Posts posted by Nathan Explosion
18 minutes ago, alexxis said:
Also a question, since I haven't found this info in the original post: after enabling this plugin, will all the other previously created polls invisible until the polls will be closed? Or the effect of this plugin will be shown only on the newly created polls?
All poll results, regardless of time of opening in comparison to the installation of the plugin, will be hidden either forever or until the poll is closed.
20 minutes ago, alexxis said:That's a good idea making the poll results totally invisible! But in some situations/gaming communities this feature could be necessary not throughout the whole community, but only in some specific categories. That's why a suggestion: is it possible to implement a new settings, where we can choose, in which categories these invisible polls will be available?
Maybe in the future but I have no plans to work on new features on this one at present so just bug fixes (if any needed) If the plugin proves more popular, then new features will be added.
Edited by Nathan Explosion
1 minute ago, Gabriel Torres said:@Nathan Explosion It would be great if it could also detect links that IPS converts to embbeded code (e.g., youtube links are converted to embbeded videos).
Already does it 'out of the box' - the plugin discards html so the count doesn't included those. Links are different as a link actually has a text element too (ie the word show on the link) hence why I needed to do this new version.
If someone who buys the plugin has any other exclusions that they would like put in, then I'll do that.
Posted ·
Edited by Nathan Explosion
- Forum plugin which will allow you to impose limits on the number of words or characters which a post must contain before it can be submitted
- Ability to set limit based on number of words or number of characters
- Ability to set lower and/or upper limits on the number of words or characters.
- Ability to target all or just specific forums
- Ability to target all or just specific groups
- Configurable information message displayed to posters, and updated as they type
Edited by Nathan Explosion
Here you go....
6 hours ago, Silver Huang said:-
Playback video and audio file attachments in Blog posts?
- Answer: Yes, it will support the playback of video and audio file attachments in blog posts.
Embed and playback externally hosted video and audio, like on say YouTube and Soundcloud, in Blog posts?
- Answer: If it's already hosted on Youtube and Soundcloud, use the native IPS functionality provided by oembed. If it's a file hosted elsewhere without a player, then my plugin should be capable of playing the file. Example: is a direct link to a video and the plugin will play it. is the link for the same video but already hosted on youtube - the plugin will not not play it, and you should use the native IPS functionality.
What are the video and audio file formats that are supported for playback?
- Answer: Whatever your browser, or user's browsers, are capable of playing. The plugin doesn't provide the actual support for playback of the files - it's just a means to display the native HTML5 player for that file. Your browser provides the support for the ability to play those files. Want to test your browser's ability to show a HTML5 player? Go here:
Also, when do you think you'll be releasing version 1.1?
- I've got it pretty much ready to go now but I want to test it out a little more before I release - I'll have it released for sure before the end of the month, if not earlier.
Playback video and audio file attachments in Blog posts?
I've got another option that I was planning to include with version 1.1, but can put out a 1.0.4 for if people would like it sooner.
The default behaviour for the HTML5 video/audio is to preload the video or audio element - which means that the moment a user loads up to the page containing the video/audio element then that item is being downloaded ready to be played. I can see that being a problem with mobile data, so have an option to control the preload behaviours.
If you guys would like this feature sooner rather than later, let me know and I can put out another version.
Here is what I think is going on - you may have mp4 added to the list of audio extensions, which will mean that it is listed as both video and audio. The code execution will identify it first as video and then again as audio, and will use the audio player. If you have mp4 listed as an audio extension then remove it.
Helpfully asked via the review system (last time I'm going to provide support for anything posted there)
On 29/10/2017 at 11:35 PM, Virgo81 said:with the mp4 file does not appear on the video but the audio player
- Provide the MP4 file for testing
- Post a screenshot of the resulting item posted on your forum
- Provide a screenshot of the plugin settings for both Video and Audio
Asked via the review system:
QuoteCould you add the total time of the file and the remaining time - as played, on Safari there is none.
The tag is displaying as default in browsers, so is behaving as designed (not my design....this is just simple HTML5 going on here).
At a later point in the plugin's life, I may look in to adding this functionality through other methods (if possible) but for now - it is behaving as designed
Edited by Nathan Explosion
Just taken a look at an implementation of VAST ads at
The answer is yes, it would be possible to implement VAST in to videos - it looks like it targets the ID of the <video> tag, and then plays the ad before the video itself is played. I can't help with the integration of VAST itself, but I can make it easier for you by adding an ID to each video that matches up to the ID of the post within which the item is played (example: this post is ID number 2717066, so I'd make the video's ID nevid_2717066...I'll add in something to handle multiple videos in posts too.... nevid_2717066_1, nevide_2717066_2 and so on)
Then in your VAST implementation, you could target those IDs.
Edited by Nathan Explosion
9 minutes ago, juanjo88 said:Video Ad Serving Template, used to include ads in HTML5 players
Got an actual example of what it is you are looking for? I'd need to see one in place to understand it better, as I don't have time to go through that link - I've got a rough idea of what you are asking (ie user plays a video, the VAST stuff places an ad within that video?) Got an implementation guide I can read?
This plugin takes the following (attached audio/video files or remote audio/video links):
and produces the following:
Edited by Nathan Explosion
1 hour ago, Steve Bullman said:I would like to increase the size of the video but it appears its not responsive. Is there any css that can fix this?
Not possible with the default video settings I've put in place (started with the basics) but I've been looking at the additional options that could be available for the tag via javascript, so will keep this one in mind for a future version.
v1.0.2a of the plugin has now been released to fix the following issues (all users are encouraged to upgrade to this version as soon as possible)
- issue with capital letters in the name of the uploaded or linked items.
- issue with attached images and emoticons no longer displaying
- The image which Steve attached of a video displaying outside the width of the controls is from Chrome on a Mac, so I'm looking in to whether there are any kludges to force it back in line. If you come up with that issue on another browser, please post browser name and version details up here for me to check on.
v1.0.2a of the plugin has now been released to fix the following issues (all users are encouraged to upgrade to this version as soon as possible)
(NE) HTML5 Audio/Video Player
in Marketplace
Version 1.1 isn't released yet - see question 4 in this post: