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The Old Man

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  1. Haha
    The Old Man reacted to Daniel F in Video Tip: ACP Tips and Tricks   
    It wa there ALL the time ?
  2. Like
    The Old Man reacted to Matt in Video Tip: ACP Tips and Tricks   
    That's probably the search keywords we add manually. When you want to prune, you might want the logs.
  3. Like
    The Old Man reacted to Joel R in Video Tip: ACP Tips and Tricks   
    Oh. My. God.  
    I thought I was fairly proficient in my ACP but apparently I'm peon-level.
    Copy settings - When did you invent this?? Where is this magic and wonder coming from?? Why have I never used this before?? I had no idea what this was until I watched your video.  Ive clicked in the button before but honestly thought this was some trivial dev tool that I never needed.  Do you know how many categories and boards in ALL of my apps where I've gone and manually copy-and-paste a setting?? There were times where all I did in one afternoon was go through hundreds of category settings to change a value.  This is blowing my mind.  I don't have any settings to change right now but who cares.  I'm now gonna change all settings in all my boards.  
  4. Like
    The Old Man reacted to Matt in Video Tip: Create a homepage in under 5 minutes with Pages   
    I can look at using the "zoom" function on Camtasia? Did you go full screen? There was some compression (was around 500mb) on the video but it looked watchable.
  5. Like
    The Old Man got a reaction from Matt in Video Tip: Create a homepage in under 5 minutes with Pages   
    Great to see these videos being done, thank you. 
    For info, I needed one of these to see it, even at 1080p in the YouTube app...

    "Awesome tutorial, so THOSE were the settings Matt was talking about!"
  6. Haha
    The Old Man got a reaction from Joel R in Video Tip: Create a homepage in under 5 minutes with Pages   
    Great to see these videos being done, thank you. 
    For info, I needed one of these to see it, even at 1080p in the YouTube app...

    "Awesome tutorial, so THOSE were the settings Matt was talking about!"
  7. Like
    The Old Man got a reaction from Claudia999 in Video Tip: Set up a curated video gallery in 5 minutes with Pages   
    You know I love IPS but as powerful as Pages is, your article templates are still so few, so limited and I'm sorry, but so outdated! Back in IP Content v2.whateveritwas, I was told you'd be releasing more article templates, but years later and there are still no new templates for rapid deployment. The problem is that almost all Pages websites seem to either look pretty much the same, or just awful. 
    Thank God for the Supergrid templates by @opentype and his very fair pricing policy, they offer a quick and attractive second option to the default template.
    Please release some more varied designs or perhaps consider partnering up with a good design company to get some more created.
    Many thanks!
  8. Like
    The Old Man got a reaction from motomac in 4.3: Modernizing our Gallery   
    Some great, long overdue improvements to Gallery, thank you!
    Touch enabled carousels, awesome!
    For me the ultimate test for Gallery has been watching someone not technical or familiar with the software try to navigate through 20 or even 50 images! So frustrating for dear Mum!
    I really like all the improvements but some feedback...
    Re the UI - I'm honestly not convinced but appreciate things can be styled to choice. The large, stark white square in screenshot 1 and the UI short (2) sure are pretty hard on the eyes, as is the Instagram style comments sidebar on the right of the light box. Perhaps some transparency or less white space would help. I'm really surprised about the ad placement idea too, I can't see many crying out for that, especially with the gathering preference for less intrusive ads.
    Great to see bulk tags when importing, but can you extend that to a tool for editing, adding, removing tags on exiting images?
    re: drag/drop Image reordering, will that resolve the difficulty with chronological ordered images, so for instance the photos of an event, parade, recipe etc can be displayed from start to finish in the correct order after being uploaded in the correct order, something I've been hoping for for years?
    Lastly, the eternal question...
    Will the Bulk Upload tool (from internal storage) finally return in 4.3? 
    Thanks again for the hard work. 
  9. Like
    The Old Man got a reaction from allahdhah in Video Tip: Set up a curated video gallery in 5 minutes with Pages   
    Wonderful news! Thank you. One step ahead!
  10. Like
    The Old Man got a reaction from kmk in Video Tip: Set up a curated video gallery in 5 minutes with Pages   
    You know I love IPS but as powerful as Pages is, your article templates are still so few, so limited and I'm sorry, but so outdated! Back in IP Content v2.whateveritwas, I was told you'd be releasing more article templates, but years later and there are still no new templates for rapid deployment. The problem is that almost all Pages websites seem to either look pretty much the same, or just awful. 
    Thank God for the Supergrid templates by @opentype and his very fair pricing policy, they offer a quick and attractive second option to the default template.
