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Gabriel Torres

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  1. Agree
    Gabriel Torres got a reaction from Unienc in Improvement to the logo JSON schema markup   
    This suggestion is regarding the logo schema markup that is added at the bottom of every page.
    Currently, the logo that is used is the theme's main logo. There are two issues with that, in my opinion:
    1. The main logo is rectangular, whereas the logo provided by the schema markup should be squared;
    2. The main logo changes with the theme. For instance, we have two themes here, a light one and a dark one, and in the dark theme, the logo has a dark backgound and different colors. This way, the logo will change depeding on the theme that is being used. If the dark theme is crawlable by Google, Google may display a different logo than intended in results.
    Therefore, I think it would be better if the logo in the JSON schema markup is (1) squared and (2) fixed (not changing depending on the theme).
    So, my proposal is to change the system/Output/Output.php file, from:
    if( $logo = \IPS\Theme::i()->logo_front ) { $jsonLd['organization']['logo'] = array( '@type' => 'ImageObject', '@id' => \IPS\Settings::i()->base_url . '#logo', 'url' => (string) $logo ); } To:
    if( $logo = json_decode( \IPS\Settings::i()->icons_homescreen, TRUE ) ) { $jsonLd['organization']['logo'] = array( '@type' => 'ImageObject', '@id' => \IPS\Settings::i()->base_url . '#logo', 'url' => \IPS\Settings::i()->base_url . 'uploads/' . $logo['original'] ); } Here I used the "homescreen" logo present in the Icons & logos page from the ACP because it fits the criteria I want (squared and fixed), but you may want to create a new setting for this specific logo.
    I hope you can improve this.
  2. Like
    Gabriel Torres got a reaction from SeNioR- in .jpeg images are shown as {fileStore.core_Attachments} link   
    @Jim M bug was caused by the plugin below. It must be removed from the Marketplace.
  3. Like
    Gabriel Torres got a reaction from SeNioR- in Is the ?d= parameter really necessary in Pages categories?   
    Here in our install we found the following issue.
    Because the source code adds the ?d= parameter in $table->baseUrl, navigation links also have this parameter.
    For example, for our https://www.clubedohardware.com.br/noticias/armazenamento/ page, the default navigation becomes https://www.clubedohardware.com.br/noticias/armazenamento/page/2/?d=6, https://www.clubedohardware.com.br/noticias/armazenamento/page/3/?d=6 and so on, instead of just https://www.clubedohardware.com.br/noticias/armazenamento/page/2/, https://www.clubedohardware.com.br/noticias/armazenamento/page/3/ etcetera.
    To fix this, I had to edit /applications/cms/modules/front/database/category.php and remove the following line:
    $table->baseUrl = $table->baseUrl->setQueryString( 'd', \IPS\cms\Databases\Dispatcher::i()->databaseId ); I know we have a very customized Pages configuration here, but I am giving you a heads up to check whether this line should really exist.
  4. Like
    Gabriel Torres reacted to Runar in Remove Link Tracking   
    Thank you for the report! I’ve identified the issue and a new version containing a fix will be submitted shortly. I apologize for the inconvenience and hope you haven’t lost faith in the plugin.
    Edit: I’ve set the price to $1,000 to prevent anyone from installing it until the fix is released.
  5. Like
    Gabriel Torres reacted to Runar in .jpeg images are shown as {fileStore.core_Attachments} link   
    As I wrote in the other topic, I’ve identified the issue and will submit a new version shortly. In the meantime, please disable the plugin. You might have to manually edit some posts, so hopefully not too many posts were made.
  6. Thanks
    Gabriel Torres got a reaction from Jim M in .jpeg images are shown as {fileStore.core_Attachments} link   
    @Jim M bug was caused by the plugin below. It must be removed from the Marketplace.
  7. Thanks
    Gabriel Torres reacted to Adriano Faria in Is the ?d= parameter really necessary in Pages categories?   
    This is used to load the form when the database isn't set on a page, @Gabriel Torres:
    /** * Show the pre add record form. This is used when no category is set. * * @return void */ protected function form() { ... } else if ( \IPS\cms\Pages\Page::$currentPage === NULL and \IPS\cms\Databases\Dispatcher::i()->databaseId === NULL and isset( \IPS\Request::i()->d ) ) { \IPS\cms\Pages\Page::$currentPage = \IPS\cms\Pages\Page::loadByDatabaseId( \IPS\Request::i()->d ); }  
  8. Thanks
    Gabriel Torres reacted to Marc in Is the ?d= parameter really necessary in Pages categories?   
    Ive flagged this for our developers so they can confirm
  9. Like
    Gabriel Torres reacted to Runar in Remove Link Tracking   
    This is perfect and very helpful, thank you!
  10. Thanks
    Gabriel Torres reacted to Jim M in .jpeg images are shown as {fileStore.core_Attachments} link   
    Please be advised I have transferred this odd issue to a ticket so that we can investigate it further. Please check your emails moving forward for any follow up information.
  11. Like
    Gabriel Torres got a reaction from SeNioR- in .jpeg images are shown as {fileStore.core_Attachments} link   
    Today I noticed a weird behavior here. Images uploaded by users with the .jpeg extension (note: jpeg with an "e", not jpg) are not rendered correctly. Instead, a link is displayed as below:

