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Everything posted by bradl

  1. I had to switch image handler to GD as ImageMagick wasn't displaying a user uploaded webp image. IPS hosted so not sure of which php extensions enabled (can't find phpinfo as on self-hosted).
  2. IPS is our hosting provider 🙂 but I accept that IPS can't control what archive.org is doing. You are right that there are some captures that seem to grab no styling, and some interspersed that seem to get part of it. Mainly thought I should ask in case there were any known generic blocking factors. It went from almost always being styled with a third party theme to almost never being styled lately since I attempted to simplify my life 😞
  3. I don't use a third-party or custom theme but spawn a child off the default theme and use custom.css. When I did use a third-party theme in 2020 and before it was snapshotting nicely. I feel like I must have something misconfigured or perhaps something in my custom.css that is killing archive.org's crawl of our club's site. Any tips for troubleshooting appreciated.
  4. It appears in Jotform notifications, submissions and whatnot to be passed as a [p] with [br] line breaks. The rich text setting passes a series of [div]s. I haven't tried email as an action (don't see it listed as an available Invision action). Since the rich text workflow seems functional, I think I'd call it solved, for my needs anyway. Cheers.
  5. On the editor issue I settled on using the Jotform TextArea set to Rich Text and then added css to the form to hide the hideous (nicEdit-panel) button bar.
  6. Would still like to get formatted text (at least line breaks) into the generated post. Following up with another question in addition to missing line breaks in post content: in setting up the zap on the invision task, I set the to be post Hidden Status thusly: However when the post is created it is in the approval queue instead of approved+hidden as expected. For my purposes I can live with this but thought it possibly worth mentioning. Perhaps I have some moderation setup incorrect. I do get confused with moderator groups vs moderator staff etc. 😛
  7. Sorry about all the questions — now that a jotform → IPS post trigger is basically working I'm trying to make some display improvements in the posted topic. I'm trying to get the simplest form input type on the jotform side that will translate line breaks to the created post on the IPS side. Textarea: mapping the form textarea to post content strips out all line breaks in the post. Back to testing basic textarea. This is on a separate line as textarea input, with zap formatting yields The jotform submission log and notification emails preserve the line breaks as entered. I feel like I need a "|raw" somewhere 🙂 TinyMCE: test submissions using Tiny MCE as the message content field seem to preserve line breaks and indeed all formatting during testing. I get excited! But once I enable the zap and deploy the form, the incoming message field is empty. CK / Squire editors: these seem to pass encoded content of some kind, and results in an empty field content for the post. {"widget_metadata":{"type":"htmltext","value":"PGRpdj5NZXNzYWdlIGdvZXMgaGVyZTwvZGl2Pg=="}} Any tips for getting formatted post body content?
  8. Well I managed to somehow bumble my way through and get it working. For the Forum issue I used the Custom option and inserted the forum slug (e.g., 62-contact-form-feedback) as a hidden form field and lo, a post was created. Mark as solved 🙂
  9. Interestingly I enabled some advanced editor and it then let me pick any member from a dropdown. So that's great. Next hurdle, setting the forum to post in.
  10. I would like to funnel jotform submissions into forum topics. I believe I see where and how to map form fields into the topic body, but I'm stumped as to how to specify the author of the post. My assumption is that I will need to include a hidden field in the form that will map to post author — in this case I would use a forum admin account to be the post author. What is the format required for post author that the Invision zap will recognize as author?
  11. Is there a way to configure something so that admin or mods can change an article author from the front end Edit view? In other words, to add this: to this: My wandering around hasn't turned up a setting or version-current marketplace plugin. Thanks for a pointer, if it's possible 🙂
  12. bradl