    Please release some more varied designs or perhaps consider partnering up with a good design company to get some more created.
    Many thanks!
  11. Like
    The Old Man reacted to Meddysong in Video Tip: Set up a curated video gallery in 5 minutes with Pages   
    Good stuff, Matt. When I started using Pages it took me a while to get to grips with it. A video like this will come in very handy for other new users, I'm sure.
    My main site's still under development and has quite a bit of Pages powering it. I don't want to link to it whilst it's still not ready but here's an example: a pronunciation database for language learners, powered by Pages:
  12. Like
    The Old Man reacted to Matt in Video Tip: Set up a curated video gallery in 5 minutes with Pages   
    Yep, more templates is on our short list for a major Pages update coming fairly soon.
  13. Like
    The Old Man got a reaction from Cyboman in Video Tip: Set up a curated video gallery in 5 minutes with Pages   
    You know I love IPS but as powerful as Pages is, your article templates are still so few, so limited and I'm sorry, but so outdated! Back in IP Content v2.whateveritwas, I was told you'd be releasing more article templates, but years later and there are still no new templates for rapid deployment. The problem is that almost all Pages websites seem to either look pretty much the same, or just awful. 
    Thank God for the Supergrid templates by @opentype and his very fair pricing policy, they offer a quick and attractive second option to the default template.
    Please release some more varied designs or perhaps consider partnering up with a good design company to get some more created.
    Many thanks!
  14. Like
    The Old Man reacted to media in Video Tip: Set up a curated video gallery in 5 minutes with Pages   
    This is the best video app
  15. Like
    The Old Man reacted to Durango in Video Tip: Set up a curated video gallery in 5 minutes with Pages   
    Nice tips, i might have a look at Page we dont use for the moment (except for embed plugins outside Invision on Wordpress)
    To have a video gallery on our site we have chosen :
    Really nice output, like Youtube :)
  16. Like
    The Old Man reacted to Phil Lilley in Team Talk: Show us your workstation   
    Dare I should show my office (man cave) and risk a take-over?  Location:  On the water somewhere in Missouri.  And yes it "rocks", literally.

  17. Haha
    The Old Man reacted to Day_ in Team Talk: Show us your workstation   
    You will have to tell me later as you're about to be cut off as Windows is updating 1 of 25343637 
  18. Haha
    The Old Man reacted to Day_ in Team Talk: Show us your workstation   
    Well if we're sharing he's mine. 
    2017 iMac Retina 4K, 21.5-inch, 3.4GHz i5, 16GB Ram MacBook Retina 12 Inch 2017, 1.4GHz i7, 16GB Ram iPad Pro 10.5 Inch HomePod 
    Apple fanboy? not at all, I just like things that work. I do have a window device as well behind me.
    78 Inch white UPVC, white plastic leaded, air cooling. (desperately needs a clean)
  19. Like
    The Old Man reacted to Lindy in GDPR updates for Invision Community 4.3.3   
    @DReffects2 - I appreciate you've done extensive research as applicable to your situation jurisdiction. We have expended an enormous amount of time and resources aiding our EU clients with GDPR compliance to the best of our abilities and it's our understanding, we've actually done more than most similar platforms. A temporary line has to be drawn somewhere or we're going to end up with, as Matt said, a barrage of half-baked features and checkboxes everywhere. We have consulted with the ICO, our largest EU clients and perused legal resources and are confident that our implementation as of 4.3.3 will help satisfy your compulsory requirements under the GDPR. I know you don't like the "let's wait and see" approach on your remaining potential concerns, but that is in fact a key purpose of the judicial system -- interpreting and providing subsequent guidance on existing regulation.
    We are committed to adapting and accommodating as needed, I assure you. We aren't, however, able to go crazy and toss things in based on armchair interpretations. From a layman perspective, a simple checkbox here and there seems easy. From a development perspective - you need to do something with that checkbox. As the contact form, when configured such, is merely an email form, there's nothing to do in the same way there's nothing to do when you actively send someone a traditional email -- you're sending the email because you want to initiate contact. If you wanted a "simple" checkbox on the contact form that's simply sending an email, you then need to provide a mechanism for obtaining consent, store the email address, store the consent, provide a mechanism to withdraw the consent to store the email, etc. None of that is necessary based on reasonable interpretations of the GDPR, so as developers with finite resources, we need to weigh out these requests that amount to a fair amount of development time with limited basis and simply say, if you're super concerned about untested, unchallenged, extreme interpretations for things like this, it's likely best, for your own peace of mind, to simply not use the feature.
