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    sobrenome reacted to Julia Osipova in SEO: Improving crawling efficiency   
    A question about canonical tags.
    I have set up the '/community/store/' section as the main community section ( '/community/'  (default page in ACP)).
    After that, I received a notification from the Yandex search server that the '/community/store/' pages were excluded from the search on Yandex because it is a duplicates for '/community/' and the canonical link for these duplicates are not specified.
    As a result, all my links in '/community/store' disappeared from the search and this led to very tangible losses for me.
    Please tell me in which section of the admin panel I can configure the canonical view for the default community link, i.e. where I can configure the addition of such a tag to the <head> tag of the '/community/' page:
    <link rel="canonical"  href="http://www.example.com/community/store"/>
    For more information, see the instructions of the Yandex search engine:
  2. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Kirill Gromov in SEO: Improving crawling efficiency   
    You can use Live Meta Tag Editor or write it directly in the globalTemplate.
  3. Like
    sobrenome reacted to opentype in SEO: Improving crawling efficiency   
    I would say this is “working as intended”. By changing the default app, you moved the app URLs to the installation’s root folder. So Yandex treating it as duplicate is actually the expected result. 
    It makes little sense trying to divert the traffic back to the /store/ directory. If you want that, then why change the default app to begin with?
    Changing the URL structure of the site can disrupt traffic from search engines. It’s unfortunate, but unavoidable. I wouldn’t touch the default app for established sites unless I absolutely have to. 
  4. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Julia Osipova in SEO: Improving crawling efficiency   
    I need to add it only for root  '/community/', not for all pages, and globalTempalte is bad idiea.
    Meta tag editor  can add only meta tags, isn't it? 
    Can I add <link> tag via Meta tag editor ?
  5. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Julia Osipova in SEO: Improving crawling efficiency   
    Well, I want '/communtiy/store' as default target for all users who types '/community' in browser address string.
    Not '/community/forum', and not '/community/gallery' or '/community/blog'.
    It's ok. But why I can't set "canonical" for default root page in IPS? 
    It's very,very,very painfully.....
  6. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Randy Calvert in SEO: Improving crawling efficiency   
    Yes.  Turn it on if you are not wanting to deal with it manually.  🙂
  7. Like
    sobrenome reacted to bradybarrows in SEO: Improving crawling efficiency   
    In the above screenshot, should the first setting, 'Use Recommended Settings?' be on or off. Mine is set off. Should I turn it on? I have no idea how to create a sitemap so I hope IC does this for us. 
  8. Like
    sobrenome reacted to SeNioR- in SEO: Improving crawling efficiency   
    @Matt, if we've blocked all profiles in robots.txt, isn't it better to add a robots meta tag, e.g. noindex, follow? Because Google wastes time indexing these profiles anyway, but does not display information about them.

  9. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Chris Anderson in Your members don't want you to grow (and what to do about it)   
    Although there are lots of settings and features built into the suite to programmatically encourage "connectivity", it takes a great deal of finesse to keep both the early adopters and those that join later "truly" connected.
    If a site admin "wings it", then...

