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Andy Millne

Invision Community Team
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Posts posted by Andy Millne

  1. 2 hours ago, Claudia999 said:

    Do you have an idea why the counting could be gone away?

    Views are handled by Invision Community centrally not by the competitions task. I can't think off the top of my head why it would suddenly stop counting. Have you made any other changes recently such as installing 3rd party apps or plugins? If so try disabling those temporarily. If that doesn't work feel free to message me with access info and I'll take a look.

  2. 38 minutes ago, Chris Anderson said:

    @Andy Millne I do not see any tasks created that relate to this app.  Did you add additional functionality to an existing task?  If so which one? 

    I'm trying to gauge the impact this app might have on a server.  If you have a site with tens of thousands of members all reacting positively to each other how will that impact a site's CPU, memory, and database size?

    If a particular member gets a bunch of new likes from other members today how long will it take before they show up in "Similar Interests"?

    The similar interests uses the indexed core_reputation_index table, it doesn't use a task. I've tested this on some very large data sets and don't see any big performance hits that require it to be pushed off to a task. It means the data is real time too.

  3. You will need to enter the Maxmind User ID in the maxmind settings. You will see a notification in the admin control panel to set this up after the upgrade.

    For PayPal you will need to update settings with client id and secret and there may also be some additional account verification steps on the PayPal side for payout permission if you are using that functionality.

    There are no settings changes for Stripe.

  4. 15 hours ago, Randy Calvert said:

    @Andy Millne one thing to consider later...  Let us control the UI a little bit more similar to how the next release offers some customization in Gallery.

    I'm really excited by what this has the potential to be as it develops further!  Ya'll have done some great work with figuring out some complex stuff on the backend to pull all of these complex things together!  

    Thanks, it's some of my best work 😂 

    Not really though, I'm happy to take the credit but this one was @Matt Finger and  @Matt

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