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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by UK Fiesta Network

  1. Tried that, it looks bloody awful :lol:

    In the end I've had to resort to doing what I really didn't want to, ie changing the member group to a very slightly off-white greyish hue, so it is still visible on both the white background of the info bubble and the dark background of the rest of our site, whilst still vaguely in keeping with the group theme.

    Shame we can't just add style properties to the template divs, but I assume this causes some conflict with google, hence the map not loading if we do fiddle.

  2. Had anyone found a definitive way to change the background colour of the infobox yet? Nothing mentioned in this thread has worked (all the CSS indicated previously is already a different colour) and I'm getting beyond fed up with trial and error. I managed to change the username and "remove marker" text with a few CSS tweaks, but the infobox appears to be a real pain...

    The obvious workaround of adding a div or span class to the mapInfoBox template prevents the map from displaying at all, as does such simple amendments as removing the <h3> tags or attempting to insert a style class within a div, p etc. I cannot for the life of me work out what the heck is going on with this.

    The reason I'm trying to amend the infobox background colour is that the default style of one of our usergroups is white text, and no CSS change will override that as the element style of the {$memberData['g_title']} takes priority. Literally the only way is to either change the colour scheme of our member groups, which isn't practical, or remove the member titles from the infobox altogether, which I'd prefer not to do.

  3. Yes, this works very well except when you add custom markers. You need to wait until the map is populated a bit then the custom markers will not affect the map as much.

    I have both custom markers and member markers on the map, and changing the above line works fine on my map.

    Initially I just had member markers and had changed the line in mapGoogleJavascript to set the initial zoom. When I added custom markers, it displayed the original zoom behaviour of centering based on the custom marker locations. As soon as I changed that line in mapGoogleCustomMarkers it always opens at zoom level 6 (which is how I set it).

    There is still the problem in where a user adds the same location such as city and State, etc... only one marker shows.

    True, this is a bit of a pain as I'm sure many users will just add their rough geographic location (town/city) rather than street address. From looking at the (admittedly rather confusing) google API code groups, it seems this is something that hasn't been specifically addressed in v3 except with the use of various plugins/mods which frankly baffled me. The options seem to be combining the infobubbles or tabbing them.

    Not a clue :lol:

    I have managed to get clustering working with custom markers though, so feeling rather pleased with myself...

  4. Not sure what you mean. It's included in the entire page. Let me explain.

    I had the default (with edits) set around 3. It shows around 3/4 of North America and Europe. Every time a user visits the page this is what they see with all the markers unless they zoom to a particular area. When they change forum sections and come back to member map, the default is seen again.

    Well, all that went out the window when I added a custom marker. It zooms the area all the way in to show the average of markers that are listed. So if you only have 10 markers in a single area that is the area that shows as default and not the 3/4 of the world.

    I can see how the default view would increase in area once members from other areas start to enter their locations but until then...

    Had the same problem, just amended the bounds in mapGoogleCustomMarkers and it worked fine as before

    map.setCenter(bounds.getCenter(), INSERT NUMBER HERE);
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