    It will likely lead to a "very" bumpy ride for one-and-all.
    It takes thought and experimentation to hit upon how to create an overall environment that encourages members to connect with each other at the various stages of a site's development and long-term existence.
    Eliciting feedback from early adopters is important but there is no guarantee that the first cohort's personality and interests will mirror that of future members. As such, it's wise not to build-out a site utilizing their input exclusively.   One should continuously elicit input from folks that have been around for varying periods of time. When you get a handle of the needs of your overall membership new and old you will have a better sense of how to guide the community towards ever more connectivity around areas that matter to the group as a whole.
    As people's interests change (and you factor in short-lived trends) a site needs to constantly figure out how to address those changing interests and possibly differences in how members engage with each other. This is especially important if a site caters to a demographic that encompasses multiple generations and geographic regions.
    Adopting a top-down approach to community engagement is unlikely to work much past a site's launch. A site admin should refrain from thinking this is "my site" and instead of think of it as "our site". What should "we" do to make this site far more engaging for all of us in comparison with our competitors?  Does "our" content "engage" and "inform", and does it feel like a place to hang out and make "real" connections with others.
    Instead of admins setting the tone for a site by ensuring members adhere to a complex set of community standards one might consider changing their roles to be facilitators. They could be utilized to facilitate great dialog and introduce various members to each other they think might benefit from getting to know each other and elicit great conversations.
    Getting to know other members in meaningful ways may require revealing a little more about oneself than just one's screen name. Profiles with just the right kind of fields filled out can go a long way towards helping ferret out fellow members with similar interests. This is a feature that often isn't utilized to its fullest extent as the value proposition isn't properly communicated to one-and-all from my observations of this site as well as others.
    I've had 12,719 profile views here but as very few other people have filled out their profiles, I've followed suite and left mine almost blank.  People appear to want to know more about other fellow members here, but IPS has chosen not to promote the use of profiles.
    Being in regular contact with your entire community (not just your early adopters and power users) is important. This will better allow you to find common ground amongst your entire membership. You might have to make a special effort to draw some folks out but it's worth it in the long term.  Many new members are a bit shy at first but in time may become quite active when they reach a certain comfort level. Who knows, some of these folks might be some of your best contributors in the years to come.
    Society seems to instill a strong sense of independence in the populace.  Although that has many positives there are negative aspects as well.  One being that we are often reticent of asking for help from others.
    Collectively we can accomplish so much more than what we can do individually, so don't be afraid to ask for assistance from your membership to help create a "community". You might be surprised by how many folks will offer to lend a hand if it is being used in a truly useful fashion and a task can be completed in a short span of time.
    @Matt made some great points above, I would recommend folks check out more of his blog postings along with Joel R and Jordan Miller.
  10. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Matt in Your members don't want you to grow (and what to do about it)   
    I love it when the comments are better than the blog itself. 
    Outstanding contribution! Thanks Chris. 
  11. Agree
    sobrenome reacted to shiobi in SEO: Improving crawling efficiency   
    Hello @Matt. On our community we customized URLs to Spanish equivalents, so for example, /profile/ became /perfil/, /login/ -> /iniciarsesion/. But robots.txt keeps using original Friendly URLs.
    Is there a possibility that in the future, urls in robots.txt are generated dynamically based on customized FURLs?
  12. Like
    sobrenome reacted to marklcfc in SEO: Improving crawling efficiency   
    That's where I'm looking, I have it as this but no robots.txt file when I look in ftp.

  13. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Darek_Hugo in SEO: Improving crawling efficiency   
    After you press Save, you will see the option to download the robots.txt file and after downloading, you can upload it to ftp
  14. Like
    sobrenome reacted to David.. in SEO: Improving crawling efficiency   
    It's dynamically generated. There's no physical file.
  15. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Matt in SEO: Improving crawling efficiency   
    If your community is in the root (test.com/) then it doesn't prompt for a download and it's not a physical file, it's served on request.

    If your community is in a directory (test.com/forums) then you are prompted to download so that it can be uploaded to the site root, and it will be a physical file.
  16. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Matt in SEO: Improving crawling efficiency   
    If you go to your ACP > Site Promotion > Search Engine Optimisation you should see a tab called "Crawl Management" you can create the robots.txt file there.
  17. Like
    sobrenome reacted to marklcfc in SEO: Improving crawling efficiency   
    Recently upgraded to 4.6.8 but have no robots.txt file, shouldn't one be generated?
  18. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Max in SEO: Improving crawling efficiency   
    Thank you for doing this, it is going to have a very big impact. Great news!
  19. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Matt in SEO: Improving crawling efficiency   
    The best place for support is https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/forum/497-help-support/, thanks!
  20. Like
    sobrenome reacted to iSeeD in SEO: Improving crawling efficiency   
    I have problem with Crawl tabs in admin area
    Error: Call to undefined method IPS\core\modules\admin\promotion\seo::_manageRobotstxt() (0)
    #0 /var/www/../data/www/../forum/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(101): IPS\core\modules\admin\promotion\_seo->manage()
    #1 /var/www/../data/www/../forum/applications/core/modules/admin/promotion/seo.php(53): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
    #2 /var/www/../data/www/../forum/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\core\modules\admin\promotion\_seo->execute()
    #3 /var/www/../data/www/../forum/admin/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
    #4 {main}
  21. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Cannabis Connect in SEO: Improving crawling efficiency   
    Major milestone. Thanks IPS!
  22. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Matt in SEO: Improving crawling efficiency   
    Hopefully this is because the crawl efficiency improvements allowing Google to focus on the new content and not be distracted by changes to profiles, etc.
  23. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Matt in SEO: Improving crawling efficiency   
    Unsure without investigating. It could be the way the tool was configured, the exact contents of the robots.txt, permissions on the clubs and so on.
  24. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Claudia999 in SEO: Improving crawling efficiency   
    Clubs are public. I don't find permissions in user group permissions (and not in forums). In sitemap rules aren't rules for clubs.
    Or is anything wrong with my ACP setup?
  25. Like
    sobrenome reacted to SeNioR- in SEO: Improving crawling efficiency   
    After updating to 4.6.8, after 2 days, I noticed that my topics are indexed much faster than before. Previously, the topic was indexed for up to a week, and now it is already in the index after a few hours.
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