guest
  8. Like
    -FP reacted to ipbfuck in Cookie Notice   
    i've make review (5star), but i cannot see atm...
    anyway: installed, translated in ita (inserted translation in review), all work fine but just a small request:

    ... and continue!
    so, very long javascript in source, also for admin/user (cookie already accepted - or, anyway, not necessary).
    then, in my opinion, is best to put this javascript in js file and, maybe, a simple flag "by usergroup" (anyone can enable just for guest and remove unuseful code for logged member)
    thanks in advance if reply,
  9. Like
    -FP reacted to sound in Promote Posts to Articles   
    any word on the next release?
    as still cumbersome to use. I need to delete duplicate posts and carry out manual editing of the database entries to tie up the existing topic with the artcile
  10. Like
    -FP got a reaction from ResPecT My Authoritah in Live Topics (Support)   
    I sent a private message to Mike about this, but I thought I should leave this here for others to discuss.
    I suggested that instead of having this as a global option for all the forums, it would be nice of we could enable the option on a per topic basis, so we can control which topics use this feature.
    He's planning to add that on a per forum basis, and then per topic.
  11. Like
    -FP got a reaction from theblackelk in Live Topics (Support)   
    I sent a private message to Mike about this, but I thought I should leave this here for others to discuss.
    I suggested that instead of having this as a global option for all the forums, it would be nice of we could enable the option on a per topic basis, so we can control which topics use this feature.
    He's planning to add that on a per forum basis, and then per topic.
  12. Like
    -FP got a reaction from Hegnauer.io in Wiki-like-editing is useless at this moment   
    Yeah I guess this is kinda needed.
  13. Like
    -FP got a reaction from Adriano Faria in Promote Posts to Articles   
    Yep I understand, but let me see if I can explain myself.
    I only want to use the existing topic if "use forums for comments" is enabled AND if the promoted post is the first on the topic. (I don't see how anyone would want this to be any different, if it's not like that they would just make copies of the same content)
    In any other cases it's fine if it creates a new topic.
  14. Like
    -FP reacted to Adriano Faria in Promote Posts to Articles   
    What's New in Version 1.1.1:
    Fix erorrs when adding/editing articles directly via Pages  
    3 opinions out of 21! Anyone else? I'm willing to update it soon.
  15. Like
    -FP reacted to Adriano Faria in Promote Posts to Articles   
    Yes, I override that information.
    The thing is:
    1 - when promoting the first post, I will use the promoted topic as article topic. A new topic will not be created.
    2 - if not the first post, I will add the link to the article in this post and will create the new topic to be used as comment.
  16. Like
    -FP got a reaction from Adriano Faria in Promote Posts to Articles   
    I just purchased the plugin and had a talk with Adriano about a feature, posting it here for more opinions.
    Lets say that you promote the first post of a topic to a category of articles that use the forum to store the comments. In this case, I would want the new article to be tied to the topic it was promoted from, to avoid having duplicated content on the forums, but right now when you submit the article, it creates a new topic, instead of using the existing one.
    Now the issue with linking the article to the existing topic: If you promote another post in the topic, one that's not the first one to create new content from it, well, it would be an issue because the conversation would remain in the same topic rather than being a new one.
    So I thought that maybe Adriano can hardcode it to tie the article to the existing topic if the promoted post is the first in the topic. If it's not the first post in the topic, then just make a new topic straight away.
    All this is in the case that you "use forums for comments" in your articles database.
  17. Like
    -FP reacted to PC-fre@k in Cookie Notice   
    My bad... Designer Mode was on... Thanks a lot -FP for your troubleshooting !!
  18. Like
    -FP reacted to newbie LAC in (NB40) Topic Description   
    Added 2 settings

  19. Like
    -FP got a reaction from Meddysong in Cookie Notice   
    Well I'll look into it, it may be possible to do something comparing the date of the current cookie set to hide the message, and the date of the last time the message was modified, supplied by another setting field for instance, I would also have to mess with the JS file provided by silktide... well, we'll see.
  20. Like
    -FP got a reaction from Meddysong in Cookie Notice   
    Ok, updated the plugin, now you can translate the message, I tested it and I think it's doing what you've requested, anyway let me know what you think... translations are still lost when you upload a new version, sorry.
  21. Like
    -FP got a reaction from Babounet in Cookie Notice   
    Thanks @Micka, fixed.

  22. Like
    -FP got a reaction from Sander Vancanneyt in Cookie Notice   
    Alright, I'll work on it to also add the message as a language string.
    The issue with the translations being lost when upgrading to a new version has also happened to me using other mods, still trying to figure out how to work around that.
  23. Like
    -FP got a reaction from Meddysong in Cookie Notice   
    Alright, I'll work on it to also add the message as a language string.
    The issue with the translations being lost when upgrading to a new version has also happened to me using other mods, still trying to figure out how to work around that.
  24. Like
    -FP reacted to Meddysong in Cookie Notice   
    Yep, that's the problem on my site too. It's not translating that's the problem but the fact that my site is bilingual and it's only possible to have message text in one language. Users using language 2 should ideally see a message in language 2 too, especially for something like this where you're asking them to consent to something.
  25. Like
    -FP reacted to Sander Vancanneyt in Cookie Notice   
    Yes, but the main message text is only available in one language, it isn't available in the translation manager. Which should be a more convenient place for it.
    And also, after upgrading to the latest version, the translated text in the translation manager is deleted by the upgrade proces, making it an extra work to re-translate the strings to the previous state. 
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