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  1. Can someone step me through how to do this (i.e., step one > step two > etc.)? I was looking at a member's page today, and I could not see how to find his content, but I thought I remembered that this was possible from a member's page in the admin CP in the past. Thanks, KL
  2. Thanks @Daniel F. Going to the Forums Setting page now. Thank you.
  3. I would like to disable the new highlight blocks on my site: if the members do not have the option to disable the highlight blocks themselves, I want to disable them completely, site wide. They simply waste 30% of screen real estate. All the members who have contacted me have said they would only have a glance at the highlights once and then after that they are working in a small space than usual.
  4.    Kit_L reacted to a comment: 4.5: Everything else
  5. I trialled another (free) forum software (phpbb) for a year alongside Invision Community software in 2011, and looked at many others. I decided to go with the self-hosted, paid version of Invision Community. We now have over 2,000 members, but that's not the impressive aspect. Invision Community allowed us to build one of the largest (and perhaps the largest) repository of free information on stretching, flexibility, and mobility available anywhere on the net, and we built a thriving community organically in the process. Sincere thanks. Kit Laughlin https://kitlaughlin.com/forums