    Group Mention

    In my test "group of one" the mention returns the test member if group membership is primary; if group membership is secondary hovering reports: " No members found in this group" Same for a group of 8 (Officers and Board, secondary group) "No members found in this group" — both groups have permission to mention and be mentioned. IPS 4.6.9 / GM 1.0.8
  13. I eventually found a successful declaration to force the badge approach. .ipsBadge img.ipsImage {max-width:100px !important; max-height:100px !important} I'd still be interested in how to use the Custom formatting option (directly in the field setup) to address the array.
  14. The staff page makes a handy and attractive public-facing directory for my dog club. I would like to be able to list the same member — as an individual — in more than one category. One thing that grumps me every time I update it is that sometimes an officer will also be the contact for a different public facing club role, for example Vice President and also Rescue Contact. I cannot add them twice (error msg prevents it) so I either have to bury their other role in the main 'bio' card (usually upsetting the grid alignment), or use a one-member Group to get them listed on an additional card for that role. However the group method does not permit a customized 'bio' where I normally put specialized contact info; nor can a custom name be used, so I can't communicate the role without also setting up a category to hold the card. I have no idea what's behind the limitation but would love to see it overcome.
  15. CSS question, mostly, probably. I'm struggling with Pages custom formatting for a database field that will receive PDF and/or image uploads (multiple). I'd like any uploaded images to display as thumbnails around 100px or so. The hint text for Custom advises: "If using multiple uploads, $value is an array of File Objects." Sadly I don't have any idea how to make that information actionable 😛 I have tried using one of the predefined label:value badges and that does a nearly-useful thing of providing a colorized field name and wee tiny thumbnails. I'd be willing to live with that if need be but I can't seem to arrive at the correct combination/order of selectors to embiggen the thumbnails. Browser inspector lets me tinker such that .ipsBadge img.ipsImage {max-width:100px; max-height:100px} does the necessary, but I can't seem to express that as CSS that I can add to the page.css for that particular database.
  16. Seems to be working in terms of creating a paid topic. Cool! I do get an error when clicking on the paid topic content tab from a member profile. OutOfRangeException: (0) #0 /var/www/html/106147/system/Content/Content.php(171): IPS\Patterns\_ActiveRecord::load(582) #1 /var/www/sitefiles/r260001/applications/chargefortopics/extensions/core/Profile/chargeForTopics.php(67): IPS\_Content::loadAndCheckPerms(582) #2 /var/www/html/106147/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php(345): IPS\chargefortopics\extensions\core\Profile\_chargeForTopics->render() #3 /var/www/html/106147/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(101): IPS\core\modules\front\members\_profile->manage() #4 /var/www/html/106147/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php(73): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #5 /var/www/html/106147/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\core\modules\front\members\_profile->execute() #6 /var/www/html/106147/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #7 {main}
  17. Ah, that makes sense and explains it well. Thank you so much for identifying the conflict.
  18. Thank you. "Peggy Appel" can't see any topics. On the other hand "Tess Case" can. Both have the relevant secondary group applied. The forum in question is https://www.crctc.org/forums/forum/101-member-input/.
  19. Hrm. Just tried to have our club sec'y test it and the forum shows "No posts here yet" or similar. Here are the settings I think are involved. Group set as moderator: Forums for access: Permission toggle: Member with secondary group set: Topics I see as admin but secretary does not see. If I log in as Test member, I see only the test post as expected. But members of the secondary group set as moderator do not appear to see them. Is there another toggle hiding somewhere my blurry eyes have missed? 🥺
  20. Whelp, the "group as moderator" approach actually does seem to now be working, despite not working at first. Maybe a cache timed out or something? In any event, seems to be working for the nonce.
  21. I've tried adding the Officers & Board group as a moderator with read/post permissions to the forum. If I then select an officer and from the ACP and "sign in as" that member I do not see any posts in the subforum (all the posts were created by me, an admin).
  22. I'm struggling to get the intersection of group and forum permissions and settings correct on a subforum. The intention is Any member of the primary group club member can post a topic in a "Feedback to the Board" subforum. The club member will only see their own topics in the subforum. Any member of the secondary group officers & board can read, and reply to any post in this subforum. In particular, can I do this without involving the Moderator group? If possible, what combination forum settings and forum and group permissions could I use for setting this up?
  23. Member ID = 22. Transaction ID = id=914. Product =store/product/97-trophy-fund-donation (Dues Renewal →Trophy Fund Donation) set to admin view only now. Thanks!
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