    Here are a few links where you can see the issue live:
    Everything is working fine for all other file types and image formats.
    The images are loaded correctly when we click on the links.
    Please advise!
  12. Like
    Gabriel Torres got a reaction from Runar in Remove Link Tracking   
    @Runar See below several examples of what could be cleaned out.
    These two examples are from amazon.com.br, but amazon.com, amazon.co.uk etc use the same format. Everything after the ASIN code can be removed. The stripped-down version of the same links would be:
    The first example was stripped-down correctly by the plugin, but not the second one. Everything after the .html can be removed.
    Also note that here the example if for the Portuguese version of Aliexpress, but it applies to any version of this website.
    Everything after the product number can be removed.
    I hope I have helped and let me know if you want more examples! 🙂
  13. Like
    Gabriel Torres got a reaction from SeNioR- in Remove Link Tracking   
    Does it cover Amazon.com affiliate links? Because one problem we have here is users "recommending" products, but the links actually have afilliate tracking info.
  14. Thanks
    Gabriel Torres reacted to SeNioR- in SEO: Blocked due to access forbidden (403) v. robots.txt   
    Oh wait these pages already have a "noindex" tag so no entry in robots.txt is needed.
  15. Thanks
    Gabriel Torres reacted to SeNioR- in SEO: Blocked due to access forbidden (403) v. robots.txt   
    also ?do=showReactionsComment because this parameter is also displayed to me in the "Affected pages"
  16. Agree
    Gabriel Torres got a reaction from SeNioR- in SEO: Blocked due to access forbidden (403) v. robots.txt   
    @Marc Stridgen Just a follow up regarding this specific report from Google (Coverage > Excluded > Blocked due to access forbidden (403)) and the changes I implemented here in my install that might be added in future versions.
    I added the following to our robots.txt:
    Disallow: /theme/ Disallow: /*/?do=markRead Disallow: /*/?do=reportComment Note that I didn't mention the /theme/ issue in my original post, but after analyzing the report, I found several /theme/?csrfKey=xxxxx links listed.
    I searched all templates and added rel='nofollow' to all links related to markRead and reportComment. This includes templates from Pages as well. There were several templates that I had to edit.
    The ?advanced_search_submitted= from my original post must be diregarded. This was caused by a link structure we had in our old, custom layout.
    With these changes, the number of "affected pages" dropped from 38.7k to 26.1k so far, and we hope to see this number dropping further in the next few weeks.
  17. Like
    Gabriel Torres got a reaction from SeNioR- in SEO: Blocked due to access forbidden (403) v. robots.txt   
    @Marc Stridgen Since we run a very large community, let me know if you need any report or access to our Google Search Console. I'd gladly give you full access.
  18. Like
    Gabriel Torres got a reaction from SeNioR- in Better representation of a banned user   
    We are old school here -- our website is up and running since 1996, with forums implemented in 2002. I understand what @Lindy says about the times that have changed. However for us here it is important to know when a user has been banned/suspended/restricted at the front-end, because we have several moderators and in a long topic, it is simply impossible to remember who in that topic has received warnings or is banned/suspended. Therefore, a solution to display banned info at the front-end only for staff members would be very useful, while preventing issues with regular users. This is already avaliable in the user's profile page; I mean adding this info at the user's miniprofile that goes along each post.
  19. Like
    Gabriel Torres got a reaction from SeNioR- in Transparent background in app (manifest) icon   
    I am testing our install's web manifest. All icons I configured have transparent background. However, the icon that is installed at my computer's desktop has white background. Ditto for the task bar. Please advise.

    If anyone cares to test: https://www.clubedohardware.com.br
  20. Haha
    Gabriel Torres got a reaction from Everade in Transparent background in app (manifest) icon   
    @Marc Stridgen Thanks. Anxiously waiting for this implementation/fix... 🙂
  21. Like
    Gabriel Torres reacted to Chippy365 in Better representation of a banned user   
    In fairness, I posted the topic because I felt the idea of a little badge that says when a user has been banned would be better suited for being in the native application rather than trying to work around it with plugins etc, but it's helpful 🙂
    It would arguably be of more use than having a moderator badge when there are group names in the post 🙂
  22. Thanks
    Gabriel Torres reacted to Marc in Transparent background in app (manifest) icon   
    I have added a flag for devs to take a look at this topic
  23. Thanks
    Gabriel Torres reacted to Marc in Transparent background in app (manifest) icon   
    I believe this may be the reason for this
  24. Like
    Gabriel Torres got a reaction from Jimi Wikman in PWA maskable icon   
  25. Like
    Gabriel Torres got a reaction from Ibai in Meta tags and indexing user profile pages   
    @Stuart Silvester brainfart here. I was aware of that, I even exchanged a couple of messages with you regarding robots.txt. We have in fact this directive in our robots.txt. I edited the title of this topic to reflect our current (and correct) discussion.
    # Block profile pages as these have little unique value, consume a lot of crawl time and contain hundreds of 301 links Disallow: /profile/ I was intrigued on why Google was still indexing my own profile and found this:
    That is exactly what is happening here.
    Therefore, based on what you wrote, besides the nofollow, I believe that probably it should be added the noindex directive to the user profile pages.
    However, in order for the noindex to work, the pages must not be blocked in robots.txt:
    Could you please take a look into this?
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