    I say with confidence that although ultimate compliance with any local, national or international law or regulation is the responsibility of the community owner; 4.3.3 is GDPR friendly. If you feel you need to be more restrictive based on additional member state requirements, interpretations or even personal peace of mind - you can of course disable embeds, disable the contact form, disable spam mitigation, disallow tech support and/or peruse third party solutions. It's my opinion, however, the EU authorities are not intending to cripple the Internet or make it cumbersome, inconvenient and unenjoyable to use; only to hold providers, controllers and processors to task for safeguarding data... and in that regard, it's only a good thing. 
    There's a lot of information, opinions and suggestions floating through the comments here and it's difficult to keep track of. We welcome you to engage us via a support ticket for software and corporate specific information and, of course, you may use the client forums to discuss various scenarios, share opinions, tips, etc. 
    We appreciate the feedback and participation. Let us know if we can be of further help.
  20. Thanks
    The Old Man reacted to Matt in GDPR updates for Invision Community 4.3.3   
    We will. Which is why we're watching GDPR closely but not knee-jerking a bunch of half baked features into life that may never be needed or used.
  21. Like
    The Old Man got a reaction from Cyboman in GDPR updates for Invision Community 4.3.3   
    These improvements and tools are excellent and well considered, just what we needed, thank you. 
    I'd also urge some general caution and due diligence especially with any non-member requests for bulk personal data export, admins should put some procedures in place and make sure co-admins and staff are aware, to recognise a request and to reasonably check proof of identity before handing over bulk export data  to ex-members, banned or disgruntled ex-members who potentially have a grievance, or ex-members requesting deleting accounts. 
    It may be useful for current registered members to have a convenient option in their Account Settings to be able to request an export, so export could be performed automatically and recorded in the member history audit trail.
    I'd also urge caution in transmitting that XML data to the requester especially by email, be sure to provide some security such as sending it in a passworded and/or encrypted zip file. Double, triple check you're sending it to the correct person, email address!
  22. Thanks
    The Old Man got a reaction from princeton in GDPR updates for Invision Community 4.3.3   
    These improvements and tools are excellent and well considered, just what we needed, thank you. 
    I'd also urge some general caution and due diligence especially with any non-member requests for bulk personal data export, admins should put some procedures in place and make sure co-admins and staff are aware, to recognise a request and to reasonably check proof of identity before handing over bulk export data  to ex-members, banned or disgruntled ex-members who potentially have a grievance, or ex-members requesting deleting accounts. 
    It may be useful for current registered members to have a convenient option in their Account Settings to be able to request an export, so export could be performed automatically and recorded in the member history audit trail.
    I'd also urge caution in transmitting that XML data to the requester especially by email, be sure to provide some security such as sending it in a passworded and/or encrypted zip file. Double, triple check you're sending it to the correct person, email address!
  23. Like
    The Old Man reacted to Matt in GDPR updates for Invision Community 4.3.3   
    We can look at that in a future release.
    One thing I'm always mindful of is security of the account.
    What would a checkbox on a single use form do? 
  24. Like
    The Old Man got a reaction from DSystem in GDPR updates for Invision Community 4.3.3   
    These improvements and tools are excellent and well considered, just what we needed, thank you. 
    I'd also urge some general caution and due diligence especially with any non-member requests for bulk personal data export, admins should put some procedures in place and make sure co-admins and staff are aware, to recognise a request and to reasonably check proof of identity before handing over bulk export data  to ex-members, banned or disgruntled ex-members who potentially have a grievance, or ex-members requesting deleting accounts. 
    It may be useful for current registered members to have a convenient option in their Account Settings to be able to request an export, so export could be performed automatically and recorded in the member history audit trail.
    I'd also urge caution in transmitting that XML data to the requester especially by email, be sure to provide some security such as sending it in a passworded and/or encrypted zip file. Double, triple check you're sending it to the correct person, email address!
  25. Like
    The Old Man got a reaction from Joel R in GDPR updates for Invision Community 4.3.3   
    These improvements and tools are excellent and well considered, just what we needed, thank you. 
    I'd also urge some general caution and due diligence especially with any non-member requests for bulk personal data export, admins should put some procedures in place and make sure co-admins and staff are aware, to recognise a request and to reasonably check proof of identity before handing over bulk export data  to ex-members, banned or disgruntled ex-members who potentially have a grievance, or ex-members requesting deleting accounts. 
    It may be useful for current registered members to have a convenient option in their Account Settings to be able to request an export, so export could be performed automatically and recorded in the member history audit trail.
    I'd also urge caution in transmitting that XML data to the requester especially by email, be sure to provide some security such as sending it in a passworded and/or encrypted zip file. Double, triple check you're sending it to the correct person, email